Are you interested in the atomic structures of crystalline materials and a student in the final research phase of your study program (masters or PhD or starting out as a postdoc)? Then we have an idea, what you could do this summer: Participate at the RÅC International Summer School 2025, which is taking place between 24-31 August in Tallinn, Estonia. This years' topic is “Diffraction and Spectroscopy in Materials Science”. Applications are open now until May 10th. More info: ; Apply here: You know anyone who might be interested? Please Share! More info about the Röntgen-Ångström Cluster (RÅC) - A German-Swedish collaboration, can be found here,
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Hamburg, Hamburg 30.748 Follower:innen
Die Entschlüsselung der Materie
Willkommen bei DESY! Bei uns finden Sie ein internationales und interdisziplinäres Arbeitsumfeld mit mehr als 2.500 DESYanerinnen und DESYanern, die in vielseitigen Berufsfeldern tätig sind – unter anderem in Naturwissenschaften, IT, Wirtschafts- und Ingenieurwissenschaften, Verwaltung und Technik. Das Forschungszentrum DESY bietet eine Vielzahl von anspruchsvollen wissenschaftlichen und nicht-wissenschaftlichen Stellen mit vielfältigen Karrieremöglichkeiten sowie ein breites Weiterbildungsprogramm. Werden Sie Teil unserer Forschungswelt! Wir wachsen mit jedem Tag und wir haben noch viel vor. Unser langfristiges Ziel ist klar definiert: Die Entschlüsselung der Materie! #Möglichmacher Das Forschungszentrum DESY zählt zu den weltweit führenden Beschleunigerzentren. Hier entschlüsseln Forscherinnen und Forscher die Materie und den Nanokosmos in seiner ganzen Vielfalt. Die Beschleuniger und die Nachweisinstrumente, die DESY entwickelt und baut, sind einzigartige Werkzeuge für die Forschung: Sie erzeugen das stärkste Röntgenlicht der Welt, bringen Teilchen auf Rekordenergien und öffnen völlig neue Fenster ins Universum. DESY ist aber nicht nur Arbeitgeber für über 2.500 Menschen, sondern auch ein Magnet für jährlich mehr als 3.000 Gastforscherinnen und Gastforscher aus über 40 Nationen sowie auch gefragter Partner in nationalen und internationalen Kooperationen. Engagierte Nachwuchsforscherinnen und Nachwuchsforscher finden bei DESY ein spannendes, interdisziplinäres Umfeld.
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- 1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
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- Hamburg, Hamburg
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- Nonprofit
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- 1959
- Spezialgebiete
- Photon Science, Teilchenphysik, Laser, Beschleuniger, Experimente, Physik, IT, Verwaltung, Engineering, Technik, Astrophysik und Photonics
Notkestr. 85
Hamburg, Hamburg 22607, DE
Platanenallee 6
Zeuthen, Brandenburg 15738, DE
Beschäftigte von Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY hat dies direkt geteilt
The third session of our symposium is Bacteria. The session begins on May 8 with a talk by Hinrich Schulenburg from Kiel University Register today: Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, Leibniz-Institut für Virologie (LIV), University of Hamburg, EMBL, DESY, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research
DESY Start-up School 2025: Applications Open until March 21! Are you a scientist, engineer, or graduate student who toys with the idea to turn their unique skills into a business? Join the DESY Start-up School for a transformative journey from April to July, as you discover the entrepreneurship potential of your idea(s). Moderated by Pegram Harrison in collaboration with the Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford, the Start-up School curriculum promises a rich and diverse learning experience. Charlelie Jourdan, an expert in communication and storytelling, will not only impart invaluable insights but also provide personalized coaching sessions on pitching. Brace yourself for 1-on-1 guidance from experienced CEOs, thought-provoking webinars, and invaluable consultation sessions facilitated by the DESY Start-up Office. The DESY Start-up School is part of the PETRA IV pre-project and funded by BMBF and is cost-free for all participants. Don't miss your chance to be a part of something extraordinary! Apply now at: The focus of the Start-up School is on business models for scientific service companies and synchrotron-related solutions.
