Dreamtown.ngos coverbillede



København, Hovedstaden 1.019 følgere

Creating space for young people in cities

Om os

Welcome to Dreamtown. We’re a Danish NGO working for the wellbeing of young people in cities. We work in slums, which are home to more than one billion people worldwide. Together with local grassroots, we create spaces where young people can feel safe, be creative, and dare to dream.

2-10 medarbejdere
København, Hovedstaden


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    København, Hovedstaden 1210, DK

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Medarbejdere hos Dreamtown.ngo


  • We're excited to follow Spyridoula Loukopoulou and her work with our partners in Nairobi - working with #greenspace initiatives, where the power of community-led change is visible every day🌱Look forward to learning more on the vital role of young people in shaping their neighborhoods and environment 🙌 🌍

    Se profil for Spyridoula Loukopoulou

    MSc Global Environment and Development | Project Manager in impact-driven projects

    ✨ 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝐍𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐢’𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬—𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡—𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝! Revisiting the #greenspace initiatives in Korogocho, Dandora, and Kamukunji, I witnessed firsthand the resilience and dedication of local youth groups. Despite extreme floods and demolitions, they have transformed public spaces, proving the power of community-led change. 🌱🏡 My research on Participatory Governance in Green Space Initiatives highlights the lasting impact of projects created, implemented, and sustained by the community—and the vital role of young people in shaping their neighborhoods and environment. 🙏 A huge thank you to Dreamtown.ngo and Public Space Network for supporting my research and for their unwavering commitment to these spaces! #SustainableCities #greencities #urbanresilience #Nairobi #slums #placemaking

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  • 🌱 From classroom to garden: How one teacher in Uganda is cultivating the next generation of urban farmers! Stephan Ebotu recognized a critical need in his community and and, after participating in one of the trainings by our partner Network for Active Citizens, took action. Stephan is a educator who's transforming school spaces into thriving vegetable gardens. What started as a solution to vegetable scarcity became something much more significant. Students aren't just learning about agriculture; they're gaining practical skills that can transform their families' lives and contribute to food security in urban areas. "We're looking at it as something which is very important when it comes to climate change," Stephen explains. "This is one of the ways whereby people will be in position to secure their own food in their families." The impact extends beyond the classroom: • Students learn valuable agricultural skills • Families save money on expensive market vegetables • Surplus produce creates income opportunities • Communities become more resilient to food insecurity As food prices continue to rise, initiatives like these become increasingly vital. Stephen's vision doesn't stop here - he aims to expand this model to other urban centers across Uganda. This goes beyond farming; it's about cultivating sustainable solutions for our urban future. 🌿 #UrbanFarming #Sustainability #Education #FoodSecurity #Uganda #Innovation #CommunityDevelopment #ClimateAction #AgriEducation #FutureOfFood

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  • Så er vi for alvor i gang med projekt Gatekeeper for Unges Globale Engagement! Gennem tæt samarbejde med vores partnere, Center for Skole og Læring på Professionshøjskolen Absalon, udstyrer vi lærere og lærerstuderende med værktøjer og kompetencer, der er nødvendige for at navigere i og formidle kompleksiteten af de globale udfordringer, som FN's Verdensmål adresserer. De lærerstuderende snakker og reflektere også over deres egen og uddannelsesinstitutioners rolle i formidlingen af bæredygtig udvikling. Sammen vil vi støtte og styrke unges viden om, holdning til og handling omkring FNs Verdensmål og bæredygtig udvikling, ved at få mere af verden ind i undervisningen og få undervisningen mere ud i verden🌍Og i lørdags havde et fantastisk tysk E-lærer-hold med på tur med Verdensmål 12: Ansvarligt forbrug og produktion🚇 Projektet er støttet af Udenrigsministeriets Oplysnings- og Engagementspulje🙌

