
Bertelsmann is a media, services and education company with more than 80,000 employees that operates in about 50 countries around the world. It includes the entertainment group RTL Group, the trade book publisher Penguin Random House, the music company BMG, the service provider Arvato Group, Bertelsmann Marketing Services, the Bertelsmann Education Group and Bertelsmann Investments, an international network of funds. The company generated revenues of €20.2 billion in the 2023 financial year. Bertelsmann stands for creativity and entrepreneurship. This combination promotes first-class media content and innovative service solutions that inspire customers around the world. Bertelsmann aspires to achieve climate neutrality by 2030.

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Beschäftigte von Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA


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    Profil von Karin Schlautmann anzeigen, Grafik

    Executive Vice President Corporate Communications bei Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA

    Heute durfte ich auf dem Marken Summit 2024 des F.A.Z. Institut zum Thema „Kommunikation trifft Kultur“ sprechen. In meinem Vortrag habe ich aufgezeigt, wie Bertelsmann sich engagiert, europäisches Kulturgut zu bewahren, zu digitalisieren und einem breiten Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Zu den zentralen Initiativen gehören das ➡️ Blaue Sofa, ➡️ die UFA Filmnächte ➡️ und das Archivio Storico Ricordi. Diese Projekte ermöglichen es, kulturelle Inhalte sichtbar und erlebbar zu machen, gleichzeitig tragen wir zum langfristigen Erhalt wertvoller kreativer Werke bei. Ein weiteres wichtiges Thema ist die Digitalisierung historischer Medien. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Murnau-Stiftung haben wir beispielsweise Stummfilmklassiker restauriert und digitalisiert. Dadurch wird nicht nur Kulturgut bewahrt, sondern durch den Einsatz moderner Technologien wie Künstlicher Intelligenz auch neue Zugänge zu historischen Inhalten geschaffen. Mein Dank gilt dem FAZ Institut für die Einladung und die Gelegenheit, diese spannenden Themen mit einem breiten Publikum zu teilen. #markensummit2024

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    Welcome to part two of „Bertelsmann on the road“! 🙌 In November you still have the chance to meet us at different universities, on site and online. We just can’t stop meeting lots of new talents to share insights and career opportunities with them (read: you)! 😉 Join the fun: Watch the video and save the dates! 📅 Technische Universität München WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management Universität Münster ESCP Business School

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    Unternehmensseite von Bertelsmann University anzeigen, Grafik

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    ✨ Final Round of Our Three-Year Initiative: Bertelsmann Employee Scholarship! 🌟 At Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA, we believe in empowering our employees with the skills they need for the future. The Bertelsmann Employee Scholarship offers the opportunity to transform careers through world-class learning platforms like Udacity, Coursera, and Harvard Online. In this final round of the three-year initiative, our employees can enhance their expertise in critical areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, and Data Science, while tailoring their learning paths to meet their career goals. 🚀 🔗 Apply now and turn your skills from normal to magic! 🌟 But that’s not all! Starting on October 28th, the external version – the Next Generation Tech Booster, will be open to everyone. Apply for one of the 3 Udacity Nanodegrees and gain skills in cutting-edge technologies. 👉 Whether you're an employee or an external professional, this is your chance to take your career to the next level.  Find out more at 

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    Controllers make sure that a company is on track 🚄 in terms of costs and performance. Leo, a dual student at Bertelsmann, is currently assigned to the 👉 controlling department at #Arvato. He is fascinated by his work because it gives him a great overview of Arvato and its central functions. Connect 🔗 with Leonard Kösters here on LinkedIn to learn more about his job.

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    Ein spannendes Interview von unserem Personalvorstand Immanuel Hermreck mit Maren Hauptmann Deloitte Partner Human Capital: Im Gespräch unterstreicht er, wie entscheidend menschliche Kreativität auch im Zeitalter von GenAI ist und, dass wir bei Bertelsmann GenAI nicht als Bedrohung sehen, sondern als Beschleuniger – immer mit dem Menschen im Mittelpunkt.

