Exciting days at #embeddedworld2025 are behind us!🙌 We were thrilled by your visits and your interest in our products. The highlight of events like this is the opportunity to interact with you and receive feedback on how our #SensingSolutions are improving people's everyday lives. While we share some impressions in the video, we are already busy planning for upcoming events - so stay tuned and enjoy some highlights below🚀
Bosch Sensortec GmbH
Herstellung von Halbleitern
For a better life: Bosch Sensortec sensing solutions
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From Edge AI to edge hunger - Bosch Sensortec has the solution🍫🚀 The #embeddedworld2025 is in full swing, and we are sensing the future with Edge AI! We have many exciting innovative solutions for you at our booth. Come by and test the first end product featuring the BMV080 particulate matter sensor in collaboration with our partner PurpleAir, Inc. The PurpleAir Pixel, a compact air quality monitor offers a real-time indoor air quality monitoring with silent operation and fast, accurate detection. Or you can prove yourself as a Sensor Hero 🦸 by playfully testing the functionality of our #SensingSolutions. Don’t miss the chance to visit us at booth 4A-512! We look forward to connecting with you! More information: https://lnkd.in/eiv6kh4e
Today, we are kicking off #embeddedworld2025 in Nuremberg🎉 Check out the sneak peak below to gain insights from Claudia and Kevin about what we have at our booth for you. Our team is ready to connect, share insights, and explore new opportunities with you. Don’t miss out on the chance to visit us - We look forward to seeing you at booth4A-512! 🚀 In collaboration with our partner Doublepoint, we are showcasing a ready-to-implement IoT gesture control solution for wearables. By combining advanced algorithms from Doublepoint with our low-power IMU BHI360, we enable intuitive gestures - like steering lights with a finger pinch. For more information click here👉https://lnkd.in/eiv6kh4e
IoT gesture control solution for wearables and more at embedded world 2025
Bosch Sensortec GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt
Ever wondered what's behind some of your smartphone's most convenient features? 📱🤔 From waking up your display to activating the voice assistant on wireless headphones – more than half of all new smartphones rely on Bosch sensors for those familiar everyday functionalities! Our sensors are designed with an integrated microprocessor that not only helps your device perform these tasks but also conserves battery life. Since starting production in 1995, we have sold over 23 billion MEMS sensors. With the global demand for MEMS expected to skyrocket, we plan to produce 10 billion MEMS sensors with integrated microprocessors and Bosch proprietary software by the end of 2030. 🚀 Find out more about our sensing solutions from Bosch Sensortec GmbH: bit.ly/MEMSapplications
📢Joins us on March 13 at #embeddedworld in Nuremberg for an inspiring talk by Christina Strohrmann. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights from a leader in the field! In her presentation "A new experience of sound – how MEMS microspeakers and bone conduction sensors redefine the listening experience," Christina will show how cutting-edge technological innovations are transforming the audio landscape. Discover how the miniaturization of MEMS acoustic sensors and optimized power consumption are revolutionizing the listening experience. She will introduce you to MEMS microspeakers that use electrostatic actuation for precise, distortion-free sound, as well as show you how bone conduction sensors enhance phone calls by filtering out background noise, capturing the voice directly through the body for clear communication in noisy environments. Mark your calendars for March 13 and join us at #embeddedworld2025 to experience the future of sound🔊Find more information here 👉https://lnkd.in/eiv6kh4e
📢We are happy to introduce the Polverine development board by BlackIoT, currently featured as a crowdfunding project on Crowd Supply! This mikroBUS™-compatible board is equipped with our #sensors BMV080 a particulate matter sensor and BME690 a gas sensor, providing a comprehensive environmental #SensingSolution. Powered by the Espressif ESP32-S3-MINI-1 dual-core microcontroller, it offers seamless 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® 5 connectivity, making it the perfect tool for real-time air quality monitoring across various applications. From smart homes to personal air quality monitoring, the Polverine board, packed with our sensors, delivers accurate and actionable environmental data in a compact form factor, making it a standout solution in the market.🌏 To be among the first to receive the development board form BlackIoT featuring our environmental sensors, join the crowdfunding campaign here:🚀 https://lnkd.in/dygkFeaZ
