
Diana Schnetgöke

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Fetching the coffee and making copies are a thing of the past: Internships at Telekom

Our four interns – Johanna, Nele, Tim, and Julia – are currently permanent members of the Talent Attraction and Sourcing team in the HR unit. During their master’s degree course in psychology and business psychology, Johanna and Tim opted for an internship at Deutsche Telekom. Nele is studying for a bachelor’s degree in media communication and Julia is on a gap year and wants to start a master’s degree course in the fall. I met the four of them for an interview and spoke to them about their time at Telekom.

Two young women smile into the camera

Nele (left) and Johanna met during their internship in Bonn. © Deutsche Telekom

How did you find out about internships at Telekom?

Johanna: After gaining experience in clinical psychology, I also wanted to explore the business sector. A friend of mine recommended Telekom. I applied, was invited to an interview, and was immediately offered a place.

In which unit are you working and what are your responsibilities?

Johanna: I am part of the Employer Branding team and assist with the planning and implementation of the next employer campaign. For instance, I led my own project called “Leading The Way,” where I interviewed women in leadership positions and then prepared articles and social media posts.

Nele, how did you find out about internships at Telekom?

Nele: I’m studying media management with a focus on media and advertising psychology. This focus sparked my interest in the psychological aspects of marketing and communication. Telekom is a particularly attractive employer for me because, as one of the leading telecommunications companies, it is also really active in the field of digital marketing and communication. The opportunity to work in the HR Marketing unit gives me the chance to apply and further develop my academic knowledge in a practical environment.

What is a typical working day for you?

Nele: My day usually starts with a short daily call in which we all provide updates and discuss upcoming tasks and projects. I then work on various social media topics, such as the creation of visuals and captions. I also often come up with new story formats or brainstorm new, creative content ideas with my team.

Two young people smile into the camera

Julia and Tim often see each other in the open office at headquarters. © Deutsche Telekom

Why did you opt for a second internship at Telekom?

Tim: My first internship in Healty and Safety during the coronavirus pandemic was a really positive experience for me. That’s why I decided to also complete my mandatory internship for my master’s degree course at Telekom so that I could experience everyday office life.

What topics and projects are you currently working on?

Tim: I’m in the HR Marketing unit and the topic of Targeted Candidate Journey is my primary focus. Our objective is to ensure that our candidates have a positive experience when it comes to the magenta T. From the initial contact with Telekom (e.g., trade fairs or social media) to the start of work.

Would you recommend an internship at Telekom?

Julia: Yes. I would definitely recommend it as you gain a lot of insight into a diverse range of topics and take on many responsible tasks. For me, it’s the perfect opportunity to put what I’ve learned in the theory phase into practice. Not only that; Telekom supports me when it comes to continuing my learning journey, in the form of various workshops – LEX sessions – or events.

What has surprised you the most?

Julia: That I was able to assume responsibility straight away. For example, I was able to plan a team event in my very first weeks. The working flexibility here also surprised me. I’m able to work from various locations, I’m able to work from home or remotely, and I’m able to work flexible hours.
