Hunter Water reposted this
🔥 Where there's smoke there's... a new connection to country at the site of our Belmont Desalination Plant project. Our Belmont team were welcomed to make a connection with the land where John Holland is delivering this critical water infrastructure for Hunter Water. The Bahtabah Local Aboriginal Land Council conducted the smoking ceremony to cleanse the site and repel bad spirits, and each member of the team was invited to forge their own connection through this ritual. Local Aboriginal artefacts including stone axes, shields and boomerangs were also on display. Site establishment works are continuing on site this month, including the installation of site boundary fences, and construction of worker site compounds and car parks. 🚰 We're looking forward to making progress on delivering the desalination plant that's set to form part of the Lower Hunter’s water supply system for the future! #JohnHollandTransformingLives #JustAddJohnHolland #ItsAJohnHollandJob