

Weiterbildung und Coaching

We help people make better decisions and influence a culture of caring for a stronger and more perf. safety culture.


ALLETRUST® is a firm created in Geneva in 2006. In January 2018 we expanded with the AlleTrust Inc subsidiary in Utah, USA. We are specialized in fostering cultures of caring and helping leaders to make better decisions. All our approach is “THROUGH SAFETY”. ALLETRUST® developed a highly successful approach based on Caring Leadership™. More than 30,000 leaders from Fortune 50 companies have experienced its star program Leadership through Safety® in 57 countries in Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia Pacific. ALLETRUST® approach is: - Based on cognitive science and emotions. - Simple, practical and built on experience. - Engages each one to build one’s own legacy.

Weiterbildung und Coaching
11–50 Beschäftigte
Leadership Development, Behavioral and Cultural Change, Health and Safety Excellence und Job Well Done (Operational Discipline)


Beschäftigte von AlleTrust


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    Last week, Juan-Jose Salamanca was invited to speak at the EHS Summit Europe 2024 👷♂️ in Amsterdam. It was the perfect occasion to share a glimpse of our approach. Close to 150 people attended our keynote on "The Art of Making Better Decisions, Through Safety" where Juanjo shared his 4 Keys for a stronger safety culture. Thank you to all participants for the amazing feedback and comments and for the great conversations. Thank you to Verdantix for an amazing and very professional event. Let us know if you want to see the 4 🔑! #ThroughSafety #Safety #Leadership

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    Unternehmensseite von Verdantix anzeigen, Grafik

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    “Safety is not about procedures and advice, it is about knowing and understanding people” In a session sponsored by Through Safety by AlleTrust, Juan-Jose Salamanca, shares his knowledge on how the concept of safety has been influential throughout his life and impacts us all 24/7. Touching on: - The role awareness of human emotions plays in making safer decisions - How to communicate in a way that cultivates a safer culture - Why a culture of safety has to start from the top down #sustainabilityEHSsummit #verdantixsummit #safetyculture

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  • Unternehmensseite von AlleTrust anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌟 Behind the Scenes at AlleTrust's Annual Meeting 🌟 | Bilbao, Spain, May 15-16, 2024 🇪🇸 Last week, our teams from the US, Europe, & Middle East gathered to celebrate AlleTrust's legacy 18 years after its birth. It wasn't just about strategies and offerings; it was a heartfelt commitment to transforming safety cultures across industries. By putting an intense focus on People, we're caring deeply for every worker's safety and helping our clients initiate their journey to transform their culture so no one gets hurt. Swipe to see the faces behind our mission ➡️ and tell us, how do you cultivate care and safety around you? #ThroughSafety #Legacy #Leadership

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    Profil von Arthur P. Kotlarevsky anzeigen, Grafik

    No One Should Be Hurt at Work | Through Safety

    🌟 Just wrapped up an incredible couple of days at the AlleTrust Leadership Academy in the beautiful La Penilla 🇪🇸 with AlleTrust fantastic President and Founder Juan-Jose Salamanca. We spent our days diving into some game-changing strategies that are going to shake up how we think about Leadership, safety, and people. Our time at the Academy was all about building something that lasts—creating a legacy. As we brainstormed on our main program 'Through Safety' it hit us: real change kicks off with bold decisions and inspiring each other to step up. This picture is way more than a snapshot; it’s a promise about pushing for workplaces where no one gets hurt. #ThroughSafety #Leadership #NoOneShouldBeHurtAtWork

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    Profil von Juan-Jose Salamanca anzeigen, Grafik

    Founder of ALLETRUST, Geneva. “Our mission is to empower organizations in fostering a culture of genuine care for their people, thereby ensuring optimal decision-making processes rooted THROUGH SAFETY”.

    ¡Queridos amigos de Michelin Valladolid! Unas palabras para expresar mi profundo agradecimiento por la cálida acogida que me habéis brindado durante mi visita esta semana a vuestras instalaciones: ¡me habéis hecho sentir que soy uno más en vuestra aventura! ❤️ Ha sido un honor compartir con vosotros mis experiencias sobre el liderazgo volcado hacia el cuidado de las personas. Me impresionó enormemente el compromiso y el respeto mutuo que pude percibir entre todos vosotros, reflejando un sincero espíritu de equipo, ¡felicidades a todos y especialmente a Bruno! 👏👏👏 En nombre del equipo AlleTrust quiero también felicitar a Jesús Manuel García, Héctor Angel Rebollo, Luis Manuel Prieto, Emilio Pérez y Javier Sánchez por ¡el gran trabajo realizado en la fábrica! Y no puedo dejar de nombrar a Sandra Salamanca por su trabajo de TtT y dirección y a Germán Rubio por sus excelentes imparticiones de los programas. Jesús, Héctor,Luis Manuel,Emilio y Javier: enhorabuena otra vez y deciros que ha sido un gran placer entregaros vuestros diplomas de Senior Program Leader! 👏👏👏 No quiero terminar sin mencionar que quedé maravillado por las impresionantes instalaciones que tienen a su disposición, reflejo del cuidado y la dedicación que Michelin tiene hacia su personal y su entorno de trabajo.👏👏👏 ¡Gracias nuevamente por esta experiencia enriquecedora! Espero que nuestras interacciones continúen fortaleciendo nuestros lazos y contribuyendo a seguir construyendo un legado ejemplar! Con mi cariño 🤗, Juanjo #Michelin #AlleTrust #LeadershipThroughSafety #Legacy #ThroughSafety

