Corporate Responsibility

Deutsche Telekom takes Corporate Social Responsibility

The distinguished jury of the CSR Forum has recognized Deutsche Telekom in the category "Corporate Social Responsibility/CSR in the supply chain" for its sustainability performance in the entire supply chain.

In its accolades, the jury made special mention of the fact that Deutsche Telekom demonstrates CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in all areas of its everyday business. It found the company's performance especially impressive given the complexity of its delivery chain. After all, more than 20,000 suppliers in over 80 countries are involved in Deutsche Telekom's processes. That's why Deutsche Telekom is doing its utmost to include its upstream suppliers in its social responsibility and require them to follow its CSR standards.

CSR everywhere
In recent years, for example, the Sustainable Procurement Working Group at Deutsche Telekom has done all it can to implement the CSR standards set out in the Global Procurement Policy in 2007 throughout the Group. This goal was achieved in 2014 and resulted in a major improvement to sustainability along the supply chain. All those responsible joined forces to optimize the standards, focusing on specific target groups.

The German CSR Award
The German CSR Award recognizes companies and company-like institutions for their sustainability performance. The prizes are awarded on the occasion of the annual CSR Forum. Since 2005, CSR experts meet each year to bring business and society closer together. The forum's initiator is Wolfgang Scheunemann, former Head of Global Technology & Environmental Communications at Daimler. The CSR Award covers 15 categories. In addition to economic success, the criteria for awarding the CSR Award to a company include environmental protection and social commitment. In addition to Deutsche Telekom, other award winners in 2015 included energy service provider ista International GmbH in the category "CO2 avoidance as a contribution to climate protection" and TÜV Rhineland in the category "Gender diversity."