    Se profil for Benedicte Bertelsen

    Ungeengagement hos Dreamtown.ngo

    I lørdags tog jeg et fantastisk tysk E-lærer-hold og lektor, Klimaszyk Petra, fra Professionshøjskolen Absalon med på tur ud i verden med i engagementsuniverset Metropolis! Fra vores kontor i Demokrati Garage, startede vi dagen med at gå i dybden med verdensmål 12 og problematikkerne ved Fast Fashion og hvor vores brugt tøj ender – det som ikke bliver brændt eller gensolgt i genbrugsbutikkerne (kun ca. 10 %), ender nemlig med at blive solgt billigt i lande i det Afrikanke Kontinent. Derfor så vi også hvordan det ugandiske designer kollektivet Banakibuga Street Minds giver nyt liv og identitet til brugt tøj fra Europa, Nord Amerika og Øst Asien. Godt ladet op på viden og med inspiration fra verden, tog vi ud i det dejlige solskin for at se, hvordan Københavns Kommune arbejder med at aflærer os vores brug-og-smid-væk tøjkultur ved at engagerer borgerne cirkulære tekstil og tøjinitiativer gennem nærgenbrugsstationerne. Ved Møllegade nærgenbrugsstation møder vi Slow Fashion Designer og bæredygtighedsingeniør, Karl, bag brandet Hvidt Skrald, som aktivt engagerede os i at tekstilsorterer og hvorfor både nærgenbrugsstationerne og bæredygtige Slow Fashion fællesskaber, så bl.a. Alternativ Fashion Week, er så vigtige. Vi havde også alle taget en ting eller et stykke tøj med til nærgenbrugsstationen, som vi ikke længere skulle bruge, så vi blev en direkte del af et mere cirkulært København. Vi endte dagen tilbage i Demokrati Garage, hvor vi snakkede om, hvordan vi skaber nuanceret formidling af verden, og hvordan man kan formidle komplekse globale tendenser i børnehøjde samtidig med, man inspirer til håb og handler i fællesskab.

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  • We are excited to have had a cohort from Worcester Polytechnic Institute on one of the Metropolis SDG tours last week focusing on SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production. Based on the tour four of the students will research Dreamtowns Metropolis engagement universe and how they can strengthen learning about sustainability at their own institute 💡🌱💪 The Metropolis project enables students to think creatively and reflect upon the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, by using interactive teaching material that moves the learning processes outside of the classroom🤸🌱 #Demokrati Garage #SustainableDevelopment #KøbenhavnsKommune #CircularCPH #NærgenbrugsstationenIndreby

    Se profil for Benedicte Bertelsen

    Ungeengagement hos Dreamtown.ngo

    On tour with Worcester Polytechnic Institute diving into SDG 12 🌍 💡 🤓 Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting a group of students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute at Dreamtown.ngo in Demokrati Garage. They are all pursuing degrees in various fields of engineering and technology and are currently two months in Copenhagen collaborating with various partners and actors on cross-disciplinary projects concerning sustainability. The students started off at Demokrati Garage by reflecting upon the work of Dreamtown as well as SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production in connection to the global clothing and textile industry - an industry responsible for about 10% of the world's CO2 emissions. Subsequently, we had an insightful workshop about the EU waste management and the five-step of the “waste hierarchy” focusing on clothes and textile sorting at the recycling station ‘’Nærgenbrugsstation’’ (a part of CPH municipality's (Københavns Kommunes) sustainability strategy, Circular CPH. Lastly, the WPI cohort had a video call with the Ugandan designer collective Banakibuga Street Minds and how they deal with the big amouts of secondhand clothes that end up in among other Uganda 🌍 👕 🧦 We look forward to learning more about how engineering and technology can contribute to a more sustainable world! 🌎

  • Så er vi er i gang med Coding Class Cph! I mandags mødte Benedicte fra Dreamtown Skolen på Strandboulevarden i forbindelse med deres forløb med Coding Class Cph. Her præsenterede vi Dreamtown’s arbejde og projekter for eleverne og præsenterede to forskellige udfordringer, hvoraf de vælge en at fokusere på: 1) at opfinde et interaktivt spil eller quiz, der kan hjælpe Dreamtown med at nå ud til flere unge gennem sine sociale medier og digitale kanaler eller; 2) at skabe et sjovt og interaktivt undervisningsspil, der engagerer og tester folkeskoleelevers viden og udfordrer fordomme om det Afrikanske kontinent. Vi glæder os meget til at se deres ideer! Stay tuned! 🤩