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  • Unternehmensseite von AlleTrust anzeigen, Grafik

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    📅 Mark your calendars! 🎉 We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with ITURRI at the upcoming safety fair SICUR. This event, taking place in Madrid from February 27th to February 29th, is a testament to our commitment to enhancing culture across industrial organizations. 🏭 As advocates of safety & leadership not just as procedures but a mindset, we believe in the power of collective knowledge and shared experiences. At SICUR, we will be showcasing our 'Through Safety' programs, designed to empower individuals to make better decisions and influence a safer environment where NO ONE GETS HURT. 💪 For all the Leaders out there, this is an opportunity to witness how safety can be embedded into the very core of your operations. We look forward to engaging with you and exploring how together we can foster safer workplaces. Remember, a safe workplace is more than just rules and regulations; it's about creating an environment where every decision made reflects care for oneself and others. ❤️ Will you join us in making safety a priority? #SICUR2024 #LeadershipThroughSafety #AlleTrust 

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  • Unternehmensseite von AlleTrust anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌳⚠️ Get your free EXCLUSIVE access to the new "Culture Through Safety" program that has already changed the lives of more than 50,000 people worldwide ⚠️ At AlleTrust, we're offering you the chance to kick-off your cultural transformation's journey right now so NO ONE GETS HURT TODAY 👇 Experience our brand new virtual 'Culture Through Safety' program, designed with flexibility in mind to fit into your busy schedule. This program is about fostering a mindset of safety (Financial, Physical, and Emotional), influencing decisions, and caring for oneself and others. Join us on this transformational journey and witness how our unique 'Through Safety' methodology can help shape your organization's safety culture. Thousands have already embarked on this path, and now it's your turn. Dive into the world of online learning and take the reins of change in your hands. Register for your exclusive access at Seats are limited and this offers ends on February 29th 😱 Remember, the most effective way to predict the future is to create it. So, what future will you create for your organization? #AlleTrust #SafetyCulture #FreeTrial #Leadership #IndustrialSafety #ThroughSafety

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    Profil von Sandra Salamanca anzeigen, Grafik

    Director of Program Development en ALLETRUST S.A.

    Absolutely delighted to be a part of this energetic team in Geneva! Once more we renewed our commitment to be dedicated to listening, empathizing, and taking action to ensure a meaningful impact in many people in 2024 and beyond! We're not only attentive listeners but also deeply connected, sharing experiences and emotions. Rest assured, our collective decisions will have a significant impact on 2024! Thank you dear friends to be part of our common path! #AlleTrust #ThroughSafey #Legacy #LeadershipThroughSafety

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  • Unternehmensseite von AlleTrust anzeigen, Grafik

    1.329 Follower:innen

    Last week, nestled among the serene beauty of Geneva, we convened for a strategic meeting. Our mission? To forge ahead and redefine organizations' #leadership & #safety culture. As we sat around the table, not just as colleagues but as a united team, our discussions echoed with innovation and determination. We brainstormed, strategized, and envisioned new ways to empower industrial Leaders with the tools they need to influence the culture within their organizations. Our #ThroughSafety training programs are about fostering a mindset where every decision made considers the safety of oneself and others. We believe that when safety becomes second nature, it creates an environment where productivity, quality, wellbeing and so much more thrive. This meeting wasn't just about us; it was about you - the Leaders who strive daily to ensure your teams can work in a safe environment. We are committed to equipping you with knowledge that goes beyond compliance, reaching into the realm of caring for each other. As we look back on this pivotal gathering in Geneva, we are excited about what lies ahead. The future of leadership & safety is not just in our hands but yours too. How will you use the tools we provide to shape your safety culture?" Thank you Juan-Jose Salamanca Emmanuel Fournier Fritz Black Sandra Salamanca Arthur P. Kotlarevsky Isabelle Blanchet Jordan Gibby Max Reid. #Leadership #strategicplanning #milestone

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