Fenwick Iribarren Architects at MIPIM 2025 Fenwick Iribarren Architects (FIA) will attend MIPIM 2025 to continue strengthening its network and establishing strategic alliances that drive the development of top-tier sports projects. Our International Director, John Jackson, will be present at the event, reaffirming our commitment to innovation and excellence in sports architecture, while exploring new collaboration opportunities with our partners at EGIS, following our recent integration into the group. Check here the people asisting to the MIPIM evento from EGIS group: https://lnkd.in/eq3xFB3k #MIPIM2025 #Networking #SportsArchitecture #FenwickIribarren #EGIS
FIA - Fenwick Iribarren Architects
Arquitectura y planificación
Alcobendas., Madrid. 9612 seguidores
FIA, founded in 1990 by Mark Fenwick and Javier Iribarren, an international recognised studio. Brand of EGIS group.
Sobre nosotros
Fenwick Iribarren Architects, founded in 1990 by architects Mark Fenwick and Javier Iribarren, is a nationally and internationally recognized architectural design studio. Its most important projects are represented in all types of architecture. Through vast experience, it has become one of few recognized experts in the field of sporting construction and stadiums, including projects such as RCD Espanyol football stadium and there of the Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup stadiums (including the famous demountable Ras Abu Aboud Stadium). Furthermore, Fenwick Iribarren has set the standard in the office sector, with porject like Helios the has been awarded with the AEO oofice biuld of the yerar 2020, and like Torre Espacio and more recenttly Caleido, two of the few skyscrapers built in Spain. Similarly it designs homes; both private as well as social housing and for years has been one of few architectural studios to handle the design of vanguard shopping centres. Fenwick Iribarren Architects enjoys a multidisciplinary team structure whose professional experience, in Spain as well as in other countries, offers clients an approach to the field of architecture designing buildings of the highest quality and design, difficult to find in the market.
- Sitio web
Enlace externo para FIA - Fenwick Iribarren Architects
- Sector
- Arquitectura y planificación
- Tamaño de la empresa
- De 11 a 50 empleados
- Sede
- Alcobendas., Madrid.
- Tipo
- Asociación
- Fundación
- 1990
- Especialidades
- Architecture, Urban Design & Masterplaning, Interior Design y Sport architecture
Campus Empresarial Arbea.
Avda. de Fuencarral, 5, Edificio 2, Planta Baja.
Alcobendas., Madrid. 28108, ES
Empleados en FIA - Fenwick Iribarren Architects
Bruno Subirana - Arquitectura, Paisajismo y Urbanismo
Desarrollo y Gestión global de Proyectos públicos y privados.
Francisco Fort
Senior Project Associate
Juan Álvaro Pernía
Ilustrador - arquitecto - artista
Laura Martín Carrasco
BIM Architect at Fenwick Iribarren Architects
🏟️ The Legacy of the 2030 World Cup Stadiums: Beyond 40 Days of Competition 🏟️ We were delighted to participate in #SportWorldConferences, where our partner Javier Iribarren joined a panel discussion on stadium legacy. Here’s the official venue map for the 2030 World Cup, highlighting a tournament with the potential to leave a lasting impact. The #2030FIFAWorldCup in #Spain, #Portugal, and #Morocco will leave much more than just football. Stadium modernization is essential, but the real question is: what will remain for the cities and clubs afterward? At FIA - Fenwick Iribarren Architects, we are working on several stadiums for this World Cup with a clear focus: ensuring that legacy and sustainability are fundamental pillars. A stadium must be more than just a sports venue; it should integrate into urban life, create social value, and remain viable in the long term. Flexible spaces, mixed-use facilities, and strategic planning are key to making investments last well beyond the tournament. We recognize that North American culture is ahead of us in this regard. Their, stadiums are designed with long-term usability in mind, ensuring they remain profitable and functional after the event. We will be closely following how the 2026 World Cup stadiums evolve to take notes and make final adjustments to the projects we are involved in. ⚽ How do you think these stadiums should be used after the tournament? Let us know in the comments! #SportsArchitecture #WorldCup2030 #SustainableLegacy #Stadiums #FIA #EGIS
At SWC 2025 we have invited the FIFA World Cup 2030 stadiums from Spain, Portugal and Morocco to participate in the most exclusive event, the 🏟️ STADIUM FORUM, where more than 300 valuable meetings were held, conferences, networking and premium experiences in premium venues. Many of the delegates, from stadiums and supplier companies, have already expressed their willingness to repeat for SWC 2026. In addition, there will be new guest stadiums and participating companies. We are excited to announce more news soon.
