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About this mod

Replace VATS with bullet time. Manualy use critical outside of VATS.

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This is attempt to replace VATS system with bullet time. Based on great VAFS - VaultTec Accelerated Focus System by Ashnal. Since I wanted use MCM hotkeys, I decided to completely rebuild the mod from scratch, adding some new ideas. Mod Configuration Menu is now required, as well as F4SE.

What is new
  • MCM support for configuration and hotkeys (to use Q change VATS hotkey in game menu first)
  • Settings stored in MCM\Settings\VAFS Redux.ini
  • Fixed or replaced mechanics that didn't work
  • Support for Perks excluded in original mod
  • Restored chems, now one slow time won't activate while other is active
  • Slow time from perk Nerd Rage! and Marty's legendary armor mod dispel VAFS
  • Weapon AP cost taken directly from equipped weapon - supports new weapons
  • New animation for using Critical and Four Leaf Clover (like in VATS)
  • Disabled VATS, can be activated in MCM, but mod aims to replace it
  • VATS ability are usable outside of VATS (Awareness, VANS)

MCM Hotkeys
  • hotkeys to activate Focus and Critical are accepted only without modifier (no Shift, Ctrl, Alt)
  • if key is already in use by game (like Q for VATS), you need to change it in game settings or it won't work in MCM
  • Awareness and Vans abilities are used holding hotkeys for Focus and Critical
  • Awareness and Vans can use separated hotkey if set in MCM and will accept modifier (e.g. Shift+Q)
  • MCM won't accept gamepad button as hotkey, you will need to use consumables or third party program to simulate keyboard press with gamepad

Focus replaces VATS with bullet time, that scales mainly with Perception. For most parts, vanilla VATS accuracy is replaced with slow factor (how strong will slow time be). In comparison to original mod, slow factor is lower, especialy with low Perception (can be boosted in MCM), so it's less usefull without investment, just like VATS, and to keep similar "slow time" effect still viable. You can use addictive Jet with strong slow time or use VAFS Focus, that is limited by AP, with weaker slow time and damage penalty. Don't worry though, if you build your character around VAFS, slow time will be even stronger than Jet, and damage penalty can be adjusted or completely turned off in MCM.

  • Slow time scales with Perception, Perks, Equipments
  • Activate/deactivate with MCM hotkey
  • Various MCM options for AP cost, visual and sound
  • While active drains AP/s (def. 30) and for every weapon attack
  • Weapons uses their actual AP cost x Mult (def. 0.75 for similar values as original)
  • While active +20% accuracy with non-auto weapons but -20% damage (configurable)
  • Focus will deactivate when AP runs out, switching weapon or scripted slow time activates
  • Depleting all AP with attacks stop AP regen for 2 sec

Perception and Slow Time
  • 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 PER => 20/28/35/41/46/50/53/56/58/60% slow
  • With *Stronger Focus option -> 40/46/52/56/60/63/65/67/69/70% slow
  • Each PER past 10 => +1% up to max 80% at 30 PER (*up to 85%)
  • Slow factors are multiplicative not additive

Successful hit builds up Critical Meter, that can be used anytime. If used in VAFS, replenish part of AP, otherwise slows time for next attack. Fill rate increases with Luck and is lower outside of VAFS (configurable). HUDFramework by registrator2000 is required for Critical Meter widget, but works fine without it.

  • Separate critical meter outside VATS
  • Critical fill rate increases with Luck and is lower outside VAFS (configurable)
  • Use Critical for next attack with MCM hotkey (~3 attacks with automatic weapons)
  • Using critical outside of VAFS will slow time by 50% for next attack
  • Using critical in VAFS will restore AP, amount = 2x passive AP drain
  • Various MCM options for AP cost, visual and sound

  • Requires HUDFramework, otherwise disabled
  • MCM hotkey for Config mode (change position and size while playing)
  • Options when and how long is widget shown
  • Position and Size

All VATS related perks included. VAFS uses its own perks, checks if character has their vanilla counterparts and applies new effects. Some effects of original mod was modified or completely changed. DLC perks also works, but requires patch for ingame Perk Menu to be shown correctly.

