Urbanissta’s Post

🌳 🌲 Hertsmere Council Approves 186-home Grey Belt Scheme with 80% Affordable Housing.. ❌ Hertsmere Borough Council has approved a 186-home scheme on what it describes as grey belt land after Planning Officers placed very substantial weight on its affordable housing provision policy in a decision the LPA said reflects Labour Government’s proposed policy of easing the release of low-quality green belt for development. ✖ Officers afforded significant weight to the schemes community benefits, including the provision of allotments on the application and improved accessibility for all users. The Officers also ascribed moderate weight to the enabling of the housing scheme development; improvements to the Public Right of Way (PRoW) network, and a biodiversity net gain (BNG) of 11.42% for habitats and 31.31% for hedgerows, with some of this BNG achieved on the site itself within the biodiversity area that would be inaccessible to the public. ✖ ❌ Consequently, the Officers concluded that the benefits of the scheme would comprise very special circumstances, which demonstrably outweigh the harm to the green belt and any other harm as identified. They therefore recommended for approval subject to the agreement of a unilateral undertaking and conditions.” #planning #newhomes #development #homes #houses

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