🌿🏗 #ELEVER: Arquitectura para las personas y el planeta 🏗🌿 Nos complace compartir que #ELEVER, un proyecto de FIA - Fenwick Iribarren Architects, recientemente publicado por NAN Arquitectura. Este edificio de oficinas refleja nuestra apuesta por una arquitectura innovadora basada en los principios de #BlueArchitecture (arquitectura centrada en los usuarios) y #GreenArchitecture (arquitectura sostenible). #ELEVER no solo prioriza el bienestar de sus usuarios, sino que también incorpora estrategias sostenibles para reducir su impacto ambiental, alineándose con los nuevos estándares de diseño responsable. 📖 Lee más sobre el proyecto en NAN Arquitectura: https://lnkd.in/ePBS3aBy #FenwickIribarrenArchitects #Elever #BlueArchitecture #GreenArchitecture #Sostenibilidad #Innovación #ArquitecturaSostenible
FIA - Fenwick Iribarren Architects ha compartido esto
🏢✨ Elever, el nuevo edificio de #oficinas diseñado por FIA - Fenwick Iribarren Architects, redefine la arquitectura corporativa en #MadridRío 🌇. Con un diseño #innovador y #sostenible, este proyecto busca crear espacios de trabajo flexibles y eficientes, con amplias zonas verdes y terrazas que fomentan el bienestar 🌿. 🔹 La combinación de #diseño vanguardista y funcionalidad hacen de Elever un referente en el desarrollo urbano de la capital. ¿Cómo influye este tipo de arquitectura en la calidad de vida y productividad? Descúbrelo en este artículo 👇
FIA - Fenwick Iribarren Architects ha compartido esto
Learn about Green and Blue Architecture, and the Stadium Bowl from Mark John Fenwick, Founding Partner, FIA - Fenwick Iribarren Architects at World Stadiums & Arena Development Summit 2025 ✨ #wsad #Stadiums #arenas #stadiumsummit #Saudistadiums #Stadiumsriyadh #Stadiumsmorocco #stadiumseurope #stadiumsamsterdam #worldlinkconferences #KSA
FIA - Fenwick Iribarren Architects ha compartido esto
🏟️ FIA - Fenwick Iribarren Architects, a Egis group company, at the World Stadium & Arena Development Summit 2024 🌍 We are excited to announce our participation in the upcoming #WorldStadiumArenaDevelopmentSummit in Riyadh ! 🎤✨ On February 12, one of our founding partner Mark John Fenwick will be one of the featured speakers, sharing insights on the application of #GreenBlueArchitecture in stadium design. His talk will focus on creating sustainable venues that not only respect the planet but also enhance the experience for people. At #FIA, we believe that the future of stadiums lies in a harmonious balance between innovation, environmental responsibility, and user-centric design. 🌱💧 Looking forward to engaging discussions and connecting with industry leaders! See you there! #FIA #EGIS #WorldStadiumSummit #SustainableDesign #GreenArchitecture #BlueArchitecture #StadiumInnovation #FutureOfSportsVenues WorldLink Conferences https://lnkd.in/dy6DYaSE
🏟️ FIA - Fenwick Iribarren Architects, a Egis group company, at the World Stadium & Arena Development Summit 2024 🌍 We are excited to announce our participation in the upcoming #WorldStadiumArenaDevelopmentSummit in Riyadh ! 🎤✨ On February 12, one of our founding partner Mark John Fenwick will be one of the featured speakers, sharing insights on the application of #GreenBlueArchitecture in stadium design. His talk will focus on creating sustainable venues that not only respect the planet but also enhance the experience for people. At #FIA, we believe that the future of stadiums lies in a harmonious balance between innovation, environmental responsibility, and user-centric design. 🌱💧 Looking forward to engaging discussions and connecting with industry leaders! See you there! #FIA #EGIS #WorldStadiumSummit #SustainableDesign #GreenArchitecture #BlueArchitecture #StadiumInnovation #FutureOfSportsVenues WorldLink Conferences https://lnkd.in/dy6DYaSE
