

TellMe whistleblower portal

Information concerning violations of legal obligations or Deutsche Telekom rules and regulations can be reported to Group Compliance Management through the Tell me! whistleblower portal.

Compliance with laws and internal policies and principles of conduct is of major importance to Deutsche Telekom because we strongly feel that the key to the company's success is based on integrity, ethics and personal responsibility. We therefore strive to avoid any risk that could compromise our integrity and damage others. If we are to live up to this responsibility, it is of utmost importance that we are made aware of any compliance related misconduct.

Deutsche Telekom therefore provides all employees and external parties with the appropriate means to report potential violations of laws and internal regulations through the TellMe whistleblower portal, which has been in place since 2006. This also includes tipp-offs to human rights or environmental risks and violations of rights along our global supply chain. This can affect the actions of our employees in the Group companies' own business area or those of our suppliers or business partners.

If requested, your data and information are subject to confidentiality to the extent in line with the relevant legal stipulations. All tip-offs will be assessed thoroughly, cases of suspicion will be investigated and sanctions consistently applied if applicable.

Please, help us to continue to be a reliable business partner and a successful service provider to our customers by blowing the whistle on serious violations of the law or infringements of rules and regulations concerning Deutsche Telekom.

Your information can be received through the following communication channels:

Telephone: +8000 3824 835 free international service number

The hotline number +8000 3824 835 is valid internationally and available 24h. If you are calling from outside Germany, please use the dialing code or country access code applicable from your site. The hotline can answer your call in German and English. 


Deutsche Telekom AG
Hinweisgeberportal TellMe
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140

D-53113 Bonn

Anonymous tip-offs
Your tip-off will be treated in the strictest confidence. If you are still concerned about giving your name, you will be able to use the Business Keeper Monitoring Systems (BKMS), which works like an electronic mailbox. It also enables anonymous dialog with us. The IT system used for this is certified and provides the necessary technology to ensure that the anonymity of our whistleblowers is fully guaranteed at all times.
Click here to submit your anonymous tip-off

In addition to Deutsche Telekom's communication channels, whistleblowers can also report to external reporting channels. Further information here (in German).

Tip-offs about financial reporting and auditing

The Deutsche Telekom AG Supervisory Board has established an office under the supervision of its Audit Committee for tip-offs related solely to accounting and financial auditing matters. Such tip-offs can be sent to the following address:

Deutsche Telekom AG, Prüfungsausschuss
Prüfungs-/ Bilanzierungsangelegenheiten
Postfach 2643
53016 Bonn, Germany
