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Transsolar KlimaEngineering

Transsolar KlimaEngineering

Activités d’architecture

À propos

Transsolar KlimaEngineering is a diverse team of engineers focused on creating climate-responsive built environments. We collaborate with our clients and partners to enhance the human experience while minimizing resource use following our self-declared attitude: High Comfort, Low Impact. In partnership with the world’s leading architects our unique approach has led to numerous breakthrough projects including Manitoba Hydro Place, which in 2012 became the most energy efficient office tower in North America. Our collaborative style has earned our projects many AIA Honor, COTE Top Ten, and other international awards; a recent high point is the 2015 AIA Institute Honor for Collaborative Achievement. Transsolar consults for a variety of projects, ranging from residential and university buildings to museum design, campus planning, and urban design. Our firm also has a history of art collaboration where the knowledge and skill to manipulate a space’s thermodynamic conditions are required. Notable examples are “cloudscapes” with Tetsuo Kondo and “lightscapes” with Anja Thierfelder at the 2010 and 2016 Architecture Biennale in Venice. Transsolar has been operating for more than 25 years with offices in Stuttgart, Munich, Paris and New York.

Site web
Activités d’architecture
Taille de l’entreprise
51-200 employés
Siège social
Fondée en
Energy Supply, Urban Design, Daylight Design, Occupant Comfort, M+V, Art Installation, POE Study, CFD, Performance Simulation, Collaboration, Climate Responsive Design, Passive Design, Idea Generation, Vision Facilitation, Design Integration, Building Physics, Education et Thermal Simulation


Employés chez Transsolar KlimaEngineering


  • A glimpse of the amazing results of the SEMINAR 2024 "Climate Responsive Energy Efficient Design of Built Environments CREEDBE" presented by the students of the Department of Architecture, B.Arch. Fourth Year 2024-25, School of Planning and Architecture SPA, New Delhi.

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    #TSIndiaLab | Book of Abstracts | SEMINAR 2024 | Climate Responsive Energy Efficient Design of Built Environments CREEDBE | SPA New Delhi | Transsolar World Academy We are pleased to share the Book of Abstracts of SEMINAR 2024 "Climate Responsive Energy Efficient Design of Built Environments CREEDBE" presented by the students of the Department of Architecture, B.Arch. Fourth Year 2024-25, School of Planning and Architecture SPA, New Delhi. As part of the Transsolar World Academy program, Transsolar experts worked with SPA students and faculty on 5 of the research groups throughout the semester with the following topics: Group 04 Optimization of daylighting in wards and naturally lit indoor spaces of hospitals in tropical climate of India Group 08 Energy-efficient design for boarding schools in cold climatic regions of India Group 26 Assessing the influence of outdoor thermal comfort on public streets in composite climate Group 30 Performance evaluation and application of Passive Downdraft Evaporative Cooling (PDEC) Systems in hot and dry climates of India: A case study of Jodhpur Group 31 Comparative study of wall system materials for cold climates: An analysis of traditional, contemporary, and hemp-earth wall systems in Uttarakhand Published by courtesy of SPA students and faculty. For more information about the collaboration

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  • #TSIndiaLab | Book of Abstracts | SEMINAR 2024 | Climate Responsive Energy Efficient Design of Built Environments CREEDBE | SPA New Delhi | Transsolar World Academy We are pleased to share the Book of Abstracts of SEMINAR 2024 "Climate Responsive Energy Efficient Design of Built Environments CREEDBE" presented by the students of the Department of Architecture, B.Arch. Fourth Year 2024-25, School of Planning and Architecture SPA, New Delhi. As part of the Transsolar World Academy program, Transsolar experts worked with SPA students and faculty on 5 of the research groups throughout the semester with the following topics: Group 04 Optimization of daylighting in wards and naturally lit indoor spaces of hospitals in tropical climate of India Group 08 Energy-efficient design for boarding schools in cold climatic regions of India Group 26 Assessing the influence of outdoor thermal comfort on public streets in composite climate Group 30 Performance evaluation and application of Passive Downdraft Evaporative Cooling (PDEC) Systems in hot and dry climates of India: A case study of Jodhpur Group 31 Comparative study of wall system materials for cold climates: An analysis of traditional, contemporary, and hemp-earth wall systems in Uttarakhand Published by courtesy of SPA students and faculty. For more information about the collaboration

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  • Voir la Page de l’organisation de Transsolar KlimaEngineering

