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What is the south node in astrology? Astrologers say it holds the key to past lives

To know where you're going, find out where you've been.
Photo illustration of a woman
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Astrologers believe natal charts are a key to unlocking a person's personality. They can indicate where a person could go — and where they came from.

For those who believe in reincarnation, the idea that a soul travels through multiple lifetimes, astrology can be a useful, too. The south node of destiny is thought to indicate where a person once was, and how it shaped this lifetime.

What is the south node?

This placement in astrology represents our past and the comforts we are used to from our previous life.

It symbolizes a place we are leaving behind as we move towards spiritual growth and activation. Therefore, we look to it to understand and determine our past life and karma we are working with in this lifetime. It’s descriptive and interpretive, which is why there are several steps needed to denote our past lives. So, there are several pieces of the puzzle that are listed below to help us put it together.

How can you find the south node in your birth chart? 

It’s the opposite sign and the same degree as the north or true node. You can find it here using an online calculator.

What does the south node in each zodiac sign mean?

The south node takes on a different expression depending on what sign it's in.


You were a leader and a go-getter. The list of achievements you attained surpassed your expectations, which is why you probably were someone who made the most of their time at the top of the world. You had it all — riches, abundance, power, money, confidence, and everything at your disposal. 


Steer clear of extreme indulgences, since they were something that you were susceptible to in your past life. The talents from your past life will be carried into this one, but you have to refine them greatly and transform your innate artistry in order to be successful in your work.


Once upon a time, you were a very big fish in a small pond. Everyone in your local community depended on you for the recent tea, news, and gossip. You kept their minds open and thinking with tales from your travels to other towns and connected people from other villages. 


Not only did you give TLC to those you loved and your family, but you were a caretaker for others as well. People depended on you to nurture and feed them — also, to make them feel better when they were sad and blue. You gave your all to helping people.


In the past, you were a performer of sorts who had the world at their fingertips. Fame, acclaim and adoration were definitive necessities of your career and aspirations — until you realized that there is more to life than having your ego stroked 24/7 by a mob of adoring fans.


Your analytical skills brought rationality to those in need of clarity and understanding through your directness. As someone who has a compassionate, kind and caring nature, you previously found immense pleasure in helping people grow and evolve in ways that they never thought possible by offering empathetic insight and guidance. 


You were a relationship-oriented person. Being that you sought peace at all costs, you shied away from confrontation to keep things copacetic with those you care about. Justice is a passion, which is why you tend to get on a soapbox when things aren’t fair or there’s a discrepancy in this lifetime. 


As the power behind the scenes, you gave advice to front-facing people. Your input and opinions were regarded as being extremely  important, since you knew how to help people with foresight, confidence, awareness, and empathy — attributes that can help build a good society. 


You were an explorer and traveler — someone who roamed far and wide and learned about different philosophies. Today, your friends may consider you a bit of a know-it-all.


You were a dedicated and responsible person, known for putting both your family and career at the forefront of your life. Your hardworking personality made you a great force to be reckoned with.


Your rebellious nature and willingness to the rules allowed you to become an innovator, creating things that continue to be used today. Your free spirit prevented anyone from holding you down, and you used your humanitarian beliefs to make positive changes in the world that benefited others.


You used your intuitive and psychic abilities to heal others. Also, your imagination was vast, and it led you to be someone who was able to transcend their creativity into the world and inspire others. Sensitive by nature, your dreams and visions helped you understand yourself on a deep level.

What does the south node in each house mean?

Examining the houses is a crucial step in understanding how your energy was utilized in past lives. For instance, if your south node falls in the Seventh House in the sign of Capricorn, you may be inclined to prioritize relationship-building and constantly strive to improve upon past relationships.

1st House 

Relationships were complex to you since you always put people first and focused on them rather than yourself, which is why you may feel that everyone is more important than your needs. However, you began to see that it’s not true.

2nd House 

Money came and went in your past life. You may find yourself feeling as though you were someone who had divine riches but didn’t make careful investments and savings plans to keep their wealth intact, or vice versa. So, you experienced both financial extremes in your past life.

3rd House 

Your sibling from a past life had a significant impact on your childhood and you shared a deep connection with them. This connection may have played a role in your ability to advance quickly in your desire to see the world and higher education, despite struggling to learn in your youth.

