

Biotechnology Research

Fiber Beyond Oil

About us

Fibenol is a company that produces wood-based raw materials and is dedicated to redefining the forest industry through sustainable production and new-age technology. Our mission is to add value to industries by transforming wood residues to replace fossil-based materials with wood-based materials. At our flagship plant, we use a unique fractionation technology that easily converts woody residues into a processable liquid in just 20 seconds. From that, we further extract biobased building blocks that can be turned into much-needed low-carbon products for customers looking to switch over from fossil-based materials to bio-based raw materials in various industry fields such as bio-based plastics, construction materials, cosmetics, or even the future of pharmaceuticals. Currently, we have three primary products: • LIGNOVA ™ - can be used directly or processed further into a variety of biochemicals, coatings and adhesives, resins, and more. • Cellulosic Sugars - a sustainable alternative for the whole bioprocessing industry to produce many platform chemicals. • Microcrystalline Cellulose (MCC) - can be used as a strength additive in papermaking, as a thickener, emulsion stabilizer, and more. To find out more about Fibenol products visit our website and request a desired sample for testing:

Biotechnology Research
Company size
51-200 employees
Privately Held
Sustainable foresting, Biotechnology, Wood processing, Biochemicals, Biomaterials, and Life Cycle Assessment


Employees at Fibenol


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    Great things come from #Estonia! We've shared insights about our collaboration with ÄIO, where they are developing alternative fats and oils from Fibenol #wood sugars. The news is spreading fast, and this summer, the #RAZOR Science Show (CGTN Europe) visited both of us to see how we combine solutions powered by innovative technologies & processes to bring new products that are more sustainable and can create new value chains to the market. 🥃 From the #Fibenol side, Raul Rinken, our bioprocess project manager provides insights into how wood sugars, which are highly fermentable and non-food-competing, are produced from woody biomass. Take a look at how the magic is made! 🌟

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    We may not transform water into wine, but we turn sawdust into food! 🍔 Curious about how it works? 🤔 Check out the RAZOR Science Show video on Youtube to discover the incredible collaboration between ÄIO and our partners at Fibenol. Learn how this innovative technology combination achieves the remarkable feat of converting one of Estonia's largest waste materials into valuable fats and oils - used not only in food, but also animal feed, cosmetics, and cleaners. 🔥 Plus, you’ll get to see a delightful muffin recipe made with our encapsulated oils! 🍰 A big shout out to everyone involved: the amazing teams from FIBENOL, RAZOR, and ÄIO! 🙌

    Sawdust can replace palm oil - even in food

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    🎉 Fibenol's first industrial-sized plant planning has taken the next step with selecting a site location in Valmiera City Industrial Park. "Based on initial assessments, it meets all our key requirements: sufficient space, the potential to establish utilities to support an industrial-scale project, and solid logistical connections, including a railway link. The site's designation for industrial development is a significant advantage, and the emerging industrial park presents opportunities for synergies with other companies. Moreover, Valmiera is an evolving city that offers a good living environment,” says Merili Palu, Site Selection Manager at Fibenol. 🌟 Thank you to all the partners in Valmiera City and Invest in Latvia for the great collaboration so far. While there is still much work ahead, the #partnership has been incredibly positive. #fiberbeyondoil

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    Fibenol plans to develop a biorefinery in Valmiera Industrial Park. ❗ ✅ Fibenol Latvia Ltd will start feasibility and environmental impact studies on a 26-hectare plot of land in Valmiera Industrial Park which is a part of 2nd phase development of particular territory, in order to determine its suitability for the construction of a potential biorefinery. As a result of the public auction, on 27th August, a building right agreement was signed between the company and the Valmiera Municipality Government, which entitles the company to start all the necessary preparatory works for the implementation of the large-scale construction project. 🔎 More information available here: Fibenol I Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūra - LIAA I Invest in Latvia I Ekonomikas ministrija/ Ministry of Economics #InvestInValmiera #investment #businessdevelopment #bioeconomy #biorefinery

