About this mod

This mod overhauls the Creation Club Farming Creation.

Permissions and credits
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This mod makes the following changes to the Creation Club Farming Creation.

General changes:

  • Goldenhills Plantation cell: set as a "NoReset" zone.
  • Goldenhills Plantation cell: default set all items as owned, prior to completing Unquiet Dead.
  • Prior to Unquiet Dead, you can find the family still alive, with some custom dialogue lines and AI packages.
  • Pre-quest: Urval sells crops, Jonquil sells potions, ingredients and recipes and trains alchemy (up to 50).
  • I've added exterior chimneys and dragon landing markers to the farmhouse and bunkhouse.
  • I've added additional beds for farmhands. (Both outside, before you get the bunkhouse, and inside the bunkhouse, afterwards.)
  • I've vastly increased the amount of fertile soil. (121 fertile soils in total) I decreased the amount of planters available initially to 13, but you can buy more, up to a total of 121. (This can be disabled by using the optional file for no extra which leaves them at 13.) See below for more information.
  • I've added a way to customize the daily income by using a multiplier. (see customization) By default this is set to 0.75.
  • I've added an option to recruit guards. Up to 4 pairs (each with a day and night shift guard, requires at least 1 farmhand to be recruited, default cost: 2000 gold per pair)
  • I've added an option to hire a carriage driver. (requires at least 1 farmhand to be recruited, default cost: 2500 gold)
  • I've connected Goldenhills to the main road using a path.
  • I've increased the cost of hiring farmhands through the steward to 1000 gold (up from 250 gold.)
  • I've added tents for the farmhands and guards to sleep in, if you haven't build a bunkhouse.
  • I've added a 2nd floor to the bunkhouse with extra beds for the farmhands and guards.

The Unquiet Dead quest:

  • To start the quest, you need to be level 15 (customizable) and talk to an innkeeper in either Rorikstead or Whiterun and ask them: "Are there any problems around town that need handling?"
  • Inside the house, there will be haunted objects similar to those in the House of Horrors.
  • Expanded the quest to where Rin can be found. (some extra quest steps.)
  • Rin (ghost form) will have some additional lines, thanks to JaySerpa.

Once Unquiet Dead is done, you will no longer instantly get the plantation, but instead:

  • You can hand in the bounty of the ghosts at Whiterun's steward and get some gold as a reward.
  • You can now buy the Goldenhills Plantation at Whiterun's steward for 10,000 gold.

Recruiting beggars as farmhands:

  • Up to 5 beggars are now recruitable, given you have at least performed a small favor. (have raised disposition with them.)
  • You can buy better clothes for beggars, when they've been recruited as a farmhand.
  • Snilf and Edda are recruitable by donating them one gold. (the same applies to NPCs added by mods, that are in the beggar faction.)
  • To recruit Brenuin, you need to complete his quest.
  • To recruit Degaine, you need to either fail or finish his quest.
  • To recruit Narfi as a farmhand, you need to complete his sister's quest.
  • If you recruited Narfi as a farmhand, the Dark Brotherhood quest to kill him will no longer start.

If you have started the Dark Brotherhood quest to kill Narfi:

  • When talking to Narfi, you should still have the option to start his sister's quest or recruit him as a farmhand (if you completed his sister's quest.)
  • If you recruited Narfi as a farmhand, while you are on the Dark Brotherhood quest to kill him, you can try to persuade Nazir (Speech 75 req to succeed) to tell him you have dealt with Narfi, without the need to kill him. (But you still have an option to kill him, if you want.)


To upgrade the amount of planters, you'll need to talk to your farmhands:
  • Upgrade 1: req: 1 farmhand, default cost: 250 gold.
  • Upgrade 2: req: 1 farmhand, default cost: 500 gold.
  • Upgrade 3: req: 2 farmhands, default cost: 750 gold.
  • Upgrade 4: req: 3 farmhands, default cost: 1000 gold.    
  • Upgrade 5: req: 4 farmhands, default cost: 1500 gold.
  • Upgrade 6: req: 5 farmhands, default cost: 2000 gold.   


