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havsglimt and BlackliteWrath

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Brings the Circle of the Blighted subclass for Druids to Baldur's Gate 3.

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I know I said I was done with Druid subclasses, but I simply couldn't pass on another Druid embracing death and decay. Published in Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn, Blighted Druids harness the corruption that plagues the land which they defend—and what better place for a corrupted Druid's origin story than BG3's Shadow-Cursed Lands?

An enormous thanks to BlackliteWrath for creating the fundamentals for this mod, and for creating the subclass icon and resource icons!


Starting at 2nd level when you choose this circle, you can use a Bonus Action to corrupt a patch of land in a 3m radius centered on a point within 18m of you. This corruption lasts for 1 minute. The corrupted area is Difficult Terrain for creatures that are hostile to you. Additionally, when a creature in the area takes damage from an attack or spell for the first time on a turn, it takes an extra 1d4 Necrotic damage. 

Starting at 10th level, the area of your Defiled Ground increases to a 6m radius. Additionally, the extra damage dealt by your Defiled Ground increases to 1d6 when you reach 10th level in this class, and 1d8 at 14th level.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a Short or Long Rest.
Your main feature, which interacts with most other subclass features. For obvious reasons it's restricted to land areas, and sadly you can't move it after casting it due to restraints in the game code. I added some visuals to this one, and decided to also add the Shadow-Cursed Vines surface where you cast Defile Ground, but you and other creatures will be immune to its effects so it just becomes a cosmetic addition.

Also at 2nd level, your physical form begins to show effects of the corruption you wield. You gain Proficiency in the Intimidation skill.

Additionally, while you are transformed by you Wild Shape feature, the corruption protects you from harm, increasing your Armor Class by 2. Your beast form also gains an additional 18m of Darkvision.
The way this ability is portrayed kind of requires you to imagine your corruption being visible in more of a "made visible in character creation" kind of way, since there's a strict limitation in decent visual effects that would fit the original description ("blackened veins across your skin, [...] gnarled, bony protrusions, or other eerie phenomena"/"gnarled spines protrude from your body"). I did flavor this in a way that you're visually affected by your corruption, but there are no protrusions or similar effects that you can put on your character except for what's available through mods in character creation. Since you can now use the Magic Mirror whenever, you can always add more stuff to your character as you level up!

You can toggle the visuals from this feature on and off while in your Wild Shape, and it will automatically be disabled when your Wild Shape is removed by any means.

At 6th level, you learn to summon the feral children of the forest from the life force of your enemies. When a creature that is not Undead or a Construct takes damage within the area of your Defile Ground feature, you can use your Reaction to summon a Blighted Sapling in an unoccupied space within 1.5m of the creature. You can direct the Sapling to make a melee attack as a part of this Reaction. 

The Blighted Sapling remains in your service until it's reduced to 0 hit points, until the end of your next Long Rest, or until you summon another Sapling, at which point it crumbles into foul-smelling mulch. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.
Works like in 5e, except for the fact that the Reaction is not implemented as an Interrupt, which would be ideal. Instead, it works like Circle of Spores' Reactions, which you can trigger manually. The Blighted Sapling takes the shape of a slightly smaller Needle Blight, and inherits your Proficiency Bonus, which affects its Armor Class and damage dealt. It's Resistant towards Necrotic and Poison damage, is Vulnerable to Fire, and has Blindsight to a range of 18m.  The rest of its stats are listed in its stat block.

When you summon your Blighted Sapling, you can use a temporary spell (which also becomes highlighted, so you don't miss it) that you can cast on the Sapling to give it a free attack. 

Starting at 10th level, the creatures you conjure are malformed and bloated with toxins. Any Beast, Fey, or Plant summoned or created by your spells or class features gains the following traits:

•  Blighted Resilience. The creature has Immunity to Necrotic and Poison damage, and to the Poisoned condition.

•  Toxic Demise. When the creature is reduced to 0 hit points, it explodes in a burst of toxic mulch or fetid viscera. Each creature within 1.5m of the exploding creature must succeed on a Constitution Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC or take a number of d6s of Necrotic damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus. As an Action, you can also cause a summoned creature to explode, immediately killing it.
Works like in 5e, except the damage done by Toxic Demise is always set to the "No Challenge Rating" damage from the Toxic Demise damage table, since CRs aren't really a thing in BG3.

This feature causes all your summons to look like they're sickened and bloated with toxins, like the feature says. 

At 14th level, your physical form begins to take on the tainted traits of the land to which you are bonded, granting you Resistance to Necrotic damage and a +2 bonus to your Armor Class.

Additionally, whenever you start your turn within the radius of the corruption created by your Defile Ground feature, you can use a Bonus Action to gain temporary hit points equal to your Proficiency Bonus.
*Requires a mod that allows levelling past level 12.*

Works like in 5e. The original description mentions that "your skin grows ashen, and your eyes darken or turn completely white," and that "spines and jagged spurs emerge from your body"—I added an effect that turns your eyes black, but the rest of the effects I leave to you to emulate in character creation if you wish to do so since it's not really doable as visual effects on your character.

As with the Blighted Shape feature, you can toggle the visuals granted by this feature on and off.


•   For some reason the old, 3m radius version of Defile Ground will still be there when you gain the upgraded 6m radius one. I don't know why this is, but you can simply just remove the old one from your hotbar when you get the new one.

•   Some spells, like Call Lightning, don't always seem to trigger the bonus Necrotic damage from Defile Ground. I don't know why this is, but apparently it's a thing.

•   Sometimes the Blighted Shape VFX toggle button disappears from your hotbars when you use your Wild Shape. You can just open your spell book ('K' by default) and add it back if this happens.


Start BG3 Mod Manager and press the "Open Mods Folder" button on the top bar, or press Windows + R and type %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods\.
Open "CircleoftheBlighted.zip" and place "CircleoftheBlighted.pak" in the Mods folder.
Refresh the mod list in BG3 Mod Manager by pressing F5, and move the mod from inactive mods to active mods in the mod manager window. If you encounter any issues, try placing it further down in the load order. Make sure you use the "Public" profile.
Click "Save Load Order to File" in the top bar and launch the game.

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Circle of Stars FOR DRUIDS
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