4th House 

In a previous life, perhaps you spent more time at home rather than focusing on your career or public persona. This may have made you feel confined or trapped by the expectations of your family, which could be why you have a strong desire for freedom in this lifetime.

5th House 

You were a creative person who enjoyed taking risks in your inventive pursuits. You were someone who was willing to endure hardship in order to pursue passions and make the most out of life. You may have pursued a career as an artist, actor, writer or dancer in the past.

6th House 

As an essential caregiver, doctor, or nurse, you dedicated your career to taking care of others and ensuring their well-being. You were always on the go, leaving a lasting impression on everyone you met — for the better. You relished your career and people admired your dedication to serving the community.

7th House 

Although you yearn to be in relationships, you must learn to let go of those that are no longer working to your benefit with ease. Instead of keeping them going and holding on to something that isn’t working, you can clear the path to pull in people at your level.

8th House 

You may have been wealthy in the past, which is why you need to be watchful of money. Be mindful of your spending habits to avoid being overextended. Care should be taken when using credit cards to finance your lifestyle.

9th House 

Your past experiences as an explorer or a globetrotter have granted you valuable knowledge that can be used to make changes and understand your current path. If you find yourself drawn to a foreign city, make note of it — you might have been there in another lifetime.

10th House

You ruled your company and were the one in charge at work. As a boss, it was easy to get caught up in work and forget to relax and spend time with family. However, it’s important to remember that a good work-life balance is key to overall happiness and success.

11th House 

In the past, you spent time and effort fighting for the rights of others and as a humanitarian. Politics came first, as well as advocating for causes near and dear to your heart. Your generous, compassionate, and kind spirit served as a trailblazer to help those in need.

12th House 

In the past, you dedicated a significant amount of your time to spiritual endeavors and towards helping others. Your quiet lifestyle allowed you to connect with a higher purpose and being. A healer by nature, you gave your time and energy towards bringing peace of mind to yourself and others.

What do the planets on the south node mean?

Take a look at your chart and see what planets, if any, are sitting on your south node. These can help understand what role you took on in a past life.

For instance, if you had with Venus in the 7th house on the South Node, in the sign of Capricorn, you may always be striving to improve your relationships and invest a great deal of yourself into them — even though they may not have worked out the way you wanted them to.


Sometimes, it may have felt like you were invisible to the world — overlooked and unappreciated. But it’s essential to remember that those challenging experiences can help you grow and become more self-assured in who you are now. Don’t let insecurities hold you back; instead, let them teach you valuable lessons and inspire you to shine even brighter in this lifetime.


You had a keen intuition and a closeness with your home life and family, particularly your mother. Even though moments may have been difficult with them, they were meaningful, and you spent a lot of energy trying to connect and understand your brood.


You have always been a skilled wordsmith who put thought and care into your communication, whether it was through writing letters, sharing information, or facilitating discussions. You had a knack for being well-informed and bringing people together.


You were a lover, not a fighter, and you cared about a lot of the people in your heart in your life, especially family members and close friends. You were always the shoulder to cry on, someone to offer sound advice. You also may not have had your love reciprocated, which means you are always searching for an ideal partner or someone to love you unconditionally in this lifetime.


Your proactive nature has consistently led you to emerge victorious in competitions, earning you the gold medal. Nonetheless, this does not imply that you did not have to exert yourself to the fullest extent; on the contrary, you frequently regret not taking a moment to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures in life.


You were someone who had a lot of luck, abundance and prosperity in your former life, and never went without anything that you wanted. The world was your limit, and you relished every moment of life with a positive attitude and desire to learn.


Your strong focus on rules and commitment is indicated by Saturn’s position on the south node. This placement also suggests that a cycle is coming to an end, and you are ready to embrace a new mindset and let go of anything that no longer serves you in this lifetime.


Your forward-thinking nature made you a trailblazer. You fearlessly stood up for your own rights and those of others, always ready to engage in a fierce debate if necessary. Your ultimate goal was to make the world a better place through social progress and you never hesitated to voice your opinions.


With Neptune’s influence on the south node of destiny, you once possessed immense creativity and were brimming with ideas. Your artistic and psychic abilities allow you to create fulfilling and enjoyable experiences for others, as well as yourself. 


If Pluto is in conjunction with the South Node, it may suggest that you were a strong and dominant figure in your field, perhaps even someone who held a lot of power behind the scenes. You were known for having a great deal of courage, strength and passion in your life.
