
HR Factbook for the 2023 financial year

The HR Factbook for the 2023 financial year provides you with key figures relating to Deutsche Telekom's employees.

It offers a comprehensive insight into the diversity of our employees, their skills and potential. You will also learn more about our organizational culture and gain insights into costs and productivity. We also provide data on recruitment, mobility, unforced attrition and information on health and safety at work to complete the comprehensive picture of our human resources work.


Details on these topics are provided in the form of tables and diagrams, supplemented by short explanatory texts.

Key metrics for 2023

  • A total of 199,652 employees work for Deutsche Telekom in 34 countries.
  • An average full-time employee at Deutsche Telekom generated revenue of 547 thousand Euros in 2023.
  • The Engagement Rate in relation to employee activity at the internal social network YAM UNITED increased by 18.5 percent and totals 3.2 percent.
  • 4,516 ideas from our employees resulted in savings and new business potential totaling around 56.4 million Euros.
  • The percentage of digital experts worldwide has grown to 22.0 percent.
  • The health rate is 94.3 percent.

Publication archiveThe HR Factbooks as well as the personnel reports of the previous years can be found in our publication archive.

Group meeting

The human success factor

Skilled and committed entrepreneurial employees are a vital factor in Deutsche Telekom's success.