Water is essential for life on Earth. This is why the Centre for Molecular Water Science (CMWS), a Europe-wide research network in the field of molecular water research, crossing subjects, disciplines, and methods, has been inaugurated last week at DESY. Forty-seven (!) founding members from twelve countries – including fourteen German universities and eight Helmholtz Centres – have signed the CMWS Declaration. "At the CMWS, experts from different disciplines work closely together to investigate the special characteristics of water. Through that knowledge insights will be possible into water-driven technologies that are more sustainable and that can contribute to reaching environmental, energy, health, and climate goals,” says Britta Redlich, DESY director for photon science. “CMWS is a sterling application for PETRA IV, the ultimate 4D X-ray microscope for physical, chemical, and biological processes. With its outstanding coherence, PETRA IV will offer unique opportunities to investigate and understand water and its interactions at the molecular level.” More info: to the CMWS:
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY hat dies direkt geteilt
🔬✨ Explore 3D in the Highest Resolution: Micro & Nano Tomography ✨🔬 📢 Last chance to register! Join us tomorrow for an exclusive #Webinar on cutting-edge imaging techniques at PETRA III. ✅ Get insights into micro- & nano-tomography for R&D ✅ Discover real-world applications in materials science & life sciences ✅ Learn from leading experts Dr. Christina Krywka & Dr. Felix Beckmann 📅 Date & Time: 27.02.25, 1 - 2 p.m. 📍 Location: Zoom 🔗 Register now: Don’t miss this opportunity to explore how these groundbreaking techniques can advance your research & industry applications! Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESYHelmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion ResearchHelmholtz-Zentrum Berlin Marc Thiry Johannes Blum #Webinar #Innovation #Tomography #RandD #HiActs
Kick off to a strategic cooperation with Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft for innovation and research. This agreement will provide opportunities to streamline areas of expertise between DESY and several Fraunhofer institutes, easy access to DESY's research infrastructures in order to advance transfer opportunities for societal benefits and industrial use. First pilot projects between DESY and Fraunhofer already show the potential of this collaboration from technology developments to beamtime at PETRA III. For example, researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology ISIT have developed a mirror system to comprehensively scan samples for X-ray examination at PETRA III (similar to laser scans). Another successful example is an interdisciplinary partnership between DESY, the Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS, the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, and Leipzig University, in which researchers examined brain samples at a PETRA III beamline. The aim of the joint project is to use the data obtained to characterize the structure of brain fibers and link them to brain functions. These findings are to be used for the further development of MRI techniques.
Fraunhofer und DESY starten strategische #Kooperation zur Förderung von Innovation und Forschung Eine Delegation der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft und des Deutschen Elektronen-Synchrotrons (DESY) hat heute in München eine Vereinbarung zur strategischen Zusammenarbeit unterzeichnet. Sie zielt darauf ab, Kompetenzen, Infrastrukturen und Wissen über die Grenzen einzelner Forschungseinrichtungen hinweg zu bündeln und damit neue Wege zur industriellen und gesellschaftlichen Verwertung zu erschließen. DESY zählt zu den weltweit führenden Teilchenbeschleunigerzentren und bietet mit Anlagen wie der Röntgenstrahlungsquelle PETRA III eine Plattform für internationale Spitzenforschung. PETRA III ist eine hochmoderne Röntgenlichtquelle der 3. Generation, die exzellente Forschungsergebnisse ermöglicht. Mit dem geplanten 4D-Röntgenmikroskop PETRA IV ist eine noch leistungsstärkere Strahlungsquelle in Planung, die ab 2032 die leistungsstärkste weltweit sein soll. Geplant ist ein maßgeschneidertes Zugangsmodell, das die Nutzung der Forschungsinfrastruktur und der damit verbundenen röntgenbasierten analytischen Methoden erleichtert. Damit könnten Fraunhofer-Forschende aktuelle industrierelevante Fragestellungen mit höchster Aussagekraft beantworten. Erste Pilotprojekte haben bereits das Potenzial der engen Zusammenarbeit von Fraunhofer und DESY aufgezeigt: ◻️ Forschende des Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology ISIT haben ein Spiegelsystem entwickelt, um Proben wie im Laserbereich für Untersuchungen mit Röntgenstrahlung an PETRA III umfassend abzurastern. ◻️ Forschende des Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS haben mit weiteren Wissenschaftspartnern Gehirnproben an einer Beamline an PETRA III untersucht. Ziel ist es, mit den gewonnenen Daten die Struktur der Hirnfasern zu charakterisieren und diese mit den Hirnfunktionen in Verbindung zu bringen. Diese Erkenntnisse sollen zur Weiterentwicklung von MRT-Techniken genutzt werden. Weitere Informationen zu der Kooperation zwischen Fraunhofer und DESY finden Sie hier: Bild 1: © Fraunhofer / Markus Jürgens Bild 2 und 3: © DESY / Maike Bierbaum
Bright minds from across Hamburg's schools came to compete in the regional Jugend Forscht science fair last Thursday and Friday. Seven teams made it out with the big prize: a chance at the Germany-wide competition at the end of May. Amazing work by all of the pupils: everything from optimised plants, artificial intelligence in supermarkets, and a robot dog prototype! #JugendForscht - kluge Köpfe aus Hamburger Schulen präsentierten ihre eigene Forschung beim Regionalwettbewerb bei DESY. Sieben Teams schafften es in die nächste Runde, den bundesweiten Wettbewerb. darunter beeindruckende Projekte wie z.B. Untersuchungen von optimierten Pflanzen, künstlicher Intelligenz in Supermärkten und ein Roboterhund-Prototyp! Stiftung Jugend forscht e. V.
