PSI Paul Scherrer Institut

PSI Paul Scherrer Institut


Villigen PSI, Aargau 33.619 Follower:innen

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Das Paul Scherrer Institut PSI entwickelt, baut und betreibt grosse und komplexe Forschungsanlagen und stellt sie der nationalen und internationalen Forschungsgemeinde zur Verfügung. Eigene Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Materie und Material, Energie und Umwelt sowie Mensch und Gesundheit. Die Ausbildung von jungen Menschen ist ein zentrales Anliegen des PSI. Deshalb sind etwa ein Viertel unserer Mitarbeitenden Postdoktorierende, Doktorierende oder Lernende. Insgesamt beschäftigt das PSI 2100 Mitarbeitende, das damit das grösste Forschungsinstitut der Schweiz ist. Das Jahresbudget beträgt rund CHF 400 Mio. Das PSI ist Teil des ETH-Bereichs, dem auch die ETH Zürich und die ETH Lausanne angehören sowie die Forschungsinstitute Eawag, Empa und WSL.

1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Villigen PSI, Aargau
Large Research Facilities, Experiments with Synchrotron Light, Neutrons and Muons, Proton Therapy und Energy Research


Beschäftigte von PSI Paul Scherrer Institut


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    #HealthInnovation 🩺: We are pleased to announce our participation in the newly launched Thera4Care initiative which aims to broaden patient access in Europe to #theranostics for personalised #cancer treatment. Theranostics is the combination of two complementary approaches to cancer treatment — diagnostics and therapeutics. It uses different radionuclides: one to locate the cancer metastases using molecular imaging technologies like PET and one to selectively target 🎯 and treat the tumour. As a pioneer in the production of radionuclides with key expertise in their preclinical characterisation, the PSI Paul Scherrer Institut will investigate Terbium-161 and Scandium-44 in preclinical studies and will supply this theranostic couple and corresponding radiopharmaceuticals for clinical applications under the leadership of Cristina Müller, Nick van der Meulen and Roger Schibli from the Center for Radiopharmaceutical Sciences at PSI. The €25.3 million project gathers 29 partners from top European academic and clinical sites 🏥, small and medium-sized enterprises and patient advocacy groups. The project is co-funded under the #Horizon #Europe framework, and part of the Innovative Health Initiative #IHI, a public-private partnership between the European Union and the European life science industries. For more information, visit Thera4Care website: #ResearchMatters #PrecisionOncology

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    #PeopleAtPSI 👋Meet physicist Athanasios Mokos from the Laboratory for Waste Management, part of the Nuclear Energy and Safety Division at PSI Paul Scherrer Institut. Athanasios Mokos models complex processes such as the formation of mineral deposits on the fuel rods of a nuclear reactor ⚛️. All he needs is his sharp mathematical mind 🧠and a high-performance computer such as the Piz Daint supercomputer of the Swiss National Supercomputing Center CSCS where he can simulations roughly 20,000 times faster than on a normal PC. Mokos was recently awarded the gold medal at the Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics (DSFD) conference in Zurich for his presentation on his work on heat transport in boiling water reactors at PSI. The bust of the trophy 🏆 portrays the famous Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann, whose trailblazing work in statistical physics laid the groundwork for physicist Mokos’s complex computer simulations. Full Story:

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    #ThrowbackThursday - The SLS 2.0 upgrade project progresses steadily towards completion in 2025. Let's take a look back at the development of the Swiss Light Source SLS since its shutdown and how SLS 2.0 is coming along: 🔦 30 September 2023: The SLS was shut down and the 'dark time' began. 🏗️Autumn 2023: The concrete roof of the electron ring tunnel was opened, and 4,000 tonnes of concrete moved away. 🔧 Winter 2023/24: The old equipment was removed, leaving the electron ring empty. 🛠️ Spring 2024: Installation of girders began. ⚡ 21 March 2024: The first arc was successfully installed. 🌀 Summer 2024: By end of July, 7 out of the 12 new arcs have been installed, and work has begun on the new insertion devices, cavities, and front ends of the experimental stations. #UpgradingSLS #SLS2.0 #LightSourceScience #WorldChangingScience #SynchrotronScience

