Corporate Digital Responsibility

Our motivation

We won’t stop until everyone is connected.

 Claudia Nemat, Member of the Deutsche Telekom AG Board of Management, Technology and Innovation

We act responsibly

We have the responsibility to implement ethics in technologies and make them available to everyone.

Birgit Bohle, Board member for Human Resources and Legal Affairs, Labor Director

Part of our DNA

We live our responsibility - ecologically, socially and also digitally - this corresponds with our self-image and is part of our DNA.

3 experts in a lively dialog

Internal and external dialog

In a dialog with all stakeholders, we define our moral compass with which we address dilemmas of digitization.

The House of Digital Responsibility

Click the hot spots on the infographic to learn more about each topic.

Digital Ethics

Ensuring sovereignty and supporting people are our focus. We design digital technologies responsibly.

Digital Participation

Deutsche Telekom wants everyone to take part in the digital society.

Data privacy & security

We stand for security and the responsible handling of data.

Law & regulations

We act in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and adopt digital rights in our daily activities.

Cultur & values

As a global company, we embrace cultural differences, while promoting a common understanding of values.

Transparency and dialog

We shape the dialog about the opportunities and risks of digitalization and make our actions transparent.

Human rights

We are expressly committed to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Climate and Resource Protection

Protecting the climate together and using resources responsibly – with and through digitalization.

Future Work

Digital responsibility at Deutsche Telekom means ensuring that despite all the changes, people remain the focus of all decisions.

Our Approach

The House of Digital Responsibility is built on a strong foundation.

Our action areas

How we live our digital responsibility.