The largest compendium of type Ia supernovae (a type of massive star explosion) data has been published in a special issue of the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics by the international consortium of the Zwicky Transient Facility, a high-performance telescope to which DESY has been a partner and contributor. The data set, comprising nearly 4000 star explosions, has already provided new insights into the possible nature of Dark Energy, the proposed force driving the expansion of the universe, and the use of type Ia supernovae as cosmological "candles" in figuring out distances in the universe. Read more:
High Performance Computing Infrastructure is not only a prerequisite for groundbreaking science, but as well a major benefit for data intensive industries. This is why the HPC Gateway initiative by the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft / Helmholtz Association is facilitating cooperation with entrepreneurial partners. As one of the eight regional hubs supported by the initiative, DESY will offer HPC capacity and AI expertise to external corporate partners within a regional AI innovation ecosystem. Collaborations with small and medium-sized enterprises, involving large language models and other pioneering AI applications is an important part of the knowledge transfer within HPC Gateway.
🚀 AI Innovation at Scale: Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Invests 18 million Euros in HPC Gateway 🚀 To stay competitive, businesses need AI, high-performance computing (HPC), and access to vast datasets—but these resources can be out of reach for many. That’s where #HPC_Gateway comes in. With 18 million Euros in funding, Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft is opening the doors to its world-class HPC infrastructure, enabling companies of all sizes to accelerate AI-driven innovations. Through this initiative: ✅ SMEs and corporations gain access to HPC resources and expertise ✅ AI experts collaborate on cutting-edge projects ✅ Digital twins, AI applications, and industrial simulations become more accessible ✅ Training programs equip industry and academia with critical AI & HPC skills This initiative builds on successful collaborations like the Smart Data Innovation Lab (SDIL) and partners with leading institutions such as Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. 🔬 Real-world impact: 🔹 AI-driven corrosion testing (in partnership with Airbus) to develop sustainable protective coatings 🔹 Industrial multiphase flow simulations with BASF, MAHLE, and Sunfire to optimize key energy transition technologies Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft is committed to future-proofing businesses and strengthening Germany’s AI leadership. Participating Helmholtz Centers: ▪️ Forschungszentrum Jülich (Nordrhein-Westfalen) ▪️ Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) (Baden-Württemberg) ▪️ Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) (Sachsen) ▪️ GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research (Hessen) ▪️ Helmholtz Munich (Bayern) ▪️ Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY (Hamburg) ▪️ Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon (Schleswig-Holstein und Niedersachsen) ▪️ Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (Berlin) ▪️ Max Delbrück Center (Berlin) For more information see links in the comments below!
Heads up! DESY is offering a workshop on quantum computing on 24 March in cooperation with the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, PTB. The workshop is aimed at non-experts from industry without prior knowledge of quantum technologies and will take place in Berlin at PTB from 12:30 to 18:00: Abbestraße 12, 10587 Berlin. The agenda is characterised by significant industry participation with presentations on software, hardware, and use cases: Fraunhofer FOKUS, HQS, IBM, Infineon Technologies, QUDORA Technologies, and XeedQ. In addition, DESY will give an introduction to the topic, German Aerospace Center (DLR) will present the ecosystem, and PTB will present its standardisation activities. The workshop will be held in English. Click below to get the registration link!
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