VARO Energy

VARO Energy

Erdöl und Gas

Baar, Zug 19.758 Follower:innen

Accelerating the transition to a world of Reliable, Accessible, Sustainable Energy


VARO Energy ("VARO") ist ein führendes europäisches Unternehmen im Bereich der Energiewende, das die gesamte Energieversorgungskette abdeckt. VARO hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, den Energiebedarf seiner Kunden im Zuge der weltweiten Paradigmenwechsel in der Energie zu decken, indem es die schnell entwickelnde Nachfrage mit dem Angebot verbindet. Zu diesem Zweck ist das Unternehmen aktiv an der Energiewende beteiligt, indem es seine Handels- und Marketingkapazitäten, sowie Produktions-, Vertriebs- und Retailinfrastruktur einsetzt, um Chancen auf dem Markt für erneuerbare Energien zu nutzen. Das Unternehmen möchte sich als "One-Stop-Shop" aufstellen, der den Kunden innovative Lösungen für ihre sich ändernden Energiebedürfnisse bietet. Über ein Netzwerk von Resellern und Direktvertriebskanälen vertreibt VARO ein umfassendes Angebot an lokal erzeugten Energieprodukten und -dienstleistungen an seine Geschäftskunden und an Endverbraucher in Belgien, Luxemburg, Frankreich, Deutschland, den Niederlanden und der Schweiz. Bei stetig steigender Marktnachfrage ist VARO Europas größter Lieferant von Biokraftstoffen und gleichzeitig weiterhin zuverlässiger Versorger für Diesel, Benzin, Jet Fuel und Heizöl. Das Unternehmen investiert in den Ausbau seiner Infrastruktur und die Umnutzung seiner Anlagen, um die Energiewende voranzutreiben. Dazu gehört die Raffinerie von Cressier, CH, eine Mehrheitsbeteiligung an der Bayernoil-Raffinerie in D sowie Lagereinrichtungen, Vertriebs- und Marketinggeschäfte. VARO konzentriert sich auf die Umgestaltung seines Portfolios, um die Ziele der Energiewende widerzuspiegeln, einschließlich Dekarbonisierungsinitiativen, Wasserstoffprojekten und Lösungen für die Elektromobilität. Das Unternehmen besitzt u.a. eine 51% Beteiligung an SilviCarbon, einem weltweit führenden Unternehmen für den Abbau von Kohlendioxid (CDR) auf natürlicher Basis, und eine 49,5% Beteiligung an E-Flux, einem führenden Anbieter von Software für das Laden von Elektrofahrzeu

Erdöl und Gas
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Baar, Zug
Raffinieren, Lagern, Distribution, Tankstorage, Gas stations, Bunkering und Biofuels


Beschäftigte von VARO Energy


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    We are excited to have supplied AIDAprima, a flagship vessel under the Carnival Cruises brand and a leader in the cruise industry, with 100% advanced Bio Marine Fuel (BMF100) for the first time. Conducted near our Rotterdam office, this operation highlights our commitment to supporting marine customers in their decarbonisation efforts as the industry adapts to new regulations. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with AIDA Cruises and expanding our biofuel offerings in the ARA region and beyond. #Biofuels #SustainableShipping #Decarbonization #EnergyTransition #sustainablecruising  

    Unternehmensseite von AIDA Cruises anzeigen, Grafik

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    ♻️ INNOVATIVER BIOKRAFTSTOFF FÜR AIDAprima ♻️ #AIDAprima wurde im Port of Rotterdam erstmals mit 100-prozentigem erneuerbarem #Biokraftstoff (BMF100) betankt. 💚 Dabei handelt es sich um einen gemischten Biokraftstoff, der vollständig auf fortschrittliche Abfall- und Reststoffströmen basiert und nach Angaben des Anbieters VARO Energy eine Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen um mindestens 85 Prozent im Vergleich zu herkömmlich fossilen Kraftstoffen ermöglicht. „Im Mittelpunkt steht für uns dabei die Frage, mit welchen Technologien und Kraftstoffen wir die Dekarbonisierung der #Schifffahrt weiter vorantreiben können. Auf der Suche nach dem Treibstoffmix der Zukunft sammeln wir bereits seit 2022 mit dem Einsatz unterschiedlicher Biokraftstoffe wertvolle Erfahrungen💡. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit Experten aus Industrie und Wissenschaft entwickeln wir neue Ansätze, um den Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen kontinuierlich weiter zu reduzieren. 💪 Um eine nachhaltige Wirkung erzielen zu können, brauchen wir ein wachsendes Angebot, nicht nur an Biokraftstoffen, sondern weiteren alternativen Treibstoffen zu marktfähigen Preisen, die auch weltweit verfügbar sind,“ so Felix Eichhorn, Präsident bei #AIDA Cruises. Nach der Betankung in Rotterdam ist geplant, den neuen Biokraftstoff im regulären Schiffsbetrieb auf den kommenden Reisen von AIDAprima ab #Hamburg durch die Fjorde Norwegens zu testen. 🛳️ Für uns ist es wichtig, dass an Bord Biokraftstoffe der sogenannten zweiten Generation zum Einsatz kommen. Diese werden ausschließlich aus organischen Abfällen und Reststoffen produziert♻️. Neben der Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen um mindestens 85 Prozent, ist ein weiterer Vorteil, dass Biokraftstoffe ohne größere Änderungen an den Motoren und der Tankinfrastruktur bestehender Schiffe eingesetzt werden können. 💙❤️💛💚 #aidacruises #biofuels #bettertogether