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    🌿 We're thrilled to announce a new innovative achievement in the field of #biocomposite masterbatches: the first-ever #LIGNOVA lignin (70%) & #PBAT (30%) masterbatch, now available on an #industrial scale! 🗝 What sets this #innovation apart is the seamless blend of up to 70% LIGNOVA and 30% PBAT marking a significant milestone in the biocomposites industry. The PBAT from BASF Performance Materials is one key ingredient here. It's a sustainable polymer that works perfectly with LIGNOVA lignin, thanks to the expertise of the team at Sustainable Development Group (SDG). "It has been an exciting journey to collaborate with Fibenol on developing this innovative #compound. Our cooperation has been incredibly smooth, and we're very pleased with how everything has progressed. We're proud to have played a key role in the compounding trials and to continue our partnership as the production partner for the commercial launch. We look forward to seeing this product succeed in the market," Jens Vancoppenolle, Sales Manager at SDG. Why LIGNOVA? 🍃 LIGNOVA lignin has an #EPD-verified carbon #footprint of -1968 kg CO2 eq (with biogenic carbon). 🍃 LIGNOVA lignin is TÜV AUSTRIA Group certified: OK compostable HOME, INDUSTRIAL, and SOIL biodegradable. 🍃Natural scent -  LIGNOVA has no sulfur smell and authentic brown colure. 🔎 Market Fit? This solution offers a sustainable alternative for injection molding or extrusion-based sectors to produce different (bio)plastic parts. For example, #biowaste collection bags, agricultural films, or long-lasting products in the automotive industry and various consumer goods. But this solution is an opportunity for the entire biocomposites industry. #woodybiomass #lignin #biocomposites #biodegradable #masterbatch #plasticindustry #biobased #fiberbeyondoil

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    🛣 Yesterday, the first #motorway in #Estonia was paved with an asphalt mix in which bitumen was partially replaced with #lignin. This project is a great example of collaboration between the Transpordiamet - Estonian Transport Administration, the road construction company Tariston AS, and Fibenol, showcasing the use of lignin in higher-traffic roads as a sustainable solution for the sector. 🌿 * the story is in #estonian /// 🛣 Eile kaeti esimene sõidutee Eestis asfaltseguga, milles asendati osaliselt bituumen ligniiniga. See projekt on positiivne näide Transpordiamet - Estonian Transport Administration, teedeehitusettevõtte Tariston AS-i ja Fibenoli koostööst, katsetades ligniiniga asfaltsegu kasutamist kõrgema liikluskoormusega teedel.

    ✅Esmakordselt Eestis paigaldame Mäeküla–Koeru–Kapu teelõigule ligniiniga asfaltsegu. Ja mitte ainult sõiduteele, vaid ka kergliiklusteele. ♻️Tegemist on Eestis esimese riigitee katselõiguga, kus Transpordiamet kasutab ligniini bituumeni asendajana asfaltsegudes. Ligniini kasutamise eesmärgiks on naftabituumeni osaline asendamine asfaltsegudes, et vähendada asfaltsegu keskkonnajalajälge. Kõik see toimub koostöös Tariston ASi ja Fibenoliga. Loe lähemalt siit ⬇️

    Transpordiamet paigaldab esmakordselt Eestis nii sõidu- kui kergliiklusteele ligniiniga asfaltsegu

    Transpordiamet paigaldab esmakordselt Eestis nii sõidu- kui kergliiklusteele ligniiniga asfaltsegu

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    Estonian University of Life Sciences is leading in showcasing the #Greenasphalt solution on university premises, fostering #collaboration between science, entrepreneurship, and innovation. 🌿 Fibenol lignin #LIGNOVA can be used as a bitumen replacement in asphalt mixes for parking lots, sidewalks, and motorways, reducing the infrastructure footprint while maintaining necessary quality. #LIGNOVA is a unique type of lignin that functions as a binder and filler, with no sulfur smell and is covered by an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). Positioning it as a bio-based and transparent alternative allows the road construction sector to move beyond fossil-based materials.

