Who Said the Brits Can't Cook

Who Said the Brits Can't Cook

Transplanted from the North of England to the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area, (which just happen's to be a veritable hot bed of some of the world's best restaurants) I've been told many times that the British can't cook. Or here's one, how about this old joke "what's the smallest book in the world?" Answer, Great British Food, Ouchh. 

Well goodbye and farewell to the days when everything was fried in delicious lard, although I have to admit that chips or French fries cooked in lard are about the most yummiest thing you could ever put in your mouth. Of course they can also take a good 10 years off your life, nothing that scrumptious comes without a price. I think it just might be worth it though. Memories of those warm chip butties still visit my dreams from time to time, doughy, big white rolls, slathered with salty butter and filled with lard fried chips, oh heaven! The butter would melt down your arm as you were devouring it. 

Then along comes the likes of Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsey and Nigella Goddess Lawson to spoil all the fun, and force us to change the way we see food. All joking aside they have been responsible for bringing British Food out of the shadows. We're not the culinary joke of Europe anymore, we are on a level playing field with France.

Heston Blumenthal's restaurant The Fat Duck in Bray, Berkshire continually receives 3 Michelin Star ratings, and is is considered one of the best restaurants in the world. 

Oyster And Passion-Fruit Jelly on Lavender Served In An Oyster Shell

 Violet Tartlets And Apple Pie Toffees In Edible Sweet-Paper

Truffle Toast With Radish And Parsley

It's known for its fourteen-course (yes that's correct) tasting menu featuring dishes such as nitro scrambled egg and bacon ice cream, an Alice In Wonderland inspired mock turtle soup involving a bouillon packet made up to look like a fob watch dissolved in tea, and a dish called Sound of the Sea which includes an audio element. The restaurant has an associated lab where Blumenthal and his team develop new dish concepts. (Courtesy Wikipedia) 

On a final note I'm imagining what my husband would say if I served him up 'nitro scrambled bacon and egg ice cream,' actually I do know, he'd ask "what the duck is that, where's the flipping butter pecan ice cream?" How about an audio element for his tuna salad sandwich, I hear the theme from Jaws approaching. 

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