Corporate Responsibility

Sustainable Finance

Sustainability criteria are increasingly influencing investment decisions. Deutsche Telekom regularly participates in ratings and rankings that evaluate companies for investors according to socially responsible investment (SRI) criteria. The T-Share is listed in many established sustainability indices, mirroring our good performance in the area. In the European Union, the EU Taxonomy Regulation improves the understanding of sustainable business activities.

Investor Assessments

Investors are increasingly looking for stocks that meet the environmental, social and governance criteria (ESGs). In other words, they take how a company acts responsibly in terms of the environment, society and corporate governance into account when planning their investments. Based on the good results in major ratings and rankings in the area of socially responsible investments (SRI), the T-Share has been listed for years in established sustainability indices such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World, Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe, the FTSE4Good Index and the UN Global Compact 100 Index. 

Around 20 percent of T-Shares are owned by investors who are at least partially interested in sustainability. With our commitment to increased sustainability, we are not only helping humanity master global challenges, we are also improving transparency and our reputation. 

EU Taxonomy

The EU Taxonomy Regulation is the outcome of a significant, forward-looking European regulatory initiative. It aims to promote investment flows from the finance sector to businesses that are involved in environmentally sustainable activities. The taxonomy is intended to help the EU to implement the European Green Deal, creating a common understanding of the environmental sustainability of activities and investments. 

For Deutsche Telekom, as a company in the information and telecommunications industry, the following two of the economic activities currently listed in the EU taxonomy are relevant:

  • Data processing, hosting and related activities (8.1. in Annex I + II of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139)
  • Data-driven solutions for GHG emissions reductions (8.2. in Annex I + II of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139)

The EU taxonomy does not currently include criteria for the economic activity “Provision and operation of a network infrastructure for telecommunications.” 

In our annual Corporate Responsibility report, we describe the taxonomy-eligibility of our economic activities for the respective reporting year in absolute figures and as a percentage of the Group’s total turnover, capital expenditure, and operating expenditure. 

Data analysis on tablet computer.


We take on responsibility for society and the environment.
