Foto de portada de SACYR


Ingeniería civil

Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid 398.235 seguidores

Company leaders

Grow with us

We are looking for people who foster their own development, who are able to find opportunities and put their ideas into practice. We design professional careers that support the continuous growth of all our teams. At Sacyr we are passionate about challenges. What about you?

Get #SacyrOnCourse Sacyr People

Positive Impact

We lead solutions to sustainable development problems, aligning our policies and strategies with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the United Nations 2030 Agenda. We partner with social organizations striving to achieve a better world, both socially and environmentally. During the year 2023, 500,000+ people have indirectly benefited from various Sacyr Foundation initiatives.

Are you familiar with the Sacyr Foundation? Sustainability at Sacyr

Innovation is in our DNA

Innovation has always played a leading role in our business strategy. Our model has allowed us to be more efficient in our work, increase our revenues, and develop new opportunities.

Innovation at Sacyr Sacyr iChallenges

Fotos de la empresa

  • SACYR, foto 1
  • SACYR, foto 2
  • SACYR, foto 3
  • SACYR, foto 4
  • SACYR, foto 5
  • SACYR, foto 6
  • SACYR, foto 7
  • SACYR, foto 8
  • SACYR, foto 9
  • SACYR, foto 10
  • SACYR, foto 11
  • SACYR, foto 12
  • SACYR, foto 13

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