Beitrag von Schaffensgeist

Unternehmensseite von Schaffensgeist anzeigen, Grafik

673 Follower:innen

Zwei Dinge, die wir gerne machen: 1. Corporate Influencer Programm aufbauen 2. Kickern Manchmal kommt beides zusammen 😇

Profil von Vanessa Schneider Álvarez anzeigen, Grafik

Head of Talent Acquisition @Lidl International. My passion: help you discover your superpower💪; my job: connect your talent with the fantastic #teamlidl❤💛💙

The story of how we let Tomas win... After seven months of intense work with the fantastic team of Schaffensgeist, we wondered how to end this chapter on a high note. The answer? A spirited game of foosball! ⚽ This wasn't just any game. Competitiveness is part of Lidl's DNA ❤️💛💙 . Everyone was ready to show off their best tricks and strategies. We didn't want to admit it, but we all wanted to prove our skills. In the midst of the friendly rivalry, we let Tomas Herzberger take the spotlight and demonstrate his most impressive moves and passes. Next time we'll take it to the next level, so be ready 👀 Teamwork doesn't end when a project is completed. It shines through every laugh, every play, and every shared success 🤙 Thank you, Marina Zayats Tomas Herzberger and my amazing Talent Acquisition team for an unforgettable seven months and a great game! #TeamLidl #LidlDNA #Schaffensgeist #WorkHardPlayHard

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