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    Thomas Auer | Architekturforum Freiburg | Do. 03.04.25 | 19:00 Thomas Auer hält einen Vortrag mit dem Titel 'Lost in Transformation' für das Architekturforum Freiburg e.V.: "Der Klimawandel erfordert eine nachhaltige und klimaresiliente Transformation der gebauten Umwelt inklusive einer Dekarbonisierung des Gebäudesektors und des Bauwesens. Gebäude verbrauchen im Betrieb häufig mehr Energie als prognostiziert und/oder erreichen nicht die avisierte Aufenthaltsqualität. Dies ist nicht zuletzt auf die Komplexität der Gebäude zurückzuführen." Thomas Auer verfolgt als Professor für Gebäudetechnologie und klimagerechtes Bauen an der Technischen Universität München – gemeinsam mit Florian Nagler und weiteren Mitwirkenden – das Ziel, die Komplexität im Bauen zu reduzieren. Die Erkenntnisse werden im Forschungscluster «Einfach Umbauen» auf den Gebäudebestand übertragen. Das aktuelle Forschungsvorhaben ist das Nachfolgeprojekt der drei Forschungsprojekte Einfach Bauen 1-3 an der Technischen Universität München. Die VORanmeldung ist bereits abgelaufen, aber es wird einen FILM geben für alle, die leider nicht dabei sein können. Wir werden den Link zum Mitschnitt nach der Veranstaltung veröffentlichen.

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  • Voir la Page de l’organisation de Transsolar KlimaEngineering

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    Design Colloquium | Technology alone won't save us | Tommaso Bitossi The 2025 Design Colloquium on March 19-21 will explore the strategies, tools, and actions designers can use to create meaningful, lasting impact. Each year, leaders from exceptional architecture, engineering, and design firms gather in an intimate and candid setting to exchange ideas and experiences. As part of the 2025 Advisory Board, Tommaso Bitossi will join a panel discussing: "What are we doing as designers to drive positive impact, and how do we align intention with outcomes?" To spark conversation and challenge perspectives, Tommaso will provoke the audience with the statement: ‘Technology alone Won’t Save Us. Unless We Shift from Greed to Need.’ It’s a compelling challenge for designers: How do we ensure that our work isn’t just chasing innovation for its own sake but is truly aligned with social and ecological responsibility? What are your thoughts? Do you agree? Tommaso is looking forward to the 2-day event in San Francisco. Learn more about it here

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  • On March 13th, Rafaela Behrens will be at the Zak World of Façades Conference in Mexico City, participating in the panel: "Crazy Climate: Resilient Design for an Uncertain Future." Alongside moderator Ricardo Daniel Diaz, Commercial Director of The Façade Studio, Rafaela and three other industry leaders will discuss how façades can enhance building resilience against extreme weather and how architectural design must adapt to an uncertain future. Sustainability, energy efficiency, and innovation will be key topics in the conversation. The one-day Zak World of Façades Conference is held across 40 countries, including the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Europe, Australasia and North America, with its 2nd edition in Mexico City. For more information and a look at past events, visit

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  • Thomas Auer über die Transformation des Bestands...

    Voir la Page de l’organisation de Klimahouse Deutschland

    158  abonnés

    „Das nachhaltigste Gebäude ist eines, das wir nicht neu bauen müssen!“ Thomas Auer spricht im aktuellen #KLIMAHOUSE Podcast über die Transformation des Bestands – ein super wichtiger Punkt für die Zukunft des Bauens! Sollten wir wirklich weniger neu bauen? Was denkt ihr? 👇 🎧 Darüber haben wir auch gesprochen: ❌ Warum Klimaanlagen nicht die Lösung sind?! ✔️ Kein futuristisches High-Tech-Gebäude, sondern smarte Sanierung & nachhaltige Nutzung des Bestands: Das Gebäude der Zukunft ist… banal?!❌ Flachdecken aus Beton & exzessive Glasarchitektur: Wir haben jahrzehntelang falsch gebaut – das muss sich ändern! ✔️ Das nachhaltigste Gebäude ist eines, das wir nicht neu bauen müssen! ❌ Zu wenig Kooperation zwischen Planern, Handwerk & Industrie: Wir brauchen eine völlig neue Art der Zusammenarbeit! Was denkt ihr darüber? Jetzt das gesamte Interview hier anhören (Klimahouse Deutschland): 📺 Youtube: Oder unterwegs auf Spotify: 🎧 #KlimahouseDeutschland #NachhaltigesBauen #Podcast #ThomasAuer #GrünesBauen #Innovation #ThermischerKomfort

  • Transsolar KlimaEngineering a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Krista Palen

    Partner at Transsolar KlimaEngineering

    I could not be more proud to have worked on this incredible building with Bucholz McEvoy Architects, ZAS Architects + Interiors, Introba and Green Reason Inc.

