Systematic - Library & Learnings coverbillede
Systematic - Library & Learning

Systematic - Library & Learning


Aarhus, Region Midtjylland 706 følgere

The next chapter in library management software.

Om os

Our solutions for libraries and learning are designed to help further modern knowledge societies and give citizens of all ages the best possible conditions to learn and seek out new information. Cicero, a modern library solution, provides the digital foundation for public and school libraries of all sizes and makes it easy to cooperate and share knowledge across organisations. The modular design makes it simple to select and add the features you need, and open APIs enable easy integration with both existing and new digital solutions. Supremely stable and secure, Cicero’s ‘software-as-a-service’ setup guarantees that the solution is constantly updated and maintained. Agile development cycles ensure new functionalities every two weeks – all of which are free to users in all markets. Cicero follows modern metadata standards such as Marc21, Resource Description and Access (RDA) and Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records (FRBR) as well as national standards like DanMarc2. Natural integration with external library infrastructures removes many repetitive tasks and assures the corrects data upload. The integrations vary according to country, but common integrations are purchase platforms, cataloguing data, user registry synchronising with national registries, and more. Integrations help automate as many processes as possible and enable Cicero to work with both shared and unique catalogues as well as supplier material lists. Built on modern open-source technology and designed to work with solutions from other suppliers, Cicero is designed to support content and knowledge sharing across schools, libraries, and publishers etc. The solution’s microservice architecture also ensures scalability and flexibility towards future development as library needs continue to evolve.

1.001 – 5.000 medarbejdere
Aarhus, Region Midtjylland
it, software, skole, bibliotek, innovation, formidling, pædagogisk læringscenter, folkeskole, skolebibliotek, integration og folkebibliotek


  • Welcome to Jonas Magnusson, Senior Business Development Manager Nordics! 📖📚 We’re thrilled to announce this strategic addition to our team in Library & Learning. Jonas Magnusson will spearhead efforts to grow Systematic’s presence in public libraries across Sweden and the broader Nordic region. With a strong track record in digitalising Sweden’s school system, expertise in tender processes, and a background in international business, Jonas brings the experience and drive needed to take our Cicero library system to new heights. Key priorities include: 🔖Shifting our market focus to win more significant public library customers. 🔖Being an ambassador for Cicero, ensuring it becomes the solution of choice for public libraries. “With the recent success in Stockholm, we’re just getting started. Public libraries play a critical role in shaping communities and supporting democracy—and I’m proud to contribute to innovate in this essential space”, says Jonas Magnusson about his new role at Systematic. Join us in welcoming Jonas!

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  • What the dishwasher and robot vacuum cleaner did to our households - software will do to the Stockholm libraries 🔦📚 ...and what exactly is that? To simplify, it lets people work smarter, not harder. Automating processes and enhancing workflows free up time for Stockholm librarians to make literature more accessible to the city’s citizens. Stockholm Public Library recently chose our Library Management system, Cicero, to replace its 20-year-old IT system. Danish Lyngsoe Systems' Intelligent Material Management System (IMMS) is also integrated into Cicero, streamlining the logistics of book-lending. City Librarian Daniel Forsman leads the change, and his vision for the project extends beyond the walls of the library: "Cicero is already being used in several other Scandinavian libraries and is continuing to expand its customer base. I see enormous potential for collaboration on a larger scale. The common system can promote the exchange of experiences and ideas between the libraries. Together, we are developing the system and the features that our users are requesting,” Forsman says. We’re excited to embark on this digital transformation. The potential for redefining the library’s role in a digital world is exhilarating! Are you curious about what this change might mean for Stockholm? Read more here 👇👇

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  • 📖 Turning a new page in Stockholm 🦉 The fairy tale of our library solution, Cicero, is taking another interesting turn as we add the mighty Stockholm City Library to our list of customers. 🦄 With a contract worth 100 million SEK, Stockholm joins an ever-growing list of innovative big-city libraries, including Oslo’s Deichman Bjørvika and Bücherhallen Hamburg, Copenhagen Libraries and DOKK1 – Aarhus Libraries. 📚 According to Stockholm City Librarian Daniel Forsman, the time has come for innovation and change: "We are replacing the entire system to get more opportunities for joint innovation, development, and collaboration with other libraries. Replacing a whole library system requires a lot from us, but if we want to create the libraries of the future, we must challenge ourselves and each other in terms of technology, management, visions, and collaboration," he says. Cicero is a modern, user-friendly platform that helps libraries streamline operations, manage materials efficiently, and provide a better experience for both staff and users. With Cicero, libraries can focus less on admin tasks and more on what matters: making knowledge and learning accessible to everyone. Read more: 🌍 #Cicero #LibraryManagement #Library #LibrarySystem #Innovation #FairyTale #ExportSuccess

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  • Systematic begins a new chapter in Germany 📖 📚 Bücherhallen Hamburg has selected our Cicero library system to modernise their 32 branches, marking our first step into the German library market. “Bücherhallen Hamburg has always pushed the boundaries of digitisation and automation for our customers. For our new library system, we looked for a future-proof solution to continuously develop our services and operations. With Cicero, we have found a product that we believe will enable us to do exactly that,” says Philipp Leist, CFO at Bücherhallen Hamburg. With Cicero already supporting libraries in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, Systematic sees great potential for German libraries to benefit from its digital solutions. Read more about our new adventure here: 📸: Falk v. Traubenberg, Christoph Keller, Antje Fromüller. #Cicero #Library #Libraries #NewChapter #Hamburg

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  • How are you managing the increasing demands on your library in 2024? 🤔 Whether you work in a small school library or a larger public library, it can be challenging to balance efficiency with the expectations of your community. You need a system that not only simplifies your work but also meets the diverse demands of your library’s users. 📚 🤓 🤓 🤓 📚 At Bokmässan in Gothenburg, 26-27 September, you can meet with Emma Rolander and Helle Lauridsen from Systematic, who will demonstrate how the modern, automated library system, Cicero, can be the solution to your challenges. 🚀 Cicero is scalable to suit libraries of all sizes and is already the national library system for public and school libraries in Denmark and trusted by institutions across Norway, from Oslo to the smallest municipalities, as well as over 500 school libraries in Sweden. With Cicero Mobile, a fully web-based platform, you can manage your library from any device, anywhere. Are you interested in how Cicero can optimize your library operations? Connect with Emma or Helle and schedule a meeting at Bokmässan.

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  • Stop by our booth at #DBTOP24 - Det Bibliotekspolitiske Topmøde 2024 in Sønderborg 11-12 April. Get a glas of bubbles 🍾 and the latest news on Cicero Mobile, our new on-the-go, web-based solution, that constitutes the digital foundation for the modern library. With new functionality, gone are the days of installing clients and waiting for updates; now Cicero can be accessed from any web-based platform, allowing users to easily switch between different functions. See you there.

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