    The Estonian University of Life Sciences has its own Green Asphalt section now - the first university in the Baltics. 🛣 Estonian University of Life Sciences decided to use a lignin-based green asphalt solution at the university`s Rõhu experimental station. The new access road to Rõhu Gardens replaces up to 25% of traditional bitumen with Fibenol LIGNOVA™, reducing the use of fossil materials. 🌧 In addition to the green asphalt, a rain garden is being constructed to manage water flow and purify rainwater, showcasing environmentally friendly infrastructure. This project not only marks a substantial step towards reducing the infrastructure footprint but also provides valuable learning and research opportunities for students and scientists. 🌍 Linnar Pärn, the development manager of the Estonian University of Life Sciences, acknowledged that this is a clear step for the university to reduce its infrastructure footprint. 'We aim to incorporate more innovative solutions and educational tools in developing our infrastructure,' said Pärn." This is a great collaborative effort where innovation, science, and entrepreneurship meet at the local level. *** Esimese ülikoolina Balti riikides kasutame oma taristu arendamisel roheasfalti! 🌍 Keskkonna säästmiseks, ülikooli taristupõhise jalajälje vähendamiseks ja uute tehnoloogiate katsetamiseks võtame järjest kasutusele uusi innovaatilisi lahendusi. 🛣 Ehitame oma Rõhu aeda roheasfaldiga juurdepääsutee ja platsi. Selles asendatakse bituumen 15–25% ulatuses puidupõhisest biomassist Fibenoli katsetehases toodetud keskkonnasäästliku materjali ligniiniga LIGNOVA™, et vähendada fossiilse materjali kasutamist.  🌧 Lisaks rajame Rõhu aia parkla juurde vihmapeenra, mis aitab reguleerida veerežiimi ning vett puhastada. See on varustatud mõõteseadmetega ning pakub seega maaülikooli veemajanduse üliõpilastele praktilist kogemust veeinseneriõppes ja teistelgi erialadel. Ülikool on sellistele õpet, teadust ja innovatsiooni lõimivatele koostööprojektidele erasektoriga rõõmuga avatud!

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    We have sent our CDO Peep Pitk on a short vacation until mid-August. In the meantime, our #team is ready to share insights about the solutions Fibenol offers to create new value chains, helping you achieve your #netzero targets with our #biorefinery raw materials. 👉 Let us know what challenges you have for the autumn, and let's solve them together. Yes?

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    Chief Development Officer at Fibenol- developing innovative biomass biorefineries to enable premium SCOPE3 sustainable raw materials for production of everyday products used by all of us

    Heading off for a little summer break to reflect on what has been achieved with the Fibenol team over the last 8 years in enabling industrial defossilisation of chemicals and materials production. It's time to clear and open mind for new perspectives and innovations ahead. #defossilisation It's clear that defossilisation is a long journey, but it definitely is a one-way track. In the past year alone, we sent out globally 1078 samples from 100g to 1-ton scale to 365 unique partners, including Universities, R&D institutes, Start-ups, SMEs, and large corporates. They are all seeking sustainable alternatives to address their #SCOPE3 emissions reduction to reach #NetZero targets. I will return in August with fresh energy and ideas to make a final push for 2024. We are well set to make it a year remembered in history books as the year when woody biomass #biorefineries derived sustainable raw materials were converted from niche to standard! One hint from the picture—our #Lignova #lignin is been made available for bulk truck deliveries as dry powder, allowing a switch to fully automatic industrial solutions. Enjoy Summer and stay tuned! #GreenDeal #innovation #sustainability #environment #industry #partnerships

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    In #Estonia, Capital Mill initiated the first #private residential area development project featuring Green Asphalt powered by Fibenol lignin #LIGNOVA. 🏘 For #Fibenol, this marks a collaborative initiative that drives changes towards more transparent value chains and sustainable solutions, motivated by a desire to improve rather than by regulatory demands. 🤝 Thank you, Capital Mill, for being a role model and delivering sustainable real-life #solutions. 👏 #fiberbeyondoil #residentialarea #residentialdevelopment #biomaterials #scope3 #greenasphalt #circulareconomy #bioeconomy #co2

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    🍃 Our Laaneserva development in Viimsi has become Estonia's first residential area featuring eco-friendly asphalt! This green asphalt solution was developed in collaboration with Fibenol, a company that produces lignin to replace the fossil-based binder bitumen in asphalt. "Capital Mill is always seeking sustainable solutions because we understand that our development activities have a profound impact on both today's society and future generations. Our collaboration with Fibenol on the installation of green asphalt is part of our long-term strategy to incorporate environmentally friendly solutions whenever possible. Small steps collectively create significant change, and we need to address this today, not tomorrow. As a developer, it is our duty to create an environment that supports a holistic and sustainable lifestyle. This responsibility drives us to constantly seek and implement innovations. The cooperation with Fibenol in taking these steps has been smooth and enjoyable," comments Kaarel Loigu, CEO of Capital Mill. Check out the video to learn more about what green asphalt is and why its installation marks a significant step forward in residential development. A heartfelt thank you to Ivo Jaanisoo, Deputy Secretary General for Living Environment and Circular Economy at the Kliimaministeerium / Ministry of Climate of Estonia, Reet Nõmmoja, External Resources Coordinator at Fibenol, and our construction manager Taavi Kiisk for providing detailed insights into this project! Special thanks also go to Liisa Rohila, Kätlin Sasse, NOBE team, and everyone involved in making this project a success. #Sustainability #GreenDevelopment #EcoFriendly #Innovation #GreenAsphalt #FutureGenerations #SustainableLiving #ClimateAction #CircularEconomy #SustainableConstruction #EnvironmentalImpact #GreenBuilding #EcoInnovation #ResponsibleDevelopment #CapitalMill #Fibenol #SustainableSolutions

