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About this mod

Pilgrim is a complete overhaul of Skyrim’s religion system that adds dozens of new deities and with powerful shrine effects to the game.

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Pilgrim - A Religion Overhaul

Pilgrim is a complete overhaul of Skyrim’s religion system that adds dozens of new deities and with powerful shrine effects to the game. It also turns several priests in the hold capitals into vendors who sell thematically appropriate items such as amulets, potions, spells, and scrolls. The priests also offer services such as Cure Disease Potions and scrolls of Divine Intervention. 

Pilgrim contains several custom map markers which will be displayed automatically if you use the awesome CoMAP - Common Map Markers Addon Project, which we highly recommend.

Pilgrims and Cultists 

Pilgrim adds two perks to the game, Pilgrim and Cultist respectively. The Pilgrim perk is in the Restoration tree, and it governs gods such as the Divines, Auriel, and the All-Maker. The Cultist perk is in the Conjuration tree, and it governs gods such the Daedra, Mannimarco, and Sithis.

Both of these perks have two ranks, one at 30 and one at 60 of their respective. The first rank doubles the strength of the relevant shrines. The second rank adds a second, additional bonus that you receive when you are under the effect of the relevant shrines. 


The first time you pray at a shrine, you will receive a Lesser Power called Prayer. This power will allow you to meditate in order to receive a blessing from the last shrine you prayed at. Prayer works with both Divine and Daedric shrines, and you do not need to have invested in either the Pilgrim or Cultist perks to use it. 

Praying in this manner does not cure diseases (in fact, neither does praying at shrines--check the “Priestly Vendors” section for more important on how to cure diseases with this mod). 

The Shrines 

The Divines

The Divines are the most commonly worshiped gods in the land. They have numerous temples, amulets, and shrines located around the world. They are governed by the Pilgrim perk in Restoration.

Akatosh - You gain 10/20% more experience. / You have 25 extra Health, Magicka, and Stamina. 

Arkay - Your Health is increased by 25/50. / Your Armor Rating is increased by 100.

Dibella - Your Stamina Regeneration is increased by 25/50%. / Your Disease Resistance is increased by 100%. 

Julianos - Your Magicka is increased by 25/50. / Your spells cost 10% less Magicka.

Kynareth - Your Stamina is increased by 25/50. / You move 10% faster and take 50% less damage from falling.

Mara - Your Magicka Regeneration is increased by 25/50%. / Wards resist 50% of incoming weapon damage.

Stendarr - Your Health Regeneration is increased by 25/50%. / You are 25% better at blocking and bashing.

Talos - Your Shouts last 25/50% longer. / Your Shouts deal 50% extra damage.

Zenithar - Your buying and selling prices are 10/20% better. / Your Carry Weight is increased by 100.

Pilgrim also buffs the amulets of the Divines to match the power of their shrine bonuses.

Other Benevolent Deities 

These deities are worshipped by other cultures not native to Skyrim. Although their worship is less common, it is not usually perceived as malicious. Their shrines are rare, and may be more difficult to find. They are governed by the Pilgrim perk in Restoration.

Auriel - Your Magicka is increased by 25/50. / Your sun spells work on the living, Daedra, and automatons. 

- Your Stamina is increased by 25/50. / You deal 25% extra power attack damage while wielding a One-handed weapon with an empty off-hand.

- Your Stamina regeneration is increased by 25/50%. / You spend 25% less Stamina when power attacking or drawing a bow. 

Jone and Jode
- You deal 5/10 extra unarmed damage. / When you fall below half Stamina, your Stamina Regeneration is increased by 100%. 

- You have 5/10% Spell Absorption. / You have 25% Magic Resist. 

- Your Armor Rating is increased by 50/100. / Blocking with a shield reduces incoming spell damage by 50%.

- Your spells and enchantments cost 5/10% less. / Your Fire Resistance, Frost Resistance, and Shock Resistance are increased by 25%.

- You deal 5/10 extra unarmed damage. / When you fall below half Health, your Health regeneration is increased by 100% 

- Your Magicka Regeneration is increased by 25/50%. / You move 25% faster while casting spells.

- Your Health is increased by 25/50. / You take 25% less damage while power attacking, drawing a bow, or casting a spell.

- Your Stamina is increased by 25/50. / You move 25% faster while drawing a bow.