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  • Unternehmensseite von VARO Energy anzeigen, Grafik

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    Last year, we announced plans to build a large-scale Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) manufacturing facility in Rotterdam. Since then, we have made significant progress, finalising the design and advancing the Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) phase, set for completion in Q4 2024. Today, we are pleased to announce that Gunvor Group Ltd will join us as a 50% partner in this project through a proposed joint venture. SAF is a key element in the ONE VARO Transformation strategy, helping airline customers – one of the most hard-to-abate sectors – to decarbonise. This investment will enable VARO and Gunvor to produce SAF equivalent to 7% of the EU’s 2030 SAF mandate, significantly advancing the aviation sector's decarbonisation goals. For more details, please see our press release here:

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  • Unternehmensseite von VARO Energy anzeigen, Grafik

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    📢 Our 2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report is now available here: Check out the report to learn how we are: · Delivering energy security, affordability and accessibility. · Developing sustainable energy businesses in e-mobility, biogas, hydrogen, biofuels and nature-based carbon removals. · Investing USD 3.5 billion by 2026, with more than two thirds dedicated to sustainable energies. We recognise there is still a way to go to achieve a sustainable future, but we are focused on building our integrated portfolio of conventional and sustainable energy solutions as the partner of choice for the energy transition. #sustainability #esg #esgreporting #sustainabilityreporting #renewablefuels #renewableenergy #transition

  • Unternehmensseite von VARO Energy anzeigen, Grafik

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    Reflecting on a year of momentum for VARO🌟As we review our achievements in 2023, we are proud to share some of the key milestones in our journey towards delivering reliable, accessible, and sustainable energy. Through collaborative efforts within our company and with our partners and customers, we remain dedicated to accelerating transformative changes in our industry.

  • Unternehmensseite von VARO Energy anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today we are celebrating #InternationalWomensDay at VARO Energy, and this year it is all about Inspiring Inclusion.   We are determined to build a more inclusive workplace, facilitate women’s professional development and inspire the next generation of women leaders – at VARO and beyond.   And there is no one better to explore these important themes than our Human Resources Director, Irene Franck. Irene tells us how she overcame bias to get to where she is today, and offers words of advice for aspiring young women looking to make their mark.   This year, we continue our efforts, with 22% Female Senior Managers (+6% vs. 2022) and the launch of our first VARO Women’s Network. This network is a platform for exchange, mutual support and development, facilitating women’s professional development in alignment with our 2030 diversity goals. There is still much to be done, but we are up for the task!   #IWD2024 #GenderEquality #Empowerment

  • Unternehmensseite von VARO Energy anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today, we are announcing a new strategic partnership with Orim Energy to provide shipping customers in Europe’s largest maritime hub, Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp, with long-term low carbon solutions. VARO’s huge biofuels trading capabilities will complement Orim’s extensive distribution, storage and bunkering capabilities in Rotterdam – Europe’s largest port. VARO has a long track record of providing biofuels for maritime logistics. Since 2018, the company has supplied the Port of Rotterdam with HVO100 for use with the Port’s service fleet. In 2023 VARO signed an agreement with Höegh Autoliners to supply the company with advanced biofuels for its shipping fleet. This partnership is aligned with VARO’s strategy to become the partner of choice for customers in the energy transition by providing them with the low-carbon energy solutions they need to decarbonise. Read our press release to learn more:

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  • Unternehmensseite von VARO Energy anzeigen, Grafik

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    Profil von Dev Sanyal anzeigen, Grafik

    Chief Executive Officer, VARO Energy Group

    Our customers are at the heart of everything we do at VARO Energy, and digital technology is a massive enabler in improving their experience. Digital technology simplifies the customer experience with streamlined online platforms, personalised recommendations, real time information and task automation. Our Customer Portal, myVARO, stands as a testament to our commitment to excellence. Tailor-made and designed to simplify and enhance the digital experience with: - Access to real time information about market prices or status of orders and transactions - Personalised experience for each customer - Security and privacy measures   At VARO, we embrace the transformative potential of digital innovation to unlock substantial value for our customers, accelerating our progress towards being the energy partner of choice. The latest version of our Customer Portal is live in Switzerland and Germany and is being rolled out across our network. I would like to extend my thanks to the VARO teams for ongoing efforts on this innovative and collaborative tool, and to our customers for their valuable feedback.