🚀Exciting news about the newly established #MEMS working group at Silicon Saxony! We are proud to share, that our team member Bert Kaiser is the leader of this initiative, collaborating with esteemed research institutions and industry leaders. His dedication and expertise will be invaluable as we promote knowledge exchange and collaboration in MEMS technologies. Check out more details below👇
📣 Neuer Silicon Saxony Arbeitskreis zu #MEMS! Seit Anfang letzten Jahres haben wir uns mit Forschungseinrichtungen wie Fraunhofer ENAS und Fraunhofer IIS, Institutsteil Entwicklung Adaptiver Systeme 🤝 sowie mit Branchenführern i-ROM, MK Versuchsanlagen GmbH & Co. KG and Bosch Sensortec GmbH 👏 zusammengeschlossen, um einen Arbeitskreis MEMS im Silicon Saxony zu gründen. Wir freuen uns, bekannt geben zu können, dass die MEMS Arbeitsgruppe nun offiziell gegründet wurde! 🎉 Sören Köble wird neben Bert Kaiser als stellvertretender Leiter des Arbeitskreises fungieren. Wenn Sie Interesse haben, mitzuwirken, kontaktieren Sie ihn gerne! 📩 📅 Das nächste Arbeitskreistreffen ist am 21. Mai 2025! 👉 Unsere Mission? Wir fördern den den Wissensaustausch und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Akteuren in Forschung und Entwicklung. Außerdem informieren wir die Öffentlichkeit über MEMS-Technologien und deren Anwendungen. ✔️ Wir vertreten die Interessen der MEMS-Forschungs- und Entwicklungsgemeinschaft im Silicon Saxony, mit einem Fokus auf siliziuzmbasierten, miniaturisierten Systeme. Gemeinsam gestalten wir die Zukunft der Ausbildung 🎓, Talententwicklung 🌱 und Fachkräftegewinnung 👩🔬👨🔬 im Silicon Saxony und fördern die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Forschung und Industrie! 💡 --- Philipp Mehner - Roman Forke - Dr. Sandro Koch - Florian Kuhl - Volkhard Beyer - #SiliconSaxony #MEMS #Innovation #Collaboration #ResearchAndDevelopment #Fraunhofer #FraunhoferIPMS
What an inspiring event🎉 The Robotic Competition at the Technical Faculty of the University of Freiburg truly showcased the incredible talent and creativity of over 360 students. A big shoutout to Gerhard Lammel and Samuel Zinn for their contributions to this amazing initiative🤖 It's wonderful to see innovation and teamwork come together in such a meaningful way. Check out some insights below👇
Wenn Technik Herzen erobert: Am 14. Februar 2025 war der Roboterwettbewerb der Technischen Fakultät der perfekte Mix aus Innovation, Teamgeist und Valentinstagsromantik! 🤖❤️ Über 360 Studierende in 87 Teams aus #Informatik, #Mikrosystemtechnik, #EmbeddedSystemsEngineering und #SustainableSystemsEngineering kämpften um den Sieg, während sie autonom agierende #Roboter entwickelten, die nicht nur Hindernisse, sondern vielleicht auch das ein oder andere Herz eroberten! 🏆 Ein Semester voller Kreativität und Zusammenarbeit – und am Ende gab es nicht nur Siegerinnen und Sieger, sondern unvergessliche Erfahrungen, neue Freundschaften und spannende Zukunftsperspektiven! 🙌 Danke an alle, die diesen Wettbewerb möglich gemacht haben, allen voran unseren Sponsoren Bosch Sensortec GmbH, SensoPart Industriesensorik und TDK-Micronas sowie an Prof. Stefan Rupitsch, Prof. Oliver Ambacher, Alexander Richter, Till Steinmann, Marina Krause, Svenja Andresen, Kerstin Steiger-Merx, Samuel Zinn, Gerhard Lammel, Dr. Timo Kaufmann, Martin Cornils, Annie Moritz, Aileen Mörder, Dennis Hämmerle, Alex Rudolph, Christian Ott Mehr Info unter: https://lnkd.in/e93U3G6c #Roboterwettbewerb #Innovation #Teamwork #TechnikLeidenschaft #Valentinstag #Zukunftstechnologie
Love is in the air?💚More often, pollution is in the air 💔 That is way in today's world, understanding the quality of the air we breathe is more crucial than ever. That's where air quality mapping comes into play —an innovative approach to measuring and visualizing the concentration of various pollutants across different locations. By identifying pollution hotspots and tracking changes in air quality over time, you can assess the effectiveness of environmental policies and make profound decisions to protect your health. Our cutting-edge sensors, the BMV080 and BME690, deployed in various locations can gather detailed information about both, particulate matter and gaseous pollutants. With this data, you can take actionable measures in order to breathe the best air possible and avoid areas with high pollution levels. Moreover, the insights gained from air quality mapping can be instrumental in improving environmental conditions, fostering healthier communities, and ultimately enhancing our quality of life. Let’s work together to create a cleaner, healthier environment for everyone🌏click here for more information 👉 https://lnkd.in/eYMJjfdY
🚪Knock knock - who's there? It's innovation and more at embedded world 2025 in Nuremberg! Join us for an exciting experience as we showcase our cutting-edge products through showstopping demos at #embeddedworld2025, taking place from March 11 - 13, at booth 4A-512. Get to know our entire MEMS sensor portfolio, with the main focus on air quality and smart workplace solutions 🚀Register now by using our code ew25542800 to get a free ticket for the exhibition. We can't wait to share our latest innovations with you - are you ready to sense the future? Check out more information here 👉 https://lnkd.in/eiv6kh4e