    Se profil for Benedicte Bertelsen

    Ungeengagement hos Dreamtown.ngo

    Så er vi i gang med Coding Class Cph! Gennem forløbet med Coding Class Cph lærer folkeskolenelever at kode og skabe kreative og innovative teknologiske løsninger på virkelighedsnære udfordringer stillet af organisationer og virksomheder 💡 💻 🤩 Dreamtown er så heldige at være en af de organisationer. I mandags mødte jeg første gang klassen på Skolen på Strandboulevarden, der gennem et for løb med Coding Class Cph, vil code en løsninger til en udfording Dreamtown.ngo stiller. I grupper reflekterede de over Dreamtown’s formål, og opsummerede det blandt andet som "De støtter unge som laver byrum der hjælper med at folk trives". Eleverne diskuterede også hvilke aspekter af organisationen, som de fandt mest interessant. Her sagde en elev bl.a. "Det er fedt de (Dreamtown) ikke gør det for profit. Der er meget, som kun handler om at tjene penge og ikke om at skabe en bedre verden" 🌍 💡 Jeg glæder mig til at komme tilbage til skolen, og høre om elevernes ideer! 🤩

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  • Kæmpe tak til HumanAct for deres støtte og engagement!❤️Tag fat i os, hvis din virksomhed også vil være en del af løsningen - og skabe muligheder og gøre drømme til virkelighed hos unge i udsatte byområder🌍✨

    Se profil for Rasmus Bering

    Co-founder and Leadership - Dreamtown.ngo

    Et kæmpe stort tak til vores virksomhedspartner HumanAct!💗 🙏 Endnu en gang har HumanAct valgt at støtte Dreamtown med en generøs donation – og i år føles det endnu mere specielt. Sidste år rejste vi nemlig sammen til Sierra Leone for at opleve forandringen helt tæt på. Vi besøgte Youth Dream Centre Sierra Leone og rejste fra Freetown til Kono for at se, hvordan de uformelle uddannelsesinitiativer, Human Act har støttet i årevis, skaber reel forandring for unge i udsatte områder. 💬 Asger Neumann, partner i Human Act, delte denne stærke refleksion efter turen: “En kæmpe oplevelse at se, hvad Dreamtown.ngo sammen med deres lokale partner har formået at sætte i værk. De yder en fantastisk indsats for børn og unge under ekstreme vanskelige vilkår. Jeg er ikke bange for at indrømme, at det gik lige ind i hjertet at opleve den taknemmelighed og imødekommenhed, som vi oplevede uanset, hvor vi kom frem. Vi har i Human Act siden 2010 givet 1% af vores omsætning til Dreamtown. Det er vi stolte af. Vores tur med Dreamtown til projekterne i Sierra Leone i 2024 bekræftede os i, at donationer går til de rette projekter og til de rette mennesker”. HumanAct – I er en drømmepartner! 📸Her er et par minder fra turen. Har din virksomhed også lyst til at gøre en forskel for unge? 🌍💡 Kontakt mig på rasmus.bering@dreamtown.ngo – vi vil elske at have jer med på rejsen! Stor tak til rejseteamet - Søren Braskov, Pernille Frisch, Søren Fog, Gitte Neumann, Ricky Storm Braskov, Kirsten Wisborg, Asger Neumann

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  • Dreamtown.ngo genopslog dette

    Dreamtown x Ramboll 💦♥️🌊

    Se profil for Rasmus Bering

    Co-founder and Leadership - Dreamtown.ngo

    Excited to present this brand new colab. Dreamtown.ngo has joined forces with Ramboll . 🌟The Partnership is guided by a strong vision. To support urban activists, across Nairobi and Kampala, to become water stewards. 🌊🕵🏽💦Water stewards are cool urban youth, who have a holistic understanding of water in their community, and engage in multi-purpose flood prevention measures. So inspired by this amazing team ➡️ Trine Stausgaard Munk, Yalda Pilehchian, Stine Dybkjær 💪 🙏 And a big thanks to Rambøll Fonden / Ramboll Foundation for making the colab possible. Nina Fredslund Ottosen Simon Sticker

