
Corporate Responsibility

Mobile communications and health

Deutsche Telekom is convinced that compliance with the valid safety standards and exposure limit values guarantees the safe usage of mobile communications.

This conviction is based on the current findings of independent national and international expert bodies, which continually assess all relevant studies and check safety standards. They include, for example, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

This also applies to the new 5G communication standard. Many technical aspects of 5G are comparable to those of previous mobile communications standards. In addition, many insights on earlier mobile communications generations can also be transferred to 5G. The Federal Office for Radiation Protection has at length dealt with this issue.

Responsible handling

Our goal is to make our mobile communications infrastructure and our new products, as well as the processes on which they are based, as resource-efficient, environmentally friendly and safe for health as possible. We have therefore committed ourselves to addressing the topic of mobile communications and health responsibly.

Group-wide EMF Guidance

We consequently updated our Group-wide EMF Guidance in 2023. It contains a uniform understanding of our national companies and which measures are relevant regarding the topic of “mobile communications and health.” These measures are based on the basic principles of transparency, comprehensible information, the involvement of communes, and being guided by scientific facts.
