When your hobby becomes a career: My path as a Telekom Trainee

For a long time, I was looking for a way to combine my passion for photography and film with my career. My traineeship at Deutsche Telekom made this dream come true and gave me the feeling of being part of something that has social significance and enables personal growth. 

A man stands on the beach in front of the sea and takes photos

Travelling with the camera.

The combination of hobby and profession

Already at school, between homework and exams, I quickly discovered my passion for creation. No matter I was working on film projects at school, university or travelling, my camera was always my companion. What began as a hobby quickly developed into a clear career aspiration. I didn't just want to live out my creative streak, I wanted to make it the centre of my professional career. This determination led me to a Corporate Communications traineeship at Telekom.

My first contact with Telekom

The first few days were enough and I was fascinated by the dynamism and values of the company. The people, the creativity, the spirit, the openness quickly showed me: "This is the right place for me." As an intern at Telekom MobilitySolutions - Telekom's subsidiary and internal mobility provider - I quickly learnt to take on a lot of responsibility. For example, I was responsible for creating videos and graphics for the social channels and supported the Managing Director's personal account with content. With the experience I gained, I quickly found my place as a Trainee in Corporate Communications.

Nick Schneider (Corporate Communications Trainee) sits in the cockpit of a Magenta excavator with his camera equipment.

Excavator action during the „Tim Testet“ shoot.

My everyday life in Corporate Communications (COM)

My tasks at COM include providing content for the social channels and the internal  ealization of video projects. This also includes working with our Management Board members, including our CEO Tim Höttges. In our series “Tim Testet”, where various innovations and services are put to the test, our boss recently visited a fiber construction site at one of our customers and accompanied the process of getting fiber optic into the house from start to finish. That meant drilling, digging and shovelling – a really fun shoot with lots of action. The customer at the end was also happy with his new connection. This proximity to the decision-making level and the opportunity to visually accompany strategies and provide communicative support is and remains unique for me.

Nick Schneider (Corporate Communications Trainee) prepares content for social media on his laptop.

Contentcreation for social media.

In the social media team, we take the approach of using our channels natively. We adapt our content specifically to the respective platform instead of rattling off our messages in "old-school" information videos. With a twinkle in our eye, we don't take ourselves too seriously and are not afraid to be a little crazier on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. By using memes, sketches or a humorous AI voice, we regularly find new ways to communicate our topics in an authentic, contemporary way that is appropriate for our target group. We also have new platforms, such as Threads, on our radar. There's always something going on in our comments section, which is why it's important to us that we also engage in dialogue there. 

Practical experience - Insight into television production

One of my personal highlights was my job visit at the TV agency Bavaria Entertainment, which I was able to complete as part of my COM - traineeship. I spent a month gaining an insight into the production processes of the big live TV show "Die Giovanni Zarrella Show", where I assisted with the organisation, gained an insight into stage technology and was even allowed to conduct interviews with stars. The great thing was that all doors were open to me when it came to choosing the job visit and I was able to decide for myself where I wanted to develop my career. 

So, if you're still thinking about what to do after your studies: Hit the keys, turn your hobby into a career and apply for a Corporate Communications traineeship with exciting topics and challenges at Deutsche Telekom. 