El pasado lunes, 3 de febrero, uno de nuestros socio,Javier Iribarren participó en el #SportsWorldCongress, un evento clave para la industria de estadios y recintos deportivos. Como panelista en #StadiumBiz, tuvo la oportunidad de debatir sobre el futuro de los estadios, el papel fundamental de los planes de negocio y el impacto en las ciudades sedes de las Copas del mundo, junto a destacados profesionales del sector como son Tayomara Gama MAPM, Javier Doña o Josep Toldrà Alegret. En #FIA, hemos tenido el privilegio de diseñar algunos de los estadios más innovadores para la Copa del Mundo, desde #Qatar2022 hasta la candidatura conjunta de España, Marruecos y Portugal #YallaVamos2030, y miramos también hacia el futuro de #KSA2034. Nuestra experiencia nos ha enseñado que el diseño de un estadio va mucho más allá de la arquitectura: el #businessplan es un pilar fundamental para su éxito. Desde la sostenibilidad económica hasta la versatilidad del espacio, cada estadio debe responder a las necesidades actuales y futuras del deporte, la afición y las ciudades que los acogen. Queremos agradecer a los organizadores del evento Josep M. Monti, Vicenç R., Gerard Valldeperez Folch y Óscar Pérez-Córdoba por hacer posible este espacio de encuentro e intercambio que impulsa el desarrollo de nuestra industria. Seguimos comprometidos con la excelencia en la arquitectura deportiva, contribuyendo a la evolución de los estadios como epicentros de innovación, sostenibilidad y experiencia para los aficionados. #SportsWorldCongress #Arquitectura #StadiumDesign #FIA #WorldCup2030 #BlueArchitecture #GreenArchietcture #Innovation #BusinessInSports
FIA - Fenwick Iribarren Architects ha compartido esto
Introducing Mark John Fenwick, Founding Partner at FIA - Fenwick Iribarren Architects, and a prominent speaker at the World Stadiums & Arena Development Summit 2025! Mark John Fenwick is founding partner of Fenwick Iribarren Architects, a Madrid-based architectural firm with over 35 years of experience. Mark’s extensive experience has led him to co-author UEFA’s prestigious UEFA Guide to Quality Stadiums, followed by the Sustainable Infrastructure Guidelines. He is a regular speaker at international conferences and events on stadium design and sports architecture. Join him in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on 11-12 February 2025, to explore groundbreaking innovations in stadium architecture. Register now https://lnkd.in/dvUFkzd7 #wsad #Stadiums #arenas #stadiumsummit #Saudistadiums #Stadiumsriyadh #Stadiumsmorocco #stadiumseurope #stadiumsamsterdam #worldlinkconferences #KSA
FIA - Fenwick Iribarren Architects ha compartido esto
🏙️ ¿Sabías que la arquitectura terciaria no solo define el horizonte de las ciudades, sino también cómo trabajamos, nos movemos y nos conectamos? 🏢 En nuestro monográfico, exploramos cómo la arquitectura terciaria está transformando el panorma arquitectónico con los proyectos que han destacado este 2024 en esta tipología de arquitectura. ¿Te imaginas cómo un edificio puede evolucionar con el tiempo para mantenerse relevante y eficiente? 🤔 Descubre proyectos destacados: - Amador de los Ríos 5, Madrid, Estudio Lamela - Nueva Planta de Producción Farmacéutica Faes Farma, Bizkaia, IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture - Rehabilitación Oficinas Generali, Madrid, ESTUDIO LAMELA - Oficinas Claris 89, Barcelona, GCA Architects - Rehabilitación del Convento de las Salesas, Pamplona, Beatriz Matos Castaño, RUEDA PIZARRO ARQUITECTOS SLP Y EAS - Ruiz Picasso, 11, FIA - Fenwick Iribarren Architects 👉 Diseño, sostenibilidad y adaptabilidad: los pilares de la arquitectura del futuro . https://lnkd.in/d7fBArac #Proarquitectura #ArquitecturaTerciaria #DiseñoUrbano #Sostenibilidad #Arquitectura #EspaciosFuncionales #GCAArchitects #arquitectura #architecture #arquitecto #arquitectos #construcción #materialesconstrucción #architecturelover #arquitecturalover #architecturelovers