One of the highlights of the academic year is the graduation ceremony at James Cook University. Watching students cross the stage in their flowing gowns (and Tudor bonnets), receiving their hard-earned degrees, always makes me smile. You can see the happiness on their faces and the cheers from the audience are infectious. This year was particularly special for me as two of my PhD students crossed the stage: Rachael Walshe and Rana Dadpour (unfortunately my MPhil student Yee Mun Loong was in New Zealand and missed this ceremony). Sometimes in universities, you have the good fortune of a brilliant cohort--it is not something you can 'will' or 'plan', but it is something that makes you all #bettertogether. I felt this ceremony marked the end of an era, and I felt sad about their departure, but I know watching the next stage of their careers will also be rewarding. I was also deeply sad we never found each other Tyson Pringle as I would have dearly loved a photo. Congratulations to everyone 🎊 🎓