Drug-resistant TB treatment is now shorter, safer and more effective than ever: → support treatment at home instead of hospitalization → no injections and fewer pills → patient-friendly More here: https://bit.ly/41YXPSg #EndTB #WorldTBDay
WHO Regional Office for Europe
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Copenhagen, Capital Region 52.647 følgere
United Action for Better Health across our 53 Member States in Europe and Central Asia
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WHO/Europe exists to safeguard, promote and advocate for the health and well-being of nearly one billion people in the European Region, which comprises 53 countries, covering a vast geographical region from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans. WHO/Europe is one of WHO’s six regional offices around the world. Our priorities, articulated in the European Programme of Work, are: to support healthy local living environments; to promote safer, healthier and better lives; to improve patient safety and tackle antimicrobial resistance; to collect data on levels of inequalities in health and well-being; and to build innovation. Learn more about the European Programme of Work at who.int/Europe and follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
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- 501 – 1.000 medarbejdere
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- Copenhagen, Capital Region
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- Nonprofit
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- Health, Disease Prevention, Health Promotion, Health Policy, Medical Research, Emergency Aid og Health Trends
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Copenhagen, Capital Region 2100, DK
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WHO Regional Office for Europe genopslog dette
How can we reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the most cost-effective way? Today, we at WHO Regional Office for Europe presented 25 specific public health measures – quick buys – that can improve people’s health within in a single political cycle. Co-authored by WHO/Europe’s NCD experts, a new paper in The Lancet Group Regional Health - Europe shows how targeted actions can have a positive impact on population health across Europe and Central Asia in as little as 5 years. The 25 quick buys include policies targeting key risk factors, including tobacco, alcohol, unhealthy diets, and physical inactivity, as well as disease groups, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, and cancers. NCDs take a massive toll on lives and economies. In our Region, they account for 90% of all deaths and 85% of disability, including mental ill health. This is why addressing NCDs is a core pillar of the Second European Programme of Work - #EPW2. Ultimately, health is a political choice. We hope this study, with its clear findings, will help the governments and policymakers take bold actions to prevent and respond to the scourge of NCDs – securing better health for generations to come. The paper is available here >> https://bit.ly/4hN8aqA #HealthForAll WHO Regional Office for Europe | World Health Organization | Gauden Galea | Allison Ekberg Dvaladze | David Stuckler | Kremlin Wickramasinghe | Erkin Checheibaev | Martin McKee | Lela Sturua | Svetlana Cotelea-Nicolaescu | Aurelijus Veryga | Benedetta Armocida | Hanna Tolonen | Miranda W.
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“My doctors encouraged me, and 6 months into the treatment for drug-resistant TB, I was improving. When I was told that I only had a few more months, then I would be cured, it gave me the strength I needed to finish the course successfully.” Thanks to a new shorter antibiotic treatment regimen and the help from her doctors Dr Mukhiddin Akiev and Dr Sadirova Dilbar (in the photo), Gulnora survived multidrug-resistant tuberculosis #TB. One in four new TB patients are diagnosed with multi-drug-resistant TB in the Region. Thankfully, drug-resistant TB treatment is now shorter, safer and more effective than ever. Gulnora’s testimony from Tashkent, Uzbekistan is part of the #Stories_of_AMR campaign – a collection of first-person accounts from across Europe and Central Asia showing us once again why #AntimicrobialResistance is a topic that concerns each and every one of us. Read Gulnora’s full story here: https://bit.ly/4jdIhkT #YesWeCanEndTB #WorldTBDay #StoriesOfAMR #fightAMR #AMR #SaveAntibiotics #HandleWithCare #AMRAwareness #AntimicrobialAwareness #HealthForAll
“I contracted TB from a sick relative. At first, I didn’t realize it, but I went to the doctor when the first signs of the disease appeared. The disease was in an advanced stage: I already had cavities in both lungs. I started treatment, but after four months, the tests showed that I needed treatment against a multidrug-resistant form of the disease. Unfortunately, at that time, the Republic of Moldova did not have medicines for this form of the disease,” says Oxana Rucșineanu from the Republic of Moldova, who survived an antibiotic-resistant TB after three years of a difficult treatment journey. Read more: https://bit.ly/4kSsbyB #WorldTBDay #EndTB #StoriesOfAMR; #fightAMR; #onehealth; #AMR; #saveantibiotics; #AMRAwareness; #AntimicrobialAwareness; #WorldTBDay; #WHO; #WHOEuro; #HealthForAll
In 2023, over 170,000 new episodes of TB were notified in the WHO European Region. This calls for urgent action to strengthen national TB response to #EndTB. See more in the ECDC-WHO/Europe 2025 TB Surveillance & Monitoring report: https://bit.ly/41U1SiY #WorldTBDay
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) - WHO Regional Office for Europe TB Surveillance and Monitoring report shows childhood TB is on the rise, with children under 15 years accounting for 4.3% of new and relapsed TB cases in the WHO European Region. We must act now to #EndTB. Find out more here: https://bit.ly/41U1SiY #WorldTBDay
The SCRC, WHO/Europe’s intersessional governing body has released a statement expressing: 🔵 Deep appreciation for the continued work of the Regional Office at a challenging time 🔵 Support for our efforts to address current and future financial challenges 🔵 Support for strategic realignment to deliver a prioritized EPW2 Statement in full 👇 https://bit.ly/41YQodZ Thomas Dentzer Gabrielle Jacob Robb Butler Gundo Weiler Natasha Azzopardi Muscat Ihor Perehinets Kristina Mauer-Stender
WHO Regional Office for Europe genopslog dette
In recent years, we have made a real progress in our efforts to eliminate tuberculosis (TB) in the WHO European Region. Thanks to new WHO guidelines and technological advancements, most #TB patients now get an accurate diagnosis within hours and can start shorter treatment regimens on the same day. Yet, TB remains a major public health threat in our Region. In 2023 alone, it claimed over 16,000 lives. This #WorldTBDay, my message is simple: Yes - we CAN end TB. If we work together, we CAN succeed. We CAN protect people from suffering We CAN prevent families from being torn apart by this devastating disease. #EndTB #HealthForAll WHO Regional Office for Europe World Health Organization Stop TB Partnership Robb Butler Stela Bivol
This #WorldTBDay, we are happy to launch the new European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the WHO Regional Office for Europe's latest TB Surveillance and Monitoring report for Europe. This report provides an overview of the latest TB epidemiological situation in the WHO European Region. The report shows that 🔵 over 170,000 people with new episodes of TB were notified in the WHO European Region. 🔵 childhood TB is on the rise, with children under 15 years accounting for 4.3% of new and relapsed TB cases. Find out more here: https://bit.ly/41U1SiY #WorldTBDay #EndTB
"My deepest gratitude to all those who work tirelessly to combat TB. Your dedication is making a real difference in the lives of people affected by this stubborn, age-old scourge," says Dr Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe in his #WorldTBDay message. #EndTB Watch👇 https://bit.ly/41UfPNM