    Profil von Alexander Mogg anzeigen, Grafik

    Elevating Strategy to New Heights: Crafting and Executing Growth through Business-Driven, Technology-Enabled Transformation

    💡Fragen Sie sich auch, wie die #ZukunftDerArbeitswelt in Zeiten der #KünstlichenIntelligenz aussieht? 💡 Wie halten wir Schritt mit diesem Wandel und können #Innovation einbringen, ohne den Menschen und seine #Kreativität aus dem Auge zu verlieren? Um hier Orientierung zu bieten, haben meine Kollegin, Maren Hauptmann, und Dr. Immanuel Hermreck, Personalvorstand bei Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA, ein aufschlussreiches Gespräch zu diesem Thema geführt. Sie diskutieren die Rolle des Menschen in einer #GenAI-geprägten Welt und wie Kreativität einen entscheidenden Unterschied machen kann. Werfen Sie einen Blick auf die Zukunft der Arbeit, erfahren Sie mehr über GenAI und entdecken Sie, wie #HCTrends wie #BoundarylessWork unsere Arbeitswelt verändern. Hier geht's zum Interview: 🚀 #Deloitte #HumanCapitalTrends #FutureOfWork #Transformation #vordenkertum #futureconfident

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    Team "Creator Economy" secured 2nd place in #TMB24's case study competition, which earned them a four-day trip to London. During their mid-September visit, the team had the opportunity to engage with experts from Fremantle, Dorling Kindersley and BMG. Their itinerary also included a memorable dinner with fellow TMB alumni at the London alumni hub 🇬🇧 See some highlights from their journey. #bertelsmann_careers

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    Pam, our SVP Corporate Employer Branding at Bertelsmann, had the honor to lead a workshop in Frankfurt last week 🏆 It's part of the accelerator program CONTENTshift, where five start-ups are still competing for an open spot. Pam introduced Bertelsmann and especially PRH as employers with great career opportunities 🎤 After that, she worked with the start-ups on their final presentations and helped them improve their pitching skills. She provided exciting insights and the start-ups contributed their innovative ideas 💡 We are looking forward to witnessing the final presentations at the Frankfurt Bookfair.

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    Stefan Raab returns to show business at RTL Deutschland and sets new records   After a break of almost 10 years, Stefan Raab has now returned to show business. Right from the start of his new entertainment-quiz-competition-show “Du gewinnst hier nicht die Million by Stefan Raab” (“You are not winning the Million by Stefan Raab”), which celebrated its premiere last night, the entertainer has already broken the first records. The launch of his new show proved to be the best new start ever on RTL+ and also ensured the strongest subscription growth of an original format on the streaming channel. Just as spectacular as the new show is the proportion of new customers on the streaming platform. The number of new subscriptions rose to 73%, while the remaining 27% were returning customers.   Inga Leschek, CCO of RTL Germany, comments: “This is exactly what I expected: Stefan Raab is back and breaking all records on Germany's largest national streaming platform RTL+. Stefan showed once again yesterday that he is an exceptional artist. (…) It feels - in the best sense - as if he's never been away and as if he's always been part of the RTL family. (…)”   Stefan Raab had already celebrated his big comeback last Saturday and showed that one of the greatest entertainers has returned to Germany's screens. This was proven, among other things, by the ratings for his boxing spectacle in prime time on RTL: with peak figures of almost 8 million viewers and market shares of (provisionally weighted) 40.9% (14-59 year olds) and 52.9% (14-49 year olds), the show entertainer showed how much viewers were looking forward to his return to German television. In addition, his new song “Pa aufs Maul” went straight to the top of the German charts, on iTunes, RTL+ and other music streamers, and Stefan Raab also recorded a huge increase in contacts on social media. Over 465 million contacts follow him on Instgram, TikTok, Facebook and other platforms - a symbol of how big an impact Stefan Raab's return to show business has had. 

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    Nintendo Visits Sonopress: A Showcase of Innovation and Collaboration On August 1st, we had the honor of hosting top executives from Nintendo, the global leader in video games and consoles, at Sonopress in Gütersloh. This visit highlighted the strong partnership between Bertelsmann’s storage media division and Nintendo of Europe. From left: Anja Poser (Sonopress), Wolfgang Hartlaub (Nintendo Managing Director of European Operations), Cuong Huu Quoc Vo, Clayton Warren Ritter (both Nintendo), Martin Kreutzheide (Sonopress), Daisuke Hara (Nintendo), Joerg Dickenhorst (Sonopress Management), Yuji Bando (Nintendo), and Sven Deutschmann (Sonopress Management). The Nintendo team, led by Wolfgang Hartlaub, included experts from both Japan and the United States. During their visit, they explored our cutting-edge facilities, learning about the history of Sonopress, our innovative technologies, and our commitment to sustainable practices. Key highlights: 🚀 Optimized Processes: Our highly automated packaging lines impressed the guests, showcasing our efficiency and precision. 🚀 Eco-Friendly Innovations: The "Eco Record" machine, capable of producing sustainable LPs from recyclable PET with 300 tons of contact pressure, was a standout feature. With over 80 million Nintendo Switch products assembled and delivered since 2021, Sonopress continues to be a pivotal partner in Nintendo's European operations. We coordinate weekly with Nintendo to meet market demands across Spain, Poland, and the UK.

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