    Lots of smiling faces during Welcome Week as we moved into our beautiful new administrative office building at 5 Shoreham Drive - right next to our very own Village at Black Creek. Did you know that we are actually returning to one of our historic office locations? The building is new in design but familiar in spirit. Our staff couldn’t be happier to be back at this site, this time with bright, modern workspaces and cutting-edge sustainability features! #ConservationMatters #SustainableBuilding #Toronto

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  • Das neue Buch mit 168 Seiten, herausgegeben von Christina Köchling und der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, ist jetzt im Handel. Drei experimentelle Häuser, gebaut in den 1970-90er Jahren, erhielten bereits im Entwurf robuste Gebäudetechnik als integrale Bestandteile. Das „Baumhaus“ von Ot Hoffmann in Darmstadt, das „Solarhaus“ von Rolf Schoch in Zollikofen und das „Lufthaus“, das Internationale Begegnungszentrum der Wissenschaft, IBZ, von Otto Steidle in Berlin, arbeiten mit haustechnischem Ansätzen wie passiver Kühlung, Nutzen von Sonnenenergie und Speichern sowie Wiederverwenden von Wasser, also mit robusten, unkomplizierten Systemen, die darauf zielen, ökonomisch und ökologisch sinnvoll zu funktionieren, was man heute Lowtech nennt. Da Transsolar stets interessiert ist, einfache effiziente Lösungen im Einklang mit lokalen Bedingungen zu verwirklichen, haben Alina Wagner und Christian Frenzel gern ein interdisziplinäres Team der Universität Weimar dabei unterstützt, diese Gebäude zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse aus Messungen und persönlichen Erfahrungen der Menschen vor Ort in den Gebäuden erlauben die Analyse der drei konkreten Beispiele und ermöglichen Ausblick darauf, wie sich Lowtech-Systeme im Städtebau auswirken und Typus, Form und Grundriss von Gebäuden beeinflussen können. „Ästhetik der Technik“ ist der erste Band der geplanten Serie BauentwurfsEXPERIMENTE. ISBN-13: 9783944074566

  • JOIN US ONLINE on TODAY February 26th at 12 ET / 9 PT for our ADAPTIVE FUTURES Spring series: Case Study of the National University of Singapore from Tools to Tactics. Register here > Erik Olsen from Transsolar KlimaEngineering will share examples of tactical approaches to client communication to generate buy-in on both challenging goals and the strategies required to meet them. Case studies will include the ILFI zero energy certified National University of Singapore School of Design and Environment with radical ‘soft cooling’ and the CaGBC zero carbon certified Toronto and Region Conservation Authority with waterwall air pretreatment. We’ll show how strategic use of project charters, deep education, and mock-ups supported the realization of these projects and can be transferred to a much wider variety of projects. Introduced by Arathi Gowda and Moderated by Aaron Vaden-Youmans from US Architects Declare. Register for the event below and join the conversations. Register for Online Case Study Event >

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  • Transsolar KlimaEngineering a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Thomas Auer

    Professor Dipl.-Ing. bei TUM

    Building design and construction needs a real Shift!

    Voir la Page de l’organisation de Wissensstiftung

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    We all failed – but now we’re taking action. Yesterday in Paris we started defining SHIFT Strategies – moving away from harmful habits to new sustainable standards for the future of building. We connected the brains of experts from all around the world to define tangible solutions and make the inescapable SHIFT happen. This is just a kick-off — we’ll need all the good ideas we can get and most of all, we have to work together. Yesterday we were 30, tomorrow we need you onboard. Join the action at and let us know about the sustainable projects you consider best practices, but also about where you think we’re all failing to build better. Thanks for your valuable input so far Ashok Lall, Bruno Sauer, Bundit Kanisthakhon, Carl Bäckstrand, Daniel A. Barber, Edward Mazria, Gaetan Siew, Glenn DeRoché, Hans Dieterle, Illya Azaroff, FAIA, Juergen Strohmayer, Kelly Alvarez Doran, Leena Thomas, Martin Anzellini Garcia-Reyes, Martin Despang, Martin Haas, Neil Thomas MBE, Nicholas Kaspareck, Prashant Kapoor, Rosie Paul, Ruth Schagemann, Sergio García-Gasco Lominchar, vera hartmann, Vincent Martinez, Erin McDade, Assoc. AIA, Dr. Christine Lemaitre, Thomas Auer, Sebastian Clark Koth, Alice Morgane Fleury, Lea Bauer — it was great learning and building on each other’s ideas…

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