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    Rasmus Toome, Fibenol Sales Manager, will attend the Local Council Roads Innovation Group (LCRIG) Innovation & Learning Festival in Kenilworth, England, United Kingdom, on July 3rd-4th. Find us at #booth 17! This event is a fantastic opportunity for us to #showcase and for others to learn about our innovative, #LIGNOVA-based solutions tailored for the #highways and #transport technology sector. 🌍 Visit our booth to discover the unique benefits of our high-purity, low-carbon footprint #lignin. Here are a few key points about LIGNOVA: 🌱 No sulfur smell 🛠️ Functions as both a binder and filler in asphalt mixes ✅ Comes with a third-party verified Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Join us at booth 17 to explore the possibilities and learn how LIGNOVA can transform the market. #InnovationLearningFestival

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    💡 Yesterday, on the 27th of June, our Site Selection Manager, Merili Palu, joined the Latvian & Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūra - LIAA #biorefinery delegation for a visit to the European Commission in Brussels. This visit followed the signing of the Biorefinery Memorandum on June 18th in Riga, which brought together 22 organizations committed to advancing the biorefinery industry. The delegation met with Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice President of the European Commission, and his team to discuss advancing #biorefinery projects and future opportunities for the biorefinery #ecosystem. A key topic was the biorefinery memorandum initiative, which aims to leverage the development of a knowledge-intensive #bioeconomy. This initiative aligns perfectly with Latvia's efforts to develop the bioeconomy sector and supports #Fibenol's future developments throughout the Baltics. #EU support is crucial to bringing innovation to market and upscaling it. We extend our deepest gratitude to the European Commission for their warm welcome and to the Latvian delegation for including us in these vital discussions. Special thanks to Latvian diplomats Martins Kreitus, Edgars Ozolins Ozols, and Alexander Blūms for their cooperation. We hope #Fibenol, with many partners included, is paving the way for a sustainable and innovative future in the #biorefinery industry in the #Baltics and #EU! 🚀💡 Thank you to the whole delegation, for taking us on board:   Klāvs Ielejs and Velga Stemere, Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūra - LIAA Egita Aizsilniece-Ibema, Head of Latvian Innovation and Technology Office in Brussels  Maris Bumanis, Latvijas Finieris AS Maurizio Decio and Ivars Orlovs, Aloja Starkelsen  Edgars Ruža Ruža and Gatis Liepiņš, ASNS Ingredient  Liene Briede, Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte (Riga Technical University) #bioeconomy #innovation #sustainability #baltics

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    Insights from the #eecongress2024🚧 Last week our team, Rasmus Toome & Peep Pitk, participated in the #eecongress2024 and received valuable feedback and insights from the #asphalt sector. Here's a summary of the key takeaways: 👉 Market insights: The European asphalt sector has accounted for its CO2 emissions, and a plan is in place through EAPA to meet CO2 reduction targets by 2030 and 2050. Bio-based binders are part of this plan, but a more innovation-supportive approach is needed from national road authorities. 👉What do we offer? Fibenol lignin vs kraft lignin? As Kraft lignin has been known in the market for some time, our difference lies in our pre-treatment process, Sunburst, which enables us to produce high-purity lignin with a lower CO2 footprint (-1968 kg CO2 eq/ton; EPD-verified), no sulfur smell, and functionality as both a binder and filler in asphalt mixes. 👉How do we move forward from here? Current bitumen and fossil additive-based rules are hindering innovative solutions. A separate playing field is necessary to innovate, learn, and adapt together to pave greener ways. Seeing the road construction sector looking for bio-based raw material solutions was great. However, these innovations still need leaders to pave the way. Thank you Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Connect for the event! 👉 Just a motivational visual from the latest project in #LATVIA, where a test section of the A2 motorway was placed just a few weeks ago powered by Fibenol raw material #lignin. The project was led and financed by Vianova LTD, supported by the local Latvian State Roads organization (VSIA Latvijas Valsts ceļi), which aims to develop bio-asphalt using lignin to replace traditional bitumen. #fiberbeyondoil #roadconstruction #asphalt #bitumen #lignin #biomaterial #AsphaltPavement #AsphaltIndustry 📷Latvian State Roads, PLLC

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