Tall Papa and The All-Maker 

These two deities are listed separately because they have slightly more complex effects. They are governed by the Pilgrim perk in Restoration.

The All-Maker  - The All-Maker does not have a single shrine. Instead, each of the six All-Maker Stones represent one aspect of his being. 
     The Beast Stone - You have 50/100% Disease Resistance. / When you enter combat, you call the Pride of Hirstaang to your side. 

     The Earth Stone - You have 50/100 Armor Rating. / Blocking with a shield reduces incoming power attack damage by 50%. 

     The Sun Stone - You have 25/50% Fire Resistance. / Your Health regenerates 50% faster in combat. 

     The Tree Stone - You have 25/50% Poison Resistance. / Your potions last 50% longer.

     The Water Stone - You have 25/50% Shock Resistance. / Your Magicka regenerates 50% faster in combat.

     The Wind Stone - You have 25/50% Frost Resistance. / Your Stamina regenerates 50% faster in combat.

Tall Papa - You gain 10/20% more experience. / You have an additional unique effect based on your Standing Stone.

     The Apprentice Stone - Your Magicka regenerates 50% faster.

     The Atronach Stone - Your Magicka is increased by 100.

     The Lady Stone - When you fall below half Health, Magicka, or Stamina, your Health, Magicka, or Stamina Regeneration is increased by 50%. 

     The Lord Stone - Your Health regenerates 50% faster.

     The Lover Stone - Your Stamina regenerates 50% faster.

     The Mage Stone - Staves and weapon enchantments cost 25% less.

     The Ritual Stone - Your summoned and reanimated minions deal 25% extra damage.

     The Serpent Stone - Your Poisons last for 50% more hits.

     The Shadow Stone - You deal 25% extra damage with sneak attacks and spells.

     The Steed Stone - You move 10% faster, and your carry weight is increased by 50.

     The Thief Stone - You spend 20% less Stamina when power attacking or drawing a bow.

     The Tower Stone - Your Armor Rating is increased by 50, and you reflect 50% of incoming melee damage back at your opponent.

     The Warrior Stone - You take 25% less damage while power attacking, drawing a bow, or casting a spell.

The Daedra and Other Malevolent Deities 

These deities are dark gods whose worship is shunned by polite society. They are, for the most part, Daedric Princes, although a few other malevolent entities are presented here. The powers these gods provide are much more volatile, and extract a great cost from their worshippers. They are governed by the Conjuration perk Cultist. 

Azura - Your Magicka is increased by 25/50. / Your weapon enchantments are twice as strong, but cost five times as much.

- Your Stamina is increased by 25/50. / You spend 50% less Stamina while power attacking or drawing a bow, but your Stamina cannot regenerate in combat.

Clavicus Vile
- Buying and selling prices are 10/20% better. / Scrolls are 50% stronger, and you find scrolls much more often, but your Magicka is permanently depleted. 

Hermaeus Mora
- You have a 5/10% chance to absorb the Magicka from incoming spells. /  Spells and enchantments cost 25% less, but your Magic Resistance is reduced by 50%.

- Your Movement Speed is increased by 5/10%. / Drawing a bow costs twice as much Stamina, but subsequent attacks with a bow against a single target deal up to 50% extra damage.

- Your Stamina is increased by 25/50. /  Power attacks are 50% stronger, but all other attacks are half as strong.

- Your Conjuration spells cost 10/20% less. / You can reanimate one additional zombies, but when you do not control a reanimated zombie, your Armor Rating is reduced by 150 and your Magic Resistance is reduced by 25%.

Mehrunes Dagon
- Destruction spells cost 10/20% less. / You reduce the Fire, Frost, and Shock Resistance of all nearby enemies by 25%, but your own Fire, Frost, and Shock Resistance are reduced by 50%.

- Your Health is increased by 25/50. / You deal 50% extra damage to enemies who fall below half Health, but you take double damage when you fall below half Health. 

- Restoration spells cost 10/20% less. / You deal 25% extra damage to the undead, but you take 25% extra damage from the undead.

Molag Bal
- You have 25/50 extra Magicka. / You cannot regenerate Magicka in combat, but you absorb 20 points of Magicka per second from nearby enemies.

- Your Health is increased by 25/50. / When you feed on a corpse, your Health regenerates twice as fast. When you have not fed, you cannot regenerate Health.

