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News on Blue Economy & Transformation

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About 40 percent of the world’s population lives within 100 kilometers of the coast, and overall, the world’s coastal population is increasing faster than the total global population. Coastal ecosystem services are particularly vulnerable to global environmental changes, as are the coastal communities that depend directly on them. To address these changes, ensure the well-being of coastal communities, and stimulate the development of economic activities, actions to inform and share best practices are important. With this in mind, Blue Economy and Blue Transformation become major themes. The goal of Blue Life Hub is to inform and network between players in the Mediterranean and Africa, areas that have very important commonalities and shared interests.

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    The fish feed industry in East Africa depends on a combination of locally sourced and imported raw materials to meet the nutritional needs of farmed fish. Plant-based and animal-based ingredients play crucial roles in providing essential nutrients, but significant challenges remain in terms of availability and cost. Plant-based ingredients, such as maize, wheat, and rice bran, are fundamental components of fish feed. They provide the necessary carbohydrates for energy. In East Africa, roughly 70% of maize is sourced locally, with additional imports coming from Uganda, India, and Brazil. Wheat and rice bran are also imported from countries like Tanzania, Pakistan, and the United Arab Emirates to supplement local production. Prices for these cereals can vary significantly based on seasonal supply, often rising during off-peak periods. Other important plant-based ingredients include soybean meal and sunflower cake, both known for their high protein content. Kenya, for example, imports sunflower cake from Tanzania and Uganda, while soybean meal is sourced from Zambia and Malawi. Cassava flour and cottonseed cake, which serve as energy and protein sources, are also used. However, cassava is often imported from countries such as India, Thailand, and South Africa due to limited local availability, while cottonseed cake is brought in from Tanzania and Zambia. #aquaculture #bluetransformation #blueeconomy

    Raw Materials and Ingredients Used in Aquaculture Feed in East Africa - Blue Life Hub

    Raw Materials and Ingredients Used in Aquaculture Feed in East Africa - Blue Life Hub

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    The fish feed industry in East Africa depends on a combination of locally sourced and imported raw materials to meet the nutritional needs of farmed fish. Plant-based and animal-based ingredients play crucial roles in providing essential nutrients, but significant challenges remain in terms of availability and cost. Plant-based ingredients, such as maize, wheat, and rice bran, are fundamental components of fish feed. They provide the necessary carbohydrates for energy. In East Africa, roughly 70% of maize is sourced locally, with additional imports coming from Uganda, India, and Brazil. Wheat and rice bran are also imported from countries like Tanzania, Pakistan, and the United Arab Emirates to supplement local production. Prices for these cereals can vary significantly based on seasonal supply, often rising during off-peak periods. Other important plant-based ingredients include soybean meal and sunflower cake, both known for their high protein content. Kenya, for example, imports sunflower cake from Tanzania and Uganda, while soybean meal is sourced from Zambia and Malawi. Cassava flour and cottonseed cake, which serve as energy and protein sources, are also used. However, cassava is often imported from countries such as India, Thailand, and South Africa due to limited local availability, while cottonseed cake is brought in from Tanzania and Zambia. #aquaculture #bluetransformation #blueeconomy

    Raw Materials and Ingredients Used in Aquaculture Feed in East Africa - Blue Life Hub

    Raw Materials and Ingredients Used in Aquaculture Feed in East Africa - Blue Life Hub

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    Artisanal fishing plays a crucial role in sustaining coastal communities around the world. From 9 to 11 October, Conil de la Frontera in Spain becomes the epicentre of this sector with the 3rd Artisanal Fishing Congress, where over 100 representatives from more than 30 countries across Europe, Latin America and Africa will gather. The event addresses the growing challenges facing artisanal fishermen today and emphasises the importance of international collaboration to overcome them.

    Artisanal fisheries at the centre of global sustainability efforts - Blue Life Hub

    Artisanal fisheries at the centre of global sustainability efforts - Blue Life Hub

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    Artisanal fishing plays a crucial role in sustaining coastal communities around the world. From 9 to 11 October, Conil de la Frontera in Spain becomes the epicentre of this sector with the 3rd Artisanal Fishing Congress, where over 100 representatives from more than 30 countries across Europe, Latin America and Africa will gather. The event addresses the growing challenges facing artisanal fishermen today and emphasises the importance of international collaboration to overcome them. The Congress, organised by the Organisation of Conil Producers (OPP-72), has been a platform for small-scale fishing since its creation in 2017. This triennial event aims to create a unified voice for artisanal fishers, a sector that is often underrepresented in global discussions. Artisanal fisheries generate employment for a significant proportion of coastal populations and contribute substantially to global food security. Despite its importance, this sector faces numerous threats, including climate change and increasing competition for coastal resources. #blueeconomy #bluetransformation #artisanalfisheries

    Artisanal fisheries at the centre of global sustainability efforts - Blue Life Hub

    Artisanal fisheries at the centre of global sustainability efforts - Blue Life Hub

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    The Libya-Italy 2024 Economic Forum will be held in Tripoli on 29 October, an important event that aims to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in various economic and cultural sectors. The recent visits of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to Tripoli confirm, if there was still a need, the role that Italy wants to play in the development process in the Maghreb area and specifically in Libya. The topics will focus on development and collaboration in strategic productive sectors, specifically mining, olive oil production, fishing and aquaculture, scientific research and oil industries. The General Authority for Fairs and the Italian Embassy in Tripoli, under the direction of the Office of the Prime Minister of the Libyan National Unity Government, are preparing the important event. #blueeconomy #bluetransformation #libya #italy

