À propos

Un point de départ : nos clients. En tant que l’un des plus grands assureurs au monde, notre raison d’être est d’agir pour le progrès humain en protégeant ce qui compte. La protection a toujours été au cœur de nos activités, en aidant les individus, les entreprises et les sociétés à prospérer. Et AXA a toujours été un leader, un innovateur, une société entrepreneuriale, favorisant le progrès dans toutes ses dimensions. Notre raison d’être renvoie aussi aux racines mêmes du Groupe. Depuis ses débuts, AXA s'est engagé pour le bien collectif. Que ce soit au travers d'actions solidaires avec AXA Atout Cœur, sur des sujets de prévention avec le Fonds AXA pour la Recherche, ou en matière de lutte contre le changement climatique… AXA s'est toujours montré à l'écoute de son environnement social et senti investi d'une responsabilité en tant qu'assureur ; celle d'agir en amont pour mieux comprendre les risques. Dans un seul but : mieux protéger.

Taille de l’entreprise
+ de 10 000 employés
Siège social
Paris, FR
Société cotée en bourse
Insurance, Banking et Asset Management


Employés chez AXA


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    🔥 Empowering the next generation! Recently held its first Digital Literacy day at Cologne in Germany, welcoming 50 curious minds aged 10-14/ Through workshops led by our amazing volunteers and with the help of influencer Tanja Makaric, the children learned about AI, cyber safety, and the importance of digital sustainability. 👩💻🧑💻 We believe that educating young people on the risks and opportunities of the digital world is key to building a safer and more innovative future. 🌱 How do you think we can better prepare the youth for tomorrow's digital challenges? Share your thoughts in comments ⬇️ #NewGeneration #Cybersecurity #AI #AXAGermany

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    🌞 How can we concretely protect and restore biodiversity together? For the second year running, we joined forces with the Great National Cause initiated by Make.org, whose mission is to mobilize civil society to positively transform our society. The aim of the 2024 consultation was to invite all citizens to share their good ideas and proposals for action in favor of biodiversity.  We all have a proactive role to play in protecting all forms of life and the interactions between them. We need to take far-reaching action to transform our relationship with the living, our values, our lifestyles, our modes of governance, our ways of producing and consuming, to make them truly sustainable. This is why we urgently need to act together, to reconcile citizen consensus with scientific reality, and to generate a real collective dynamic of creation and innovation. 🌱 In a year's time, we should be able to implement ten or so actions that will be decisive in favor of biodiversity in France, so that we can better measure their impact on a national scale. 💥 Follow the link to discover the full interview of Axel Dauchez, Founder of Make.org and Make.org Foundation & Ulrike Decoene, AXA Group Chief Communications, Brand and Sustainability Officer ⬇️ https://lnkd.in/dk2hYmkk #AXA4Climate #Biodiversity #ActTogether

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    Introducing the latest Altitude platform by AXA Climate: the one-stop-shop dedicated to helping companies and industrial players adapt to climate change 🌍    Altitude, powered by AXA Climate, is an innovative, fully automated platform designed to help businesses and industry players adapt to #climate change and navigate the complexities of climate, biodiversity, and environmental risks.    With Altitude, you can in just a few minutes:    📍 Identify climate exposed locations: Which sites are most at risk?  📊 Assess potential impacts: How will climate change affect your operations?  🛠️ Define adaptation strategies: What actionable solutions for resilience must be prioritized?  ✅ Get help in the first steps of CSRD reporting    Discover how Altitude can help companies forecast climate impacts ⬇️    #AXAClimate 

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    Du hast Bock unsere Datenlandschaft mitzugestalten und die Zukunft zu definieren? Starte jetzt als Data Engineer (m/w/d) in unserem Team!   Du wirst: 💻Datenprodukte erarbeiten und diese im Data Mesh-Ansatz auf der Plattform umsetzen. 🚀Qualitativ hochwertige Datenflüsse entwickeln, Daten transformieren und damit elementare Geschäftsprozesse befähigen. 🎯Am Aufbau, der Optimierung und dem Betrieb der Smart Data Platform, unserer zentralen konzernweiten Datenplattform arbeiten.   Interessiert? Anna und Christoph freuen sich auf deine Bewerbung über den Link in den Kommentaren!   #axa #job #dataengineer