Ironfist (rank 5): Using Critical with punching attack will paralyze oponent (vanilla paralyze spell)
Awareness (2): +5/10% slow and +0/10% damage in VAFS
  • Use ability with hotkey* while facing your target (range increases with Perception and scopes)
  • Show target's Name, LVL, HP, Resistances and target hostility (red/green outline)
  • optional Area Scan in VAFS to subtly highlight all targets
Demolition Expert (rank 4) - Reduces incoming damage of all explosions in VAFS by 50%
Sniper (rank 3): +20% slow with semi-auto scoped rifles and -20% AP drain in VAFS
Penetrator (2): In VAFS gain 30/50% balistic penetration, do +15/30% energy critical damage and +0/10% damage with all ranged weapons
Concentrated Fire (3): -10/15/20% passive AP drain in VAFS
  • +5% damage for every attack on same body part up to +15/30/50%
  • 1st hit gains no extra damage (0 -> 5% -> 10% ...)
  • Hit chain isn't disrupted by switching VAFS on/off
Attack Dog (rank 1): +10% slow while canine companion is active
VANS (rank 1): +5% XP, and usable ability with hotkey*
  • optional Explorer challenge: +5/10/15% speed if not in combat with holstered weapon per 50/150/300 discovered locations
Quick Hand (rank 2): -80% passive AP drain in VAFS while reloading
Blitz (2): In VAFS moves +100/200% faster and do +0/25% damage, while unarmed or holding melee weapon
Gun Fu (3): Until you exit VAFS, do +25% dmg to 2nd target/ +50% to 3rd/ always crit on 4th and beyond
  • Fixed - wasn't working correctly in original mod
  • New - in VAFS first hit on each new target also restore some AP until targets limit is reached
Mysterious Stranger (4): Successful attack in VAFS increases chance that MS appears for 6/8/10/12 sec
  • Chance increment is 10% of vanilla values, starts at 0 and grows until MS kill at least one enemy
  • MS appear near your target and engage him with unique .44 revolver (500 dmg)
  • MS leaves when time is up, there is no more enemies, or enter bleedout state
Critical Banker (4): Increases the amount of Critical that can be hold
Grim Reaper's Sprint (3): Killing in VAFS has 15/25/35% (by default) chance to AP (by default 500 AP)
Four Leaf Clover (4): Any hit during VAFS has chance to give an extra crit charge
Ricochet (rank 3): Killing enemy with ricochet has 25% chance to fill Critical meter
  • VATS chance is disabled to prevent situation where you could get critical meter filled in one but not in other

> Companion Perks
Isodoped (Hancock): +20% critical fill rate while irradiated (+250 Rad)
Killshot (MacCready): +10% slow in VAFS

> Magazine Perks
Islander's Almanac n.2 (DLC): +5% critical chance in VAFS on animals you are in combat with

Items with VATS related effect not included in original mod are now covered. Effects that activate on critical hit, like Freezing (freeze on crit) or Relentless (restore AP on crit) Legendary weapon mod works without any modification.

> Armor
Marty's armor: Slow time will turn off VAFS and for its duration VAFS won't be available
VATS Enhanced (VAFS Enhanced): -10% AP cost
VATS Matrix Overlay (VAFS Matrix Overlay): -10% passive AP drain in VAFS

> Weapons
Lucky: Critical do double damage and critical meter fills 15% faster
Stalker's: Activating VAFS outside of combat icreases slow time by 75%, but attacks cost 50% more AP
VATS Enhanced (VAFS Enhanced): +20% slow and -20% AP cost
VATS Enhanced melee (VAFS Enhanced): -40% AP cost

> Chems
Jet (and other chems): restored vanilla effect, VAFS won't activate under its influence
Orange Mentats: +5 Perception and -10% AP drain in VAFS for 8 min

Like original mod this mod is designed to be as much compatible as possible. With few exeptions, all entries and scripts are new and separated from vanilla game. Most incompatibilities comes from changed names and description. For example, Perk changing mod will work if loaded after this mod. You will loose VAFS description but both mod will work.

Vanilla Edits
  • Description for Perks, Items, Stats and Loading Screen (they still keep their VATS effects)
  • Ricochet (rank 3) chance for VATS is controled by VAFS
  • Scripts: LegendaryMagicEffectSlowTimeScript.psc and PerkNerdRageSlowTimeScript.psc (code)

There are 3rd person animation related issues that I won't be able to fix:
  • character can't melee attack in 3rd person with Blitz perk while moving - game issue tied to move speed animation
  • firing auto weapons in 3rd person in VAFS drain AP ~3 times - again issue with 3rd person animation

In more details, anything that increase character move speed past certain point will couse unability to attack while moving in 3rd person. Most likely it is related to game animation that change from runing to sprinting and thus prevent character to attack, becouse there is no animation for attack while sprinting (don't have much experience in that so its all deduction from testing). For multiple cost while using automatic weapon in 3rd mode there also seems to be a little different animation in 3rd person that looks like gun is fired multiple times and after testing I am inclining to be issue of animation as well. If anyone know better about these issues I will be glad to corrected, until then I recomend to play in 1st person specificaly for those two situation.

Big thanks to people, whose work made this mod possible.
VAFS - VaultTec Accelerated Focus System - Manual Criticals and Bullet Time by Ashnal
Mod Configuration Menu by reg2k - Neanka - shadowslasher410
HUDFramework by Registrator2000
FOMOD Creation Tool by Wenderer