Om os

European Energy builds solutions to climate change. We develop, construct and operate wind and solar farms all around the world. Our farms supply consumers and companies with green power, and provides a stable revenue to the institutional investors we are cooperating with. European Energy has constructed around 2 GW wind and solar PV farms.

Produktion af vedvarende energi
501 – 1.000 medarbejdere
Vast experience in establishing project financing with major international banks og Development and operation of renewable energy projects


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    Søborg, 2860, DK

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  • Se organisationssiden for European Energy, grafik

    47.350 følgere

    Over the next year, sailors and fishermen in Jammerland Bay and the southern part of Lillebælt will notice a new addition to the waters: a FLIDAR (Floating Light Detection and Ranging). We are finalizing the installation of two monitoring stations, key to our efforts in gathering comprehensive data for the development of two offshore wind farms. Accurate measurement of wind conditions, currents, and temperatures over the next 12 months is essential to our planning. These stations will be visible on the water during that period. Quick facts: - A FLIDAR uses laser technology to measure wind speeds at various heights, with capabilities of up to 80 m/s. - It can record data up to 300 meters high and is calibrated to match wind turbine nacelle heights. - The FLIDAR also tracks wave height, current direction, and both water and air temperatures. - Measuring 4x4 meters, it features lights at 2 meters in height, visible from 2 nautical miles. - Deployment has been approved by the Danish Maritime Authority and announced in the Notices to Mariners.

    Se profil for Andreas Karhula Lauridsen, grafik

    Vice President - Head of Offshore Wind at European Energy

    I det kommende års tid vil sejlere og fiskere i Jammerland Bugt og sydlige del af Lillebælt blive mødt af en ny følgesvend, en såkaldt FLIDAR, når de bevæger sig rundt på vandet. Vi er nemlig ved at lægge sidste hånd på udsætningen af to målestationer, som er en del af vores arbejde med at sikre et fyldestgørende billede af forholdene for vores kommende to havvindmølleparker. Det er vigtigt for os at kende den præcise vindressource, strøm og temperatur i løbet af en periode på 12 måneder i områderne og derfor vil man altså kunne se målestationerne på vandet det kommende års tid. FAKTABOKS En FLIDAR måler vindhastighed i forskellige højder ved brug af laserteknologi helt op til 80 m/s En FLIDAR kan måle helt op til 300 meter i højden og defineres til nacellehøjde på vindmøllen En FLIDAR kan registrere data om bølgehøjde, strømretning, vand- og lufttemperaturer En FLIDAR måler 4x4 meter og har i 2 meters højde monteret lysafmærkning, der kan ses 2 sømil væk Udsætningen er godkendt af Søfartsstyrelsen og deklareret til sejlere i Efterretninger for Søfarende

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  • European Energy genopslog dette

    Se profil for Gregor McDonald, grafik

    Head of Trading & PPA at European Energy A/S

    We’re happy to expand our partnership with Centrica Energy as they take on the management and trading of our Telsiai wind farms and Anyksciai PV array in Lithuania. With these 198MW of renewables, we’re not only adding to Lithuania’s green energy landscape but also making the Baltic market even more attractive for global investors. This cooperation is another step forward in developing a strong and mature renewable energy market in the region, as we continue to build on our 1.6GW pipeline in Lithuania!   Read more about it: #greentransition

  • European Energy genopslog dette

    Se profil for Daniel Moctezuma Baker, grafik

    Renewable energy engineer specialized in PV, wind energy, BESS, energy system optimization and project screening | Cand. Polyt. DTU MSci Sustainable Energy Engineering

    Last week, European Energy celebrated it's 20th year anniversary. I was fortunate to rejoin the company after a post-masters holiday break, and to also sign up for the year's Company Trip. With over 700 staff from all around the world, we celebrated European Energy's fantastic milestone and spent two fun days together. Cycling to the yearly gathering is practically a must-do for me, so I cycled over 170 km's over two days from Copenhagen to be present for this wonderful moment. Congratulations European Energy! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

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    • Yes, that is a cargo bike.
  • European Energy genopslog dette