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    🎵🎸💃 Que d’émotions lundi dernier sur la scène du Trianon à Paris, où des collaborateurs AXA ont révélé leurs talents de musiciens, chanteurs, danseurs au profit d’associations partenaires. 🎇 Cette deuxième édition de l’𝐀𝐗𝐀 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 a rassemblé pas moins de 107 artistes, 17 groupes et 9 associations qui ont illuminé la scène pendant plus de trois heures ! ❤️ Encore bravo à tous pour cette soirée exceptionnelle placée sous le signe de l’engagement solidaire. ✨ #AXANightForGood #AXAAtoutCoeur #engagement Association Orchestre à l'Ecole Apprentis d'Auteuil Valérie MOATI Mélanie MEIMON Emmanuelle Sand

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    ❓Do you know, Ocean is Earth's life support system and each of us can take action? 🌊 Ocean provides vital services such as carbon and heat sink, biodiversity host, oxygen and organic matter production, proteins, and biomaterials but also human wellbeing in many aspects. It is still an area of discoveries, our common knowledge about its biodiversity and its sensitivity and evolution remains scarce and requires collaborations at the international level. The protection of these ecosystems vital services is one of the greatest ecological challenges of this century together with the respect of the Paris Climate agreement and that’s why the Fondation Tara Océan is conducting research on the marine biodiversity and its fate in the actual global changes at play such as climate change, telluric pollution increase, ocean usage and ocean policy shifts. 🐋🐡🐙 The latest expedition of their oceanographic research schooner, Tara Europa - TREC (2023-2024), will foster the understanding of the impacts of human activities on life all along European coastlines.  If you want to know more about their latest expedition, then click here ⬇️ #AXA4Climate

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    🏳️🌈 Friday was the National Coming Out Day (NCOD), an annual LGBT awareness day to support anyone "coming out of the closet". Coming out, in a professional setting isn't something that happens once.  There are always more people in a professional workplace who accept everyone for their authentic selves. Our principles and values AXA, create the right inclusion for everyone. Appreciate and recognize genuine curiosity and the courage from others that is required for anyone who wants to support, even if they don’t know how or where to start. ✨🫶 Do you want to hear some more AXA? 🙌 Please, take some time to discover John Hilson’s insightful testimonial. #AXA4Inclusion #NCOD #LGBT

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    Top 4 Emerging Risks for 2024: How will we navigate the world in a polycrisis?   The 11th edition of AXA's Future Risks Report, based on the insights of 3,000 experts and 20,000 respondents from the general population, reveals the top global risks that will shape our future:   🌱 Climate change remains the No. 1 risk in all regions, underlining the urgent need for global action.   🌐 Geopolitical instability ranks second, as tensions and conflicts disrupt the global landscape.   🛡️ Cybersecurity threats rank third as digital vulnerabilities and attacks multiply.   🤖 Artificial intelligence and big data rank a close fourth, fuelling misinformation and social tensions.   In a world in polycrisis, understanding these interconnected threats is critical for an insurer like AXA to play our part in preventing and mitigating these risks. For more insights, read the full report: https://lnkd.in/e3Ei9tgZ  #AXAFutureRisksReport

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    ⚡️ How to continue protecting people in the context of increasing extreme weather conditions?   Reflecting on the needs for increased solidarity, and the key role of the Insurance sector as "Confidence Driver", discover a sneak peak of Thierry Langreney, CEO of Les Ateliers du Futur's insights and solution proposals. 🌍🌦️🔍   📚 Interested to know more ? Check out the highlights from the event in the link here ⬇️ https://lnkd.in/e9qftYNc #AXA4Climate #Sustainability #ClimateResilience Ulrike Decoene Julia d'Astorg Martin Powell Beatrice Weder di Mauro Mathieu Godart Katheline Schubert Thierry Langreney Pamela Schuermans Bertrand Villeneuve Achim Wambach Tim Phillips Maud ABDELLI Gilles Moec Olivier Rousseau Jean Pisani-Ferry Mar Reguant Patrick Bolton

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    📢 Erigée comme la « grande cause » de l’année 2025, l'Association AXA Prévention publie une étude exclusive sur l’état de la #SantéMentale des Français, en collaboration avec le Professeur Michel Lejoyeux. 🤯 Sentiment de solitude, peur du déclassement, crainte d'être dépassé par la technologie… Autant de facteurs liés à la dégradation de notre santé mentale. ☝️ Face à ce constat, la prévention, la sensibilisation et la formation sont plus que jamais vitales. 🔗 Pour en savoir plus : https://lnkd.in/e8_W3tby

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