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    After 22 years of brilliant science, at 8am on the 30th of September 2023, the SLS went into temporary shutdown. 🌟 As the SLS 2.0 upgrade progresses, PSI beamline scientist Vincent Olieric tells us what the new light will mean for structural biology. Between 2007 and 2023 light from the SLS enabled around ten thousand protein structures 🧬 of biological and medicinal significance to be solved. SLS 2.0 also promises such an impact to the field of structural biology. The new beam will have a higher flux: this means more photons passing through a given area each second. Vincent Olieric is excited that with increased photon flux they will be able to run their experiments faster. This will help develop more effective drugs and antibiotics 💊 by speeding up the process of drug discovery. Vincent is also excited about the ability to witness macromolecules in action using time-resolved crystallography, which the increased photon flux will enable. ❓ Why are you excited about SLS 2.0❓ Join us looking forward to more brilliant light for science by sharing these on social media with #ExcitedAboutSLS! #UpgradingSLS #SLS2.0 #LightSourceScience #WorldChangingScience #SynchrotronScience #ScienceForSociety #ScienceNeverStops #MoreBrilliantLightForResearch

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    Thanks to the multifaceted research possibilities PSI Paul Scherrer Institut offers in one place, researchers are creating the basis for #computer memory #technology of the future: they can selectively manipulate magnetism 🧲 at the interfaces between thin layers. The researchers in the Spectroscopy of Quantum Materials group at the PSI Center for Photon Science specialise in the production and X-ray spectroscopic investigation of thin layers of so-called #quantum materials. Most recently, they succeed to produce a new hybrid material made of alternating thin layers of lanthanum nickelate (LaNiO3) and lanthanum titanate (LaTiO3). To characterise the complex electronic structure and the local magnetic properties of this new material, the scientists bombarded the sample with muons from the #SwissMuonSource #SμS and used X-rays from the #SwissLightSource #SLS – more precisely the physicists employed the RIXS method (resonant inelastic X-ray scattering). The proximity of the two large-scale research facilities - SμS and SLS - to one another makes PSI a unique location for the complementary application of cutting-edge research methods. In the future, through the #SLS2.0 upgrade currently in progress, the SLS will deliver more X-ray light 💥and enable more precise measurements in a shorter time. To be able to take advantage of that, the new modernised RIXS facility will be 11 metres long instead of the previous five metres. Full story: #ResearchAtPSI #FutureTechnologies #QuantumScience #Xray CC: Thorsten Schmitt, Milan Radovic, Andreas Suter,

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    Last Thursday, we welcomed the new mentees of feM-LEAD – a programme to increase the proportion of female leaders 👩🔬🌟 at PSI Paul Scherrer Institut, Empa, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL and Eawag!   Particularly in STEM, the proportion of women decreases with each career level. Increasing the number of women in leadership positions is a top priority for the research institutions in the ETH Domain. One measure among others is feM-LEAD (female Mentoring: Leadership for Equity And Diversity), a cross-institutional mentoring programme aimed at women who are not yet in a leadership position 💼🚀 but are interested in getting there. The 21 new candidates taking part in the 5th edition will benefit from one-to-one mentoring, complete a personal assessment, attend leadership and development courses, work on their networking and visibility, and benefit from each other's experience through peer coaching.   Many thanks to Empa Director Tanja Zimmermann for the inspiring keynote speech.   We wish everyone a great start and an enriching experience! 🎉💪 Dr. Carolin Fichtner, Julia Stadler, Ye Zhang, Florencia Malamud, Tatjana Weber, Hebatallah Mostafa, Nina Genz, Emma Beale, Carlota Bozal Ginesta, Sandra Bürgi, Paula Navascués, Dea Andrea Wehrli, Mashael Yazdanie, Barbara Putz, Silvana Käser, Alexandra Kroll, Marta Reyes Pascual, Anne Kempel, Marion Sommer, Irene Cordero Herrera, Isabella Schalko  

