Scotland’s red squirrels are true forest icons 🐿️ With their vibrant reddish-brown coats, tufted ears, and agile leaps through the treetops, they’re a joy to spot in the wild. 🧡 But these charming animals face challenges, from habitat loss to competition with grey squirrels. That’s why #rewilding efforts and #woodland restoration are so important – supporting red populations and creating habitats where they can thrive. 🌳 Did you know? 🤔 The Scottish Highlands is the largest remaining stronghold for red #squirrels in the UK - home to around 75% of Scotland’s total red squirrel populations! Play your part in red squirrel conservation by reporting your sightings 👉 📷 Chris Aldridge [Image Description: A photo of a red squirrel perched on a branch holding a pine cone.] #RedSquirrelAppreciationDay
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Salmon habitat restoration is making waves at Rainier Beach's Be'er Sheva Park. 🌱🐟 Ecologists and community partners are working to create a safe haven for juvenile Chinook salmon in Mapes Creek and along Lake Washington’s shoreline. The project includes installing large wooden logs for shelter, creating floating plant structures to restore native vegetation, and improving water quality by removing invasive species and litter. "That's incredible that this has been here for a few years, but what else can we do to enhance the habitat in the area to, again, [increase the number of] juvenile Chinook salmon that come and rest and get bigger to go on their journey to the Puget Sound?" said fish ecologist Ashley Townes. "It was so cool to see the effect of restoration on that level back then. We thought, let's do some more restoration, and let's be more creative on how we can focus on the fish, focus on the other wildlife — like the birds — and also focus on water quality." Read the full story by Nimra Ahmad on the Emerald. /// #News #SeattleNews #Salmon #BeerShevaPark #RainierBeach #Seattle #SouthSeattle #SouthEnd
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Explore Gallatin County’s open spaces! Have you ever looked at your property tax bill and wondered what the “County Open Space” line was for? Now you can see where those funds are going with the Open Lands Program mapper! This interactive map highlights conservation easements and open lands projects funded by the Open Space Levy voters approved in 2018. These projects help: - Conserve farm and ranch lands - Protect wildlife habitats - Safeguard water quality - Provide recreational opportunities A prime goal of the Open Space Program is to conserve and enhance the county’s uniqueness – from its striking mountain vistas to its rich farmland and abundant wildlife. The Open Space Levy, passed by voters in 2018, helps fund these efforts by protecting the landscapes that make Gallatin County so special. Check out the interactive map today to explore conservation easements and open lands projects across the county. Find the map here: And learn more about the Open Space Program by visiting #gallatincountymontana #openspace #localgovernment #landuseplanning #communitydevelopment #gis #interactivemap #montana #conservationeasements #recreation #outdoors #agriculture #wildlife #watersheds
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Are you planning a tree planting project? 🌳 According to the Somerset Tree Strategy 2023, Somerset's tree cover by area is below the national average. The loss of our trees and woodlands has, in some places, been devastating for dependent species, or wildlife which travels through wildlife corridors created by areas of woodland. At a landscape level, woodland size, diversity, and connectivity need to increase. Planting trees can be a relatively easy, community-focused and extremely rewarding way of helping local wildlife, but the success of planting will depend on choosing the right tree for the right place. ✅ For #NationalTreeWeek, find out how to choose the right tree for the right place with our handy guide: #RightTreeRightPlace #Trees #Woodland #NatureRecovery #Landscape #Conservation
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🦅 Scotland’s Raptors On The Way To Recovery 🌿 🧪A new report from WildLand Cairngorms reveals a resurgence of golden eagles, hen harriers, and goshawks in the Cairngorms National Park. 📍 Part of the Cairngorms Connect partnership, this initiative is restoring vast landscapes—showing how long-term conservation can work. 🔎 Key takeaways: ✅ Raptors are returning after decades of decline. ✅ Habitat restoration is making a measurable impact. ⚠️ Challenges remain: illegal persecution, habitat loss, and climate change still pose risks. 📢 Read more here: #Raptors #Scotland #Wildlife #Conservation #Cairngorms #Biodiversity #HabitatRestoration
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Did you know that it's #WorldPeatlandsDay today? 🎉 Peatlands are amazingly wild places, home to rare and unusual plants, birds and insects. They are wetland landscapes characterised by waterlogged soils made of dead and decaying plants, called peat. The Wildlife Trusts have been at the forefront of the fight to protect peatlands since the 1990s, and are leading on peatland restoration projects across the UK. To date, Wildlife Trusts have restored over 120,000 football pitches worth of peatlands in England alone. There is still work to do, and your support is crucial. Here are some actions you can take today to show that you love peatlands 💚 ✍️ Sign the peat-free pledge: 🏡 Start making your own compost: 🌱 Ask your local garden centre to stock peat-free compost and plug plants NOW! #BogsNotBags #ForPeatsSake #Landscape #NatureRecovery #Peat
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Great news! Queensland’s two newest national parks have been officially established, adding 16,700 ha of land to the state’s Protected Area Estate (PAS). The 10,300 ha Redcliffe Tableland National Park sits some 114 km west of Mackay and preserves endangered regional ecosystems that provide refuge for the endangered northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus) and vulnerable squatter pigeon (Geophaps scripta scripta). Some 6,400 ha of the former Squirrel Creek State Forest, 110 km NW of Brisbane have been converted into Squirrel Creek National Park, protecting riverine wetlands that are essential habitat for the vulnerable plumed frogmouth (Podargus ocellatus plumiferus) and black-breasted buttonquail (Turnix melanogaster). A further 18,600 ha have also been added to existing national parks and conservation parks – most dedicated as part of the Labor Government’s commitment to transfer 20,000 ha of state forest to the PAS under the Native Timber Action Plan. These latest dedications bring the total area of state forest added to the PAS to just over 13,000 ha. NPAQ looks forward to seeing further, and more rapid transitions from state forests to national parks over the coming months and years. #ProtectedAreas #StateForests #WildPlaces #ActionPlan #30by30 #Threatenedspecies 📷 (Left to right): Google Maps, CanvaNFP, Wirestock/Dreamstime, SJ Bennet Wikimedia Commons.