- You are 10/20% better at sneaking. / Sneaking drains twice as much Stamina, but your critical chance and critical damage are doubled while sneak attacking with a bow.

- Your Stamina Regeneration is increased by 25/50%. / Your poisons last for twice as many hits, but your Poison and Disease Resistance are reduced by 100%.

- Your Health Regeneration is increased by 25/50%. / Your potions last twice as long, but when you are not under the effect of a potion, your Movement Speed is reduced by 50%.

- Your Magicka Regeneration is increased by 25/50%. / Your Frenzy spells deal 10 Magic damage per second, but you take double damage from frenzied targets.

- You are 10/20% better at sneaking. / Sneak attacks with One-handed weapons deal 50% more damage, but all other attacks deal 50% less. 

- Illusion spells cost 10/20% less. / Illusion spells last half as long, but they reduce enemy Armor Rating by 150 and Magic Resistance by 25%. This effect is reversed for Command spells.

Priestly Vendors 

Pilgrim turns one priest in each of the five major cities into a special class of vendor. These priests will sell a few spell tomes, but more importantly, they will sell healing and defensive items such as potions and scrolls. They will also sell special scrolls of Divine Intervention. These scrolls will allow you to teleport to their respective temples. If you are an Expert or above in Restoration, you will be able to buy a spell of Divine Intervention from each of the five priests, which will allow you to teleport to their temple without consuming an item. 

Since shrines no longer cure diseases in Pilgrim, the priests will be sure to stock extra potions of Cure Disease. You may wish to purchase a few before embarking on a long journey. 


Pilgrim is not compatible with other religion overhauls. Pilgrim is compatible with all Standing Stone overhauls (if you were worried about Tall Papa).

Pilgrim is compatible with Adamant without a patch. It will overwrite any effects from Adamant, so if there are any discrepancies between the two mods, Pilgrim will win. You should make sure to use the latest version of Adamant and Mysticism. You should not use the “Adamant Shrines and Amulets” plugin with this mod. 

If you’d like to use Pilgrim with Ordinator, Vokrii, or Vanilla perks, you’ll need to download one of the patches we’ve provided within the FOMOD. The Vokrii patch changes Auriel's buff since Auriel's functionality is already included in Vokrii as a perk.

Pilgrim does edit the Vanilla magic effects for Sun Fire, Vampire’s Bane, and Stendarr’s Aura in order to implement Auriel’s “Bathed in Light” ability. Sorry, there's no other way to implement this effect. 

There are no Vanilla keywords for Poison and Sun magic, so for this mod to recognize spells as either Poison or Sun spells, you should add my keywords to them (MAG_MagicDamagePoison and MAG_MagicDamageSun, respectively). These keywords are injected. You will also need to manually implement Bathed in Light similar to how it was done with Vanilla spells. We have provided a patch for Odin that does this already.

Pilgrim is compatible with Breton Paladin with the patch provided.

If you want to add Pilgrim support to your own mod without need of a patch, you can find an article detailing how here.

The Simonrim Team 

Simon Magus (Nexus / Patreon) 
DeltaRider (Nexus / Patreon)
Oreo (Nexus / Patreon)
Colinswrath (Nexus / Patreon)

The Simonrim Suite

Aetherius - A Race Overhaul
Mundus - A Standing Stone Overhaul
Mysticism - A Magic Overhaul
Adamant - A Perk Overhaul
Hand to Hand - An Adamant Addon
Blade and Blunt - A Combat Overhaul
Arena - An Encounter Zone Overhaul
Scion - A Vampire Overhaul
Manbeast - A Werewolf Overhaul
Stormcrown - A Shout Overhaul
Pilgrim - A Religion Overhaul
Thaumaturgy - An Enchanting Overhaul
Artificer - An Artifact Overhaul
Sorcerer - A Staff and Scroll Overhaul
Apothecary - An Alchemy Overhaul
Gourmet - A Cooking Overhaul
Journeyman - A Fast Travel Overhaul
Candlehearth - An Inn Overhaul
Starfrost - A Survival Overhaul

Tate Taylor's Mods 

Gladys the Corgi - A Custom Dog Follower Mod
Merlin the Corgi - A Magical Dog Follower Mod
C.O.I.N. - Coins of Interesting Natures
Knight of the North - A Creation Club Quest Overhaul
Canis Hysteria - The Werewolf Disease
The Lost Races of Aetherius