    Se profil for Barry Walsh, grafik

    Country Manager at European Energy A/S - Ireland

    Its been a busy year for European Energy in Ireland and a great outcome of the hard work is that we have been confirmed as provisional winners of nearly 100MW MEC of offtake in Ireland's government backed RESS-4 CfD auctions🔌 This cements EE's presence in Ireland and confirms our commitment to developing wind, solar and BESS projects here as part of the green transition to 2030 and beyond. Our expanding Irish team continues to grow our greenfield and JV pipelines and we look forward to moving these projects forward. A big thank you to those involved in EE, our development partners and service providers but also to DECC & Eirgrid for doing a fine job in running what is undoubtedly a complex and intense auction process. Lean ar aghaidh! 🌞

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  • European Energy genopslog dette

    Se profil for Thorvald Spanggaard, grafik

    Executive Vice President at European Energy A/S

    Thrilled to share that European Energy Australia has acquired two new solar projects in Australia from OX2!   The Lancaster Solar Farm (106 MWp) in Victoria and the Mulwala Solar Farm (31 MWp) in New South Wales will generate 255 GWh annually—enough to power 54,000 homes. Construction begins in early 2025, with both farms set to be operational by 2026.   With these new additions, our Australian pipeline now exceeds 8 GW, solidifying Australia’s key role in the green transition. We’re committed to driving more renewable energy and local opportunities down under!

  • Se organisationssiden for European Energy, grafik

    47.350 følgere

    Where renewable energy meets nature conservation—a greener path forward. Developing energy projects doesn't have to come at the cost of nature. In fact, it can enhance it! From living fences to pollinator-friendly flower meadows, renewable energy parks can boost biodiversity while driving the green transition. Read how nature and renewable energy can thrive together.

    Nature must be protected– no exemption for renewable energy developers - European Energy

    Nature must be protected– no exemption for renewable energy developers - European Energy

  • European Energy genopslog dette

    Se profil for Johannes Birk Schjelde-Peronard, grafik

    Environmental specialist @European Energy | Nature Positive Renewables | Views my own

    It’s super inspiring to see renewable energy developments around the world, that not only combat climate change but also contribute to biodiversity restoration. Projects like the solar farm in Ramsey, Minnesota, are planting native wildflowers, attracting pollinators, and creating habitats for wildlife—all while generating clean energy. 🦋 It goes without saying that, ecological conditions vary significantly from project to project, meaning our strategies for enhancing biodiversity must be tailored to the unique characteristics of each site and its previous land use. This approach shows how we can adress two global crises—climate change and biodiversity loss—by thinking creatively and working together. This approach should be combined with off-site largescale nature restorations projects, focussed on restoring natural processes and securing long term protection. Happy to be a part of the developers, environmentalists and researchers making this vision a reality. Link to nytimes article in the first comment

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  • European Energy genopslog dette

    Se profil for Caroline Greve Grønhøj, grafik

    Dedicated Talent Aquisition Partner and Community Manager for the employee advocacy program at European Energy

    WAUW, what a blast the last days have been! ✨ We gathered close to 700 colleagues for our annual company trip, this time celebrating our 20th anniversary at the island of Lolland, where our CEO grew up 🌱 The purpose of our company trips is to get to know one another better across offices and functions and create valuable memories together💚 This year the theme was “EE Festival”, and it was a great success! Even the weather, which (let’s be honest) you can never really count on in Denmark, showed itself from the best side🌞 I truly love spending time with my colleagues in a more informal setting, reconnecting with people that I typically only collaborate with online, and establishing new relations. Thank you to Mette Rossau and Trine for making this come to life every year 🙏🏻 🌻 Already looking forward to the next one! #inittogether #excitement

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  • European Energy genopslog dette

    Se profil for Andreas Karhula Lauridsen, grafik

    Vice President - Head of Offshore Wind at European Energy

    Hos European Energy ser vi et stort potentiale for, at Danmark fortsat kan være et land, hvor offshore VE-teknologi kan testes og demonstreres, inden de nye løsninger lanceres på globalt plan. Vi hører også på vores løbende dialog med producenter af grøn energiteknologi, at der er stor interesse for at kunne test og demonstrere nye løsninger på havet. Derfor har vi ansøgt om at undersøge mulighederne for at etablere dette offshore testcenter, så vi også fremover har mulighed for at afprøve nye vindmøller, solceller, batterier, elektrolyse og datacentre ude på havet. Læs mere i Finans som i dag bringer en artikel om vores ansøgning om at etablere et offshore testcenter for grøn energiteknologi i Vordingborg kommune ud for Møn.

    Døren blev smækket i med et brag: Nu forsøger energiganter alligevel at gå gennem døren

    Døren blev smækket i med et brag: Nu forsøger energiganter alligevel at gå gennem døren

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