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  • In the heart of Mbare, Zimbabwe, a remarkable transformation is unfolding. From a humble corridor to a vibrant dance studio, local artist Taona "50" Cheke is pioneering a movement that's more than just about dance - it's about creating opportunities and changing lives. As someone who started with nothing but passion and determination, 50 now leads free dance classes in hip-hop, breakdancing, and even ballet. This initiative isn't just teaching moves; it's providing youth with an alternative path away from the streets and showing them that dance can be a viable career. 💫 What truly sets this project apart is its inclusive approach. The studio welcomes children from ages 4 to 20, breaking down barriers and stereotypes about who can dance and what styles they can pursue. By incorporating diverse dance forms - from traditional African dance to contemporary ballet - 50 is creating a unique cultural fusion that celebrates both heritage and innovation. 🌍 The impact? A growing community of young dancers who are discovering their potential, developing discipline, and dreaming bigger than ever before. This isn't just about creating dancers; it's about nurturing future leaders and entrepreneurs in the arts. #DanceEducation #YouthEmpowerment #CommunityDevelopment #Zimbabwe #SocialImpact #CreativeEconomy #ArtisticInnovation

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  • Meet us at The African Forum on Urban Forests in Johannesburg next week! Stine Kronsted Pedersen will join the talks on climate justice and rivers, inspired by our collabs in Nairobi 🙌 #AFUF2025

    Se organisationssiden for Centre on African Public Spaces

    501 følgere

    The African Forum on Urban Forests opens in Johannesburg next week.   We are proud to share the impressive #AFUF2025 4-day agenda boasting: 105 speakers from 28 countries, 24 poster submissions and 14 side events. The full programme is available for download here: https://lnkd.in/dTWRYXbe The first 3 days of the conference are each themed to match Africa’s urban forestry priorities:   Day 1, Tuesday 18 March: Climate Proofing African cities - explores innovative climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies to reduce climate risks and enhance climate resilience   Day 2, Wednesday 19 March: Equitable Access, Health and Well-being - focusses on the role that urban forests can play in fostering social cohesion and improving physical and mental well-being for ALL who live/work in African cities.   Day 3, Thursday 20 March: Making the business case for urban forests – examines financial strategies for investing in urban forests to unlock the full potential of and ensure a thriving urban forestry sector.   The 4th and final day of the conference coincides with South Africa’s #HumanRightsDay and the International Day of Forests #ForestDay and includes a day of action and site visits to key urban forestry projects in the city and a Green Expo aimed at introducing youth to the extensive career opportunities in urban greening.   We are thrilled to announce that the conference is fully subscribed and due to the high demand, all keynotes and plenary sessions will be live-streamed. We will be sharing the live-stream link on all of our social media platforms once the link is up and running – follow the conversations on #AFUF2025. We look forward to hosting you in-person or virtually, as together we shape the future resilience of African Cities.   #AFUF2025 is hosted by the City of Johannesburg and our co-organisers FAO and UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme)-   Thank you to our local and international partners and friends – this critical conference is made possible with your support. Johannesburg Development Agency Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) South African National Parks (SANParks) SA Biodiversity South African National Biodiversity Institute- Presidential Climate Commission South African Cities Network South African Local Government Association South African Tourism World Resources Institute IUCN Eastern and Southern Africa IUCN ICLEI Africa African Development Bank Group Urban and Municipal Development Fund WWF Kounkuey Design Initiative UrbanBetter Absa Group University of Johannesburg/ University of South Africa/Universiteit van Suid-Afrika Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment - CAPSI University of Namibia (UNAM) UNHabitat.Afrique Centrale #AFUF2025 #ForestDay #ClimateResilience #UrbanAfrica #communityled #urbanfinancing #urbanplanning #JoburgReimagined #ReimaginingJoburg

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  • Dreamtown x Ramboll 💦♥️🌊

    Se profil for Rasmus Bering

    Co-founder and Leadership - Dreamtown.ngo

    Excited to present this brand new colab. Dreamtown.ngo has joined forces with Ramboll . 🌟The Partnership is guided by a strong vision. To support urban activists, across Nairobi and Kampala, to become water stewards. 🌊🕵🏽💦Water stewards are cool urban youth, who have a holistic understanding of water in their community, and engage in multi-purpose flood prevention measures. So inspired by this amazing team ➡️ Trine Stausgaard Munk, Yalda Pilehchian, Stine Dybkjær 💪 🙏 And a big thanks to Rambøll Fonden / Ramboll Foundation for making the colab possible. Nina Fredslund Ottosen Simon Sticker

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