
Sabina Ellert


Joining Telekom through the “Window of Opportunity”

On June 26, 2024, not only the doors of the foyer of the Hochschule Bonn Rhein-Sieg opened for students, but also the "Window of Opportunity": The large magenta frame is a tangible window to the virtual world. Here, the AR Telekom Career App creates augmented reality objects and links students to internships, trainee programs und entry-level-jobs at Telekom.

A floating magenta T

AR meets students: Telekom presented its latest app at the Bonn Rhein Sieg University of Applied Sciences.

Over snacks and drinks, Telekom employees were available to provide information about entry-level opportunities in the company. Students were able to find out more about Telekom as an employer and about the business areas in a relaxed atmosphere. For example, internships and flexitime positions are offered. Graduates have the opportunity to apply for a traineeship in corporate communications, for the #youlearn program at T-Systems or for our popular Start up! trainee program.

In addition, the time was used for creative - even artistic - photos with the AR objects. The art installation was the original idea of two CODE students who developed the AR app together with us. With the support of the Magenta Campus team, the idea has become a real app in the Apple App Store and, since June, also in the Android Play Store.

The app and the Window of Opportunity will also be used internationally at Telekom in the future and will be continuously developed in line with the needs of the target group. Ideas from working students and interns are constantly being incorporated - making this a channel from students for students.

Are you still undecided and don't know where your journey should take you? Then feel free to use our career matcher. It will help you find the right job that suits your interests.

Are you interested in our events and would you like to find out more about us as Telekom? Here you can find ours events calendar.