    Libya-Italy 2024 Economic Forum in Tripoli - Blue Life Hub

    Libya-Italy 2024 Economic Forum in Tripoli - Blue Life Hub

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    The EU and Morocco have long maintained economic partnerships, with agreements spanning various sectors, including fisheries. However, the 2019 trade agreements between the EU and Morocco, specifically concerning fish and agricultural products, have caused controversy regarding their applicability to Western Sahara, a disputed territory. These agreements were concluded without the explicit consent of the people of Western Sahara, which, according to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), violates the fundamental principles of self-determination. In a landmark ruling on 4 October 2024, the CJEU confirmed that the consent of the people of Western Sahara is a precondition for the validity of any international agreement applied to its territory. This decision follows years of legal disputes initiated by the Polisario Front, a movement supporting the independence of Western Sahara. Although the agreements in question were presented as beneficial to the region, the Court ruled that they did not provide the required tangible or verifiable benefits to the local population. Consequently, the Court annulled the Council’s decisions, emphasising the need for genuine consent from the Sahrawi people. #bluetransformation #blueeconomy

    EU-Morocco fishing agreements blown up - Blue Life Hub

    EU-Morocco fishing agreements blown up - Blue Life Hub

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    Marsa Alam, located on the western coast of the Red Sea in southeast Egypt, is one of the most famous beach tourism cities in Egypt. Known for its breathtaking natural reserves, luxurious resorts, and some of the best diving spots, this quiet city on the Red Sea coast has become a favored destination for diving enthusiasts. Among those capturing its beauty through the lens is photographer Mahmoud Ayman, known as “Mezo,” who has turned his passion for marine life photography into a unique and flourishing career. Through his underwater photography, Mahmoud shares the stunning beauty of Marsa Alam’s aquatic environment with the world. Mahmoud began his career at a diving center in Marsa Alam, where he spent years working with local dive centers. However, his true passion began to take shape when he discovered the world of underwater photography. “I was inspired by the beauty of the marine life I witnessed daily, and I wanted to document it for others,” Mahmoud reflects on the turning point that led him to leave his job and dedicate himself to photography. Since 2016, Mahmoud has been capturing the marine life in Marsa Alam, which constantly fuels his inspiration. The unique coral reefs biodiversity, are what draw Mahmoud to this special location. “Every time I dive, I find something new,” he says, highlighting the endless opportunities for creativity that the diverse marine environments in Marsa Alam offer him. #Egypt #redsea #environment

    Mahmoud Ayman, Underwater Photography Journey in Marsa Alam Egypt - Blue Life Hub

    Mahmoud Ayman, Underwater Photography Journey in Marsa Alam Egypt - Blue Life Hub

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    The mesopelagic zone, often called the twilight zone, harbours unexplored potential for both the aquaculture and pharmaceutical industries. Recent studies conducted by Nofima have examined the properties of deep-sea fish species such as hatchetfish and lanternfish, which could bring significant benefits to farmed salmon feed production. These species, often overlooked due to the complexities of harvesting them, have been shown to be rich in essential nutrients. Fishmeal derived from these species contains high levels of protein and fat, making it an excellent feed ingredient. In particular, feeds made from the fish accepts have demonstrated the ability to promote efficient growth in salmon, equalling or surpassing traditional feed options. Remarkably, the meal from these fish is rich in valuable fatty acids and phospholipids, known to have a positive impact on the digestive health of salmon. #blueeconomy #bluetransformation #aquaculture

    Potential of deep-sea fish for feed and pharmaceuticals - Blue Life Hub

    Potential of deep-sea fish for feed and pharmaceuticals - Blue Life Hub

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    The Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, in collaboration with the Food Systems and Food Safety Divisions of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), will host an important training event on the implementation of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems for fisheries and aquaculture. Scheduled to be held online from October 21 to 23, 2024, the training will also feature insights from Codex Secretariat experts and other technical specialists in the field of food safety. Implementing a robust HACCP system is vital to ensuring the safety of fisheries and aquaculture products. Understanding and identifying potential food safety hazards is the cornerstone of this system. The training aims to equip participants with essential knowledge that minimizes reliance on traditional end-product testing, thus fostering a preventive, rather than reactive, approach to food safety management in production and processing environments. This three-day event will cover essential areas such as the identification of food safety hazards specific to the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. The training will also introduce key tools from the FAO, including Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) guidelines, HACCP resources, and Codex Alimentarius texts, which serve as international standards for food safety. #bluetransformation #blueconomy #aquaculture #HACCP

    Training on HACCP Implementation for Fisheries and Aquaculture - Blue Life Hub

    Training on HACCP Implementation for Fisheries and Aquaculture - Blue Life Hub

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    The Aquaculture Africa 2024 Conference (AFRAQ24), set to take place from November 19-22 in Hammamet, Tunisia, promises to be a landmark event in the evolution of Africa’s blue economy. Bringing together industry leaders, policymakers, researchers, and NGOs from across the continent and beyond, AFRAQ24 will focus on the power of collaboration and partnerships in driving sustainable aquaculture. With the theme “Blue Farming: New Horizons for Economic Growth,” the conference emphasizes how partnerships in science, education, and technology can stimulate innovations in Africa’s blue economy. As the world looks to Africa as a key player in global aquaculture, the event is a pivotal opportunity to explore how collaborative efforts can address the challenges and opportunities within the sector. #blueconomy #bluetransformation #africa

    Collaboration and partnerships to take center stage at the upcoming Aquaculture Africa 2024 Conference in Tunisia, 19-22 November 2024 - Blue Life Hub

    Collaboration and partnerships to take center stage at the upcoming Aquaculture Africa 2024 Conference in Tunisia, 19-22 November 2024 - Blue Life Hub

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