Is this country headed for a sunset or sunrise?  WARNING RANT AHEAD!

Is this country headed for a sunset or sunrise? WARNING RANT AHEAD!

You never know what will happen tomorrow, so always be grateful for today! Thank God for absolutely everything! Tell you family daily just how much you love them! And do not forget to tell your friends they are appreciated.I am reminded every day how lucky I have been to be an American and had the privilege to sever our once great nation. Even though I am facing the greatest challenges of my life right now and things in our country seem hopeless, For the first time ever Americans feel like that their children don't have the opportunity to do as good as they did.., We are still doing good enough to make a change and set things sailing in a sunrise direction over a sunset direction. I am ever reminded that there are far less happy place to be in situations to be in. I my travels to other places on earth I have seen hopelessness, and misery. Places where people life in fear and have no chance at a better tomorrow. We still have a country where if by no other process we can make changes in the way we can live our lives by using other processes as a last resort. Its in our history and we have accomplished this one time of the 2 attempt and even though the 2nd attempt didn't go so well, it still made changes in a positive direction. My point is this. I have had a lot of time the last few weeks to see just how much our country has changed and I am not complaining for myself. The changes I see are not good for anybody. Even those who are on the bottom of the economic ladder, have less and less opportunity to do better because of the changes. I still hope and believe that Americans and the people who have recently arrived with the intent to live the American dream will see what is happening and find a way to do things better. I see people who are fed up with being told no you cant, I am sorry there there is nothing we can do.. And to top it all off, Veterans like myself who can and want to do better are being suppressed to a point where they are choosing to end their lives rather than continue to fight to make a difference for themselves and their families That in itself should tell you that something is terribly wrong with our country. The media and other want you to believe that its PTSD, That is only a symptom, The cause is that a lot of them have no hope and have simply given up because they feel like they have no opportunity to get a job or get real help from a very broken medical system. While we do have some benefits such as a chance to get an education, that alone does nothing if we cant get jobs or get the real training and credentials needs to compete in the ever shrinking job market. Do I fell this way. Absolutely! I shudder when I think about our nations youth who are still having to live at home with parents well into their 20's and 30;s and who are piling up debt and student loans with little to no hope of being able to get a job that will actually pay a decent professional wage.I have learned a lot about how things have changed and how the system is breaking down. We have leadership in this county that has lost focus on what this country is supposed to be and what it is supposed to represent to the rest of the world. Its not to late to make a difference. This country has overwhelming talented and educated professional people, some veterans who can make this country great again. I feel like I can be one of those people, However we are a very small minority. We need the support of everyone Who feels the same way. People like you who have had enough of being told NO, or I am sorry, there is nothing we can do! Its time to stop talking about it and start putting words into action. We need to connect and network and discover that talent, those educated people who have a better idea, connect those people with the people who have a voice and the fiscal means to generate awareness and possibilities. Hopefully sooner because I honestly believe that we don't have until later!
Just putting my thought down, your comments and feedback are welcome
Thanks for reading!

Adais Garcia

Master Sergeant at US Army


I concur Brother in Arms GREAT published story


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