You can use console commands to customise this mod.

set CCFarmingLevelReq to X
X is the level requirement to start the quest. (default is 15) This only works if you haven't started the quest yet.

set ccVCSSE004_DailyGoldRewardMult to X
X is the value that the daily gold earnings is multiplied by. (default is 0.75) Decimal values can be used as well.

set GoldenhillsPlantationPriceGlobal to X

X is the price of the plantation. (Default value is 10,000.) Do note that if you change this value after you started the quest, The Unquiet Dead, the dialogue line at Whiterun's steward will still say "10,000 gold", despite the actual value being changed.

set VSVGLO_OutfitFarmhandPrice to X

X is the price to have a farmhand buy better clothes. (Default value is 100.) Do note that if you change this value after you started the quest, The Unquiet Dead, the dialogue line may still say 100 gold, despite the actual value being changed.

set VSVGLO_FH to X

X is the cost of a farmhand that's hired through your steward. Default value is 1000. Do note that if you change this value the dialogue line may still say default amount of gold, despite the actual value being changed.

set VSVGLO_PlotUpgradeCost01 to X

X is the cost of the 1st planter upgrade. Default value is 250. Do note that if you change this value the dialogue line may still say default amount of gold, despite the actual value being changed.

set VSVGLO_PlotUpgradeCost02 to X

X is the cost of the 2nd planter upgrade. Default value is 500. Do note that if you change this value the dialogue line may still say default amount of gold, despite the actual value being changed.

set VSVGLO_PlotUpgradeCost03 to X

X is the cost of the 3rd planter upgrade. Default value is 750. Do note that if you change this value the dialogue line may still say default amount of gold, despite the actual value being changed.

set VSVGLO_PlotUpgradeCost04 to X

X is the cost of the 4th planter upgrade. Default value is 1000. Do note that if you change this value the dialogue line may still say default amount of gold, despite the actual value being changed.

set VSVGLO_PlotUpgradeCost05 to X

X is the cost of the 5th planter upgrade. Default value is 1500. Do note that if you change this value the dialogue line may still say default amount of gold, despite the actual value being changed.

set VSVGLO_PlotUpgradeCost06 to X

X is the cost of the 6th planter upgrade. Default value is 2000. Do note that if you change this value the dialogue line may still say default amount of gold, despite the actual value being changed.

set VSVGLO_GuardPrice to X

X is the cost of each pair of guards. Default value is 2000. Do note that if you change this value the dialogue line may still say default amount of gold, despite the actual value being changed.

set VSVGLO_CarriagePrice to X
X is the cost of a carriage. Default value is 2500. Do note that if you change this value the dialogue line may still say default amount of gold, despite the actual
value being changed.


I'd recommend the following mods:

These mods are currently incompatible:


A: Yes.

Q: Is this compatible on a existing save?
A: Unfortunately, no. The way the Creation Club Farming Creation works is by running a script at startup. If this script has run, it is not easy to undo that in a mod, like this. I'm sorry for this inconvenience, but a new game is required. If you do decide to do this midsave, I will be unable to provide any support.

Q: Will you make a seperate version for <insert reason>?
A: I won't be making any seperate versions, but I might consider making the feature a customizable option.

Q: Does installing/updating/uninstalling on an existing save work?
A: No, it won't, unfortunately.

Q: Is this compatible with <insert mod>?
A: I don't know by heart. You might need to check yourself.

Q: Will you make a patch for <insert mod>?
A: Only if it's a mod I use myself or plan on using, I have enough time and I actually like the idea. Otherwise, feel free to do it yourself. (see permissions)

Q: I have a suggestion to improve the mod. Can you do it?
A: Maybe, if I have time and I like the idea, I'll consider it.

Q: Will you port this to <insert platform>?
A: No, I myself only support the Steam and GOG English SE and AE versions of Skyrim. If someone else wants to port it, feel free. (see permission) If you decide to port it, you yourself take full responsibility to offer support to said port. I will not provide no support for any ports by third parties.

Q: I use a ported version of this mod on <insert platform> and I have a problem. Can you help?
A: I don't provide any support for third party ports on other platforms than the Steam and GOG English SE and AE versions of Skyrim. If you have issues, you should adress the person that ported it.

Q: Does this work on Skyrim 1.6+, aka "Anniversary Edition"?
A: Yes, it should.

Q: Why don't your mods use MCMs and instead use this janky console command system to set globals?
A: I am not a fan of MCMs. You can set the globals by making a patch in xEdit. I have no plans of changing this. If you want to add an MCM, feel free. (see permissions)

Q: Why don't you use FOMODs?
A: That would require reuploading the entire mod, in question, even if I only make a small change. My internet is limited and reuploading the files each time will take a huge chunk of my monthly volume.
