🏘️ PassiveHouse Canada Pulse Event Recap! Wow – what a night! Our PassiveHouse Canada Pulse event at our #Victoria office was so well attended that we ran out of chairs! We had an engaging discussion led by Meghan Whyte and Emily Murray, students from UVIC WEST (Women in Engineering, Science & Technology) who participated in our Fall 2024 project. It was inspiring to hear their insights and perspectives on shaping the future of #BetterBuildings. Architect Christine Lintott also delivered a thoughtful presentation on "human-centric design" and how universal adaptability fosters belonging in high-performance buildings. A huge thank you to our hosts, sponsors & partners! 🤝 Partners: Passive House Canada | Maison Passive Canada, University of Victoria WEST 🎗️ Sponsors: SIGA North America, Cascadia Windows & Doors, HVAC Systems & Solutions Ltd #PassiveHouseCanada #PassiveHousePulse #PulseEvent #Victoria #SustainableDesign #FutureOfArchitecture #LivingSystems Andy Chong