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    Whereas electronics uses the charge of electrons to transfer information📡, technology of the future with less environmental impact might use a different property of the electron. Until recently, the main contender for a different type of ‘tronics’ has been spintronics where the spin of the electron 🔄 is used to transfer information. But another possibility is to use the orbital angular momentum (OAM) of electrons orbiting their atomic nucleus: an emerging field known as orbitronics. Orbitronics 🌀 holds great promise for memory devices, particularly because of the prospect of generating a large magnetisation with relatively small charge currents, leading to energy-efficient devices. The million-dollar question now is identifying the right materials to generate flows of orbital angular momentums, a prerequisite for orbitronics. Now, an international research team 👩🔬👨🔬 led by scientists from PSI Paul Scherrer Institut and Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics in Halle, Germany have made a major step forward in this direction by discovering the existence of monopoles of orbital angular momentum in a new type of material known as chiral topological semimetals. Such monopoles are a tantalising prospect for orbitronics, because orbital angular momentum is isotropic: i.e. it is uniform in all direction. “This is a very useful property as it means flows of orbital angular momentums could be generated in any direction,” says Michael Schüler, group leader in the Center for Scientific Computing, Theory and Data at PSI, and assistant professor of physics at the Université de Fribourg - Universität Freiburg. The discovery was made through a combination of robust theory and experiments at the Swiss Light Source SLS at PSI. Read the #ScienceFeature here: Read the full article in Nature Physics: #FutureTechnologies #Orbitronics #Quantum #ScienceWithLight #Xrays

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    Introducing Science Features — our brand-new monthly newsletter that brings you the latest #ResearchAtPSI! This month’s edition covers some exciting advancements: new molecular insights into neuroscience 🧠, breakthroughs in creating and controlling magnetic waves for next-gen data storage, and a study revealing the best regions for hydrogen production. We also highlight new measurements that challenge our understanding of how stars 🌟 form heavy elements. Plus, stay up to date on the upcoming proposal submission deadlines at PSI facilities.

    Science Features - September 2024

    Science Features - September 2024

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    Auch dieses Jahr fand wieder das ✨Lehrlingslager✨ des PSI statt. Mitte September sind die Lernenden in das idyllische Bergdorf Selma in Graubünden⛰️ gefahren und haben dort in einem gemütlichen Lagerhaus übernachtet. Tagsüber standen wichtige Arbeiten an: Wanderwege wurden ausgebessert, die Landschaft gepflegt und historische Saumpfade von Sträuchern befreit. Auch die Schutzwaldpflege und die Instandhaltung von Trockensteinmauern standen auf dem Programm. Mit diesem Einsatz konnte das PSI während zwei Wochen eine Randregion in der Schweiz unterstützen und die Lernenden erlebten, wie viel man als Team erreichen kann. Wieder einmal war es ein lehrreiches Lager, in dem sich alle mit Respekt begegneten und Erfahrungen austauschen konnten. #LehreAmPSI #SwissMadeExcellence #Berufsbildung #Berufslehre

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    🗓️ Öffentliche Führung: Atmosphärenchemie 🗓️ 📅 03. Oktober 2024 von 14:30 bis 16:30 Uhr 🌍 PSI Visitor Center 🔍 Das Labor für Atmosphärenchemie am PSI erforscht die Gase und Partikel in der Luft: Woher sie stammen, woraus sie bestehen und welche Auswirkungen sie auf unsere Gesundheit und das Klima haben. 🎯 Was Sie erwartet: • Entdecken Sie, wie Gase und Partikel in der Luft unser Klima und unsere Gesundheit beeinflussen. • Exklusive Tour durch unser Labor, in dem wir die Emissionen von Holzfeuerungen untersuchen. • Live-Übertragung zu unserer Forschungsstation auf dem Jungfraujoch mit Echtzeitmessungen der Partikelkonzentration. 📩 Anmeldung unter: Unsere Führungen bieten Kleingruppen und Einzelpersonen regelmässig die Gelegenheit, Forschung am @PSI Paul Scherrer Institut live zu erleben. Nutzen Sie die Chance, einzigartige Einblicke in unsere Anlagen und Projekte zu gewinnen! 🔗 Weitere öffentliche Führungen: Passt das Datum nicht in Ihren Terminkalender? Kein Problem! Besuchen Sie einfach das PSI Visitor Center, um die interaktiven Exponate und spannenden Themen selbstständig zu entdecken. 🕒 Öffnungszeiten: Montag bis Freitag und Sonntag von 13:00 bis 17:00 Uhr 🎟️ Der Eintritt ist frei!

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