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Restoration efforts on the Riverby Ranch Mitigation Site in Fannin County, Texas have provided a safe haven for over 200 species of birds, including a variety of grassland species that are currently experiencing steep population declines such as Dickcissels, Bell’s Vireo, and Grasshopper Sparrows. One such species, the Northern Bobwhite, otherwise referred to as “quail” or “bobwhite”, occupies a particularly valuable ecological and economic niche in this region of Texas, acting as an umbrella species for grassland bird communities and as a popular game bird and important source of income for rural communities. In order to determine the efficacy of restoration efforts on the population of bobwhite quail on the ranch, annual spring call counts, as well as various other bird survey methods, have been implemented with this spring count call conducted in May of 2024. Read more about the report here:
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🌲Offering a path forward through Wildlands protection.🌲 This time last year the study, Wildlands in New England: Past, Present, and Future, was released which filled a critical knowledge gap by providing an inventory of the location, characteristics, and protection status of all 1.3 million acres of Wildlands across the six New England states. Created by Wildlands, Woodlands, Farmlands & Communities in collaboration with NEWT, Harvard Forest, and the Highstead Foundation the impact of this report has been a call to action to include Wildlands protection as part of an integrated approach to conservation that also includes forests managed for wood products, natural spaces for recreation and renewal, and farmlands that produce local food — all existing among communities that rely on the health and beauty of the land that they call home. Once such example of integrated Wildlands is Muddy Pond Wilderness Preserve: "The distribution of many newer smaller Wildlands in suburbs and more densely populated areas, such as Muddy Pond Wilderness Preserve in exurban Kingston, Massachusetts, halfway between Boston and New Bedford, represents a growing emphasis on increasing accessibility for broader populations, and achieving Henry David Thoreau’s vision of a natural park in every town. (Wildlands in New England page 60)" 🔗 Check out the report here: #landprotection #newengland #foreverwild #landtrust
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ACC helps the land & sea! Managing Cape Cod’s natural resources is a big endeavor, but ACC is up to the task. Whether it’s removing invasive species, clearing trails, planting community gardens, installing shorebird fencing, cleaning up herring runs, or culling oysters, my Corps mates and I are here to help get things done! Natural resource management is one of ACC’s four program focus areas. It is an especially important mission because Cape Cod’s land and water need our care and protection. 🌳🌊 #BarnstableCounty #AmeriCorpsCapeCod #NaturalResourceManagement #Conservation #ConserveLandAndWater #WeAreACC #GettingThingsDoneForCapeCod
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Did you know many of the bush birds that live in the Mount Lofty Ranges have been in decline for many years, as a result of habitat loss and changes to the landscape? Take the Beautiful firetail, for example. One of the most threatened birds in the region, the firetail was recently listed as endangered, with surveys over the past decade showing Deep Creek National Park and its surrounds are the last remaining stronghold for this particular species. The good news is a $1m SA Government project is now underway to restore important heathland and grassy vegetation on the Fleurieu Peninsula and eastern Mount Lofty Ranges, to help bring woodland birds back. Some of the money will be used for monitoring to better understand the threatened species population. A partnership between Department for Environment and Water, Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board and Mount Lofty Ranges Bird Recovery Alliance, the project will help the endangered firetail, but will also benefit other species, such as the southern emu-wren. Follow the link to read more about this important project to restore vital habitat for woodland birds on the Fleurieu Peninsula and Mount Lofty Ranges: #WoodlandBirds #Birds #EndangeredSpecies #Habitat #MountLoftyRanges #FleurieuPeninsula #Adelaide #SouthAustralia
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Inixion - Sage X3 specialists have planted 225 trees so far in our grove, with many more still to be planted! We hope to visit our Grove very soon too. Great cause. 🌲 ❤️