
Diana Schnetgöke


Boosting Work Wellbeing: Tiny Habits, Big Impact

Telekom, as an employer, is aware of its responsibility for its employees. Therefore, we initiate various measures to support employee satisfaction and health and achieve well-being, especially against the backdrop of increasingly global digital collaboration and remote work. Mindfulness is crucial in this context - it allows us to focus on our work, care for those around us, and foster meaningful connections in our relationships. With our in-house program, Tiny Habits, we promote mindfulness among Telekom employees.

The Age of Overstimulation

In today's fast-paced world, overstimulation has become an inherent aspect of our daily lives. The pervasive "always on" culture inundates us with a constant stream of information and demands for our attention. This overload contributes to what psychologists’ term as mental load, a psychological stress resulting from the organization of everyday tasks and responsibilities. Juggling numerous tasks simultaneously has become the norm, but the concept of multitasking, once glorified, has now been debunked as a myth. Research indicates that attempting to multitask not only leads to mental strain but also increases the likelihood of making errors.


Despite our efforts to optimize and organize our time efficiently, the pursuit of constant optimization has proven to be futile. Time remains a finite resource, and the relentless quest for efficiency often leaves us feeling drained and overwhelmed. As a result, many times we are prioritizing work to human connections or family interactions.

But the importance of social relationships in influencing both mental and physical health cannot be overstated. The rise of digital communication platforms, coupled with external factors like the ongoing pandemic, has further exacerbated the decline in face-to-face interactions and the formation of meaningful friendships.

Reshaping Our Brains and Behaviors

Among the challenges posed by modern life, understanding the concept of neuroplasticity offers a glimmer of hope. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's remarkable ability to adapt and rewire itself in response to experiences and learning. This phenomenon implies that we have the power to shape our brain's structures, functions, and connections through intentional practices and habits. By harnessing our superpower of attention and consciously directing it away from autopilot mode, we unlock the transformative potential to reshape our experiences and perceptions.

We support our colleagues in meeting these challenges. In Telekom, we are acknowledging the detrimental effects of constant overstimulation, and we a prioritizing genuine human connection. We can cultivate a healthier and more fulfilling culture embracing the concept of neuroplasticity, introducing habits to actively shape our brains and behaviors, creating a way for personal growth and resilience.

We have developed several Tiny Habits, or 'mini interventions' in the form of videos that can be utilized during in-person events, workshops, or online meetings. The practice of deep breathing for brief moments, allowing us to let go of distracting thoughts and focus solely on the present moment, is a well-established exercise in classical psychological therapies. This exercise can be adapted to enhance our awareness and effectiveness in the workplace.


One Minute to Arrive and One Minute to Reflect

Begin the session by focusing and bringing attention to the present moment through the video 'One Minute to Arrive.' Then, at the end of the session, use the video 'One Minute to Reflect' to encourage reflection on the outcomes. Just give it a try and you`re welcome to leave a comment here in the blog, regarding your experiences.

These are just two examples from the portfolio of our Employee Wellbeing department aimed at alleviating the stresses of modern life on our minds. We are continually developing interesting tips and hacks to promote better mental health among our employees.