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    Profil von Dev Sanyal anzeigen, Grafik

    Chief Executive Officer, VARO Energy Group

    I often speak of the importance of Safety, and I cannot stress this enough. At VARO Energy, Safety is our highest priority - for our employees, contractors and customers alike.   Severe incidents represent the worst possible outcome for any organisation and have a deep impact on all of us and our loved ones. Yet, industry research consistently underscores that these incidents could have been prevented by adhering to straightforward, life-saving rules.   That is why, as part of our safety policy, we have also incorporated the 9 Life-Saving Rules, as defined by the IOGP (International Association of Oil & Gas Producers). These rules are considered “life critical” and relate to activities that - if not executed correctly every time - pose a significant risk. I believe that it is important to foster, across our industry, a common understanding around these rules and a standard for their implementation. At VARO - whether in our manufacturing sites, terminals or logistical operations and offices - we aim to create a culture where safety is not just a rule, but a way of life. A culture where everyone is empowered to STOP WORK whenever conditions and behaviours are considered to be unsafe. This is our collective commitment, and we are proud to live by it, every day.  

  • Unternehmensseite von VARO Energy anzeigen, Grafik

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    Profil von Dev Sanyal anzeigen, Grafik

    Chief Executive Officer, VARO Energy Group

    The road transportation sector represents one fifth of the EU's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. According to the IEA, to get on track for net zero emissions by 2050, CO2 emissions from the transport sector must fall by more than 3% per year to 2030. Industry largely relies on commercial fleets to transport goods, traditionally powered via conventional fuels. I am proud of the part we, at VARO Energy, play through our e-Mobility strategy, to help decarbonise commercial road transportation by accelerating the electrification of commercial fleets. A great example of this is the new e-truck charging hub - Antonie Bodaanweg (Waalhaven) - in the Port of Rotterdam, inaugurated earlier today. Initiated by the Port of Rotterdam and Truckparkings Rotterdam Exploitatie BV, this is the first of its kind in the heart of logistic Rotterdam and Europe’s largest port. VARO Charging is proud to have partnered with Truckparkings Rotterdam, a market leader in secured truck parking, to operate this charging site. Offering a 24/7 charging solution, we ensure a sustainable energy supply for all battery-electric heavy-duty trucks and coaches. This is enabled via the software of Road, a key e-Mobility European company in which VARO holds the majority stake. I would like to extend my thanks to the VARO teams that contributed to make this happen and especially to Sacha Konan, Country President Benelux, Florence Lebeau, our Brand Strategy Director and our e-Mobility colleagues Ruben Benders, Taco van Berkel, Stefan van den Bos. This is another milestone in our growing e-Mobility business which is playing a leading role in partnering with customers to decarbonise mobility. 

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  • Unternehmensseite von VARO Energy anzeigen, Grafik

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    Profil von Dev Sanyal anzeigen, Grafik

    Chief Executive Officer, VARO Energy Group

    2024 will be a pivotal year for VARO Energy, as we further accelerate our ambition to be the energy transition partner of choice for our partners and customers. Stepping into the new year, we have four key focus areas for our company: · Operational excellence in our existing and new businesses · Helping our customers in their needs for both energy security and energy transition through existing and new products and services · Disciplined integration, and continuing momentum in delivery · Partnerships that enable pace in the execution of our ONE VARO Transformation strategy Today, I would like to highlight our long-standing partnership with the Port of Rotterdam, which exemplifies our commitment to help our customers decarbonise and reach net zero. Together we are accelerating the energy transition, even in the hardest-to-abate sectors. We are working with the Port of Rotterdam to help decarbonise maritime transport and inland shipping in Europe’s largest port. Since 2018, the Port of Rotterdam has used VARO’s HVO100 (100% Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) for its service fleet. This biofuel is made entirely from sustainable materials, reducing CO2 emissions by up to 89% compared to conventional diesel. This ‘drop-in fuel’ can be blended with conventional diesel in any proportion and is well suited for all existing diesel engines without modification. As a result, HVO is a highly accessible means of decarbonisation that is rapidly scalable at a relatively low cost. Our partnership is testament of our commitment to drive change and shape a sustainable future through strategic collaborations. Here’s to a year of prosperity, where businesses forge enduring partnerships, innovation, and sustainable success!  

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