Championing children and their rights.
In 2022, we revealed a new name for Save the Children's work in Australia — 54 reasons.
As Australia's leading child rights organisation, we’re here to make sure all children understand their rights, and have them met so they can thrive. With the child’s voice at the centre, we provide quality services to children and their caregivers, supporting them to develop, learn, and feel connected, safe and confident.
Our name represents each of the 54 articles in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was first drafted by our global founder, Eglantyne Jebb. As 54 reasons, we proudly remain part of the Save the Children Australia Group and committed to the vision of the global movement — a world where every child has their rights met.
This change in Australia was guided by the children we work with here, who told us they wanted something of their own — something more accessible, relevant, playful and engaging. We listened, and now we’ve acted. 54 reasons marks a new chapter in our story, and we want to use this change to lift awareness and action, and build an Australia more committed to child rights.
Non-profit Organizations
Company size
501-1,000 employees
Child Rights, Education, Recovery and Resilience Building, Children & Young People, Parents & Caregivers, Domestic and Family Violence, Youth Justice, Child Participation, Child Voice, Early Childhood, Community Development, Youth, Family Support, Outreach, Early Intervention, 0-5 year-olds, Middle Years, Young Advisory Group, Partnerships, and Child Safeguarding