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Another Democratic Future is Possible.

Over ons

DemocracyNext is an international foundation working to accelerate the spread of high quality, empowered, and permanent citizens’ assemblies. Across the globe, people lack agency to shape their destinies. Governance systems are failing to address hard, complex issues. And those in power are not accountable to their citizens. We want to change this. At DemocracyNext, we believe in a more just, joyful, and collaborative future, where everyone has meaningful power to shape their societies. We work to shift who has power and how we take decisions in government and in institutions of daily life like workplaces, schools, and museums. Citizens’ assemblies are brave spaces for creative problem solving, designed for exercising our collective intelligence, engaging with complexity, and finding common ground. At their heart are three key ideas – sortition (selecting decision makers by lottery), deliberation (collectively weighing evidence for shared decisions), and rotation (taking turns representing, and being represented by others). Our hypothesis is that if people have greater agency in decision making, the ripple effects contribute to a thriving, resilient society of active citizens, where people have stronger trust in one another, a meaningful sense of belonging, and are less polarised. Citizens’ assemblies lead to more legitimate and informed decisions, policies, and resource allocations. Learn more on our website, and sign up to our newsletter for regular updates and inspiring stories.

11 - 50 medewerkers
The Hague
Democracy, Citizens' Assemblies, Sortition en Deliberation


Medewerkers van DemocracyNext


  • “AI already makes awful institutions and popular governments worse, forcing us to rethink some basic elements of democracy.” Late last year, Professor Lawrence Lessig (Harvard Law Professor, founder of Creative Commons and Equal Citizens, and former candidate in the US Presidential primaries) spoke at the The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) about the potential impact of AI on the 2024 American election and the future of democracy. His lecture highlighted a troubling trend: as political communities become more fragmented, AI may accelerate the decline of popular government. While the challenges are significant, Lessig offers a powerful solution:  Citizens' Assemblies. Rather than trying to fix the democracy we have, Lessig suggests we should encourage a new, more innovative approach to democracy - one that’s: ➕ Random ➕ Representative ➕ Informed ➕ Deliberated When it comes to "What is to be done?", Lessig points to leaders of the movement for more citizens' assemblies: the author David Van Reybrouck, the philosopher Hélène Landemore, both members of DemocracyNext's Advisory Council, and activist Claudia Chwalisz, our Founder and CEO. (45m-56m30s) “If the some can stand for all, then we can begin to have a transformative opportunity for the idea of democratic representation.” Citizens’ assemblies are designed as brave spaces for creative problem-solving. By giving people more agency in decision-making, we believe these assemblies can strengthen trust, build a stronger sense of belonging, and reduce polarisation. The result? More legitimate, informed decisions and policies that reflect the needs and values of the people. We’ve seen firsthand how effective they can be. We agree with Lessig’s call that, "we need this innovation because it's existential for democracy.” And we’re encouraging ambitious change beyond one-off events; we want to see more citizens’ assemblies established as permanent democratic institutions. Let’s invest in our collective intelligence and build a democracy that works for everyone. #DemocracyNext #CitizensAssemblies #AIandDemocracy #FutureOfPolitics #TransformativeChange

    • A screenshot from the talk with Lessig in the top left corner and a profile photo of Claudia Chwalisz in the centre. The words DemocracyNext, another democratic future is possible and are on the screen.
  • It was great to formally kick off this collaboration last week! 🎉 DemNext colleagues Claudia Chwalisz and Lucy Reid are looking forward to going to the Basque Country in early April to continue our learning sessions and begin designing the experiments in workplace governance and decision-making. We'll be sharing more info in DemocracyNext's newsletter this week as well (sign up via our LinkedIn page or via the link in the comments if you'd like to stay in the loop!).

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    🚀 In collaboration with🤝MONDRAGON Corporation, #Lanki, DemocracyNext, MIT Center for Constructive Communication and Arantzazulab, we started a project to strengthen the governance and decision-making processes of cooperatives. 👥💭We start with a learning session on how to deepen decision-making through deliberation and technology.👉In the session we had inspirational talks from local and international experts, and these are some quotes that capture some of the shared reflections: 💬 Sonja Novkovic, International Centre for Co-operative Management: “Looking in what comes next, deliberation mini-publics and random sampling are expected to be a good fit in large co-ops". 💬Claudia Chwalisz, DemocracyNext: “The three key concepts that characterise deliberative democracy are: sortition, deliberation and rotation. Assembly members need enough time to build trust, be with complexity and strengthen agency". 💬Simone Pek, Peter B. Gustavson School of Business: “Deliberative mini-publics can be tailored to the cooperative context, there are several potential applications: appraising candidates for election, offering feedback to decision makers, identifying latest issues relevant to the membership". 💬Iñigo Iñurrategi Irizar, MONDRAGON Corporation: “We have an opportunity and a drive for experimentation, using identical structures in different contexts and at different levels of governance. However, we struggle to find useful references (models, examples) to draw inspiration from". 💥We have finished the learning session on decision-making through deliberation and technology in the MONDRAGON cooperatives, reflecting with the representatives of the cooperatives on how to implement this knowledge in the MONDRAGON context. It was a fruitful and inspiring first session!   🌄In April, the international experts will come to the Basque Country to explore together how to put this knowledge into practice. #Business #DecisionMaking #Governance #DeliberativeDemocracy #Tech MONDRAGON Corporation DemocracyNext MIT Center for Constructive Communication Mondragon Unibertsitatea Ione Ardaiz Osacar Naiara Goia #AneMirenValenciano Iñigo Iñurrategi Irizar Lucy Reid Dimitra Dimitrakopoulou Claudia Chwalisz Oier Imaz Alias Nagore Ipiña Zigor Ezpeleta Alberdi #MikeMcCarthy Deliberativa Arantxa Mendiharat Yago Bermejo Abati #NuriaAgirreUnzueta LABORAL Kutxa Unai Viscarret IKERLAN Xabi Igoa Eriz Ainara Udaondo Mikel Arrate Uribetxebarria FAGOR EDERLAN | Global Automotive Components Marta Carazo España Eroski #KepaOtaegi #DorletaEchevarria Amaia Biain Bidarte Amaia Torrealday Gallarreta Monica Gago Garcia #AitziberArregui Asier Baztan

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  • DemocracyNext heeft dit gerepost

    In an uncertain world we need more democracy – not less That's why it was crucial that with the help of the Nordisk Ministerråd (Nordic Council of Ministers) it was still possible to gather actors from the deliberative democracy scene from 6 different countries after the US National Endowment for Democracy withdrew its funding for the project!   This fall, Vilnius will host its first citizens' assembly on urban transportation. In collaboration with DemocracyNext, Zakia Elvang and Klara Sørensen spent three days training the Vilnius team and other practitioners from across the region in facilitating citizens' assemblies according to the OECD - OCDE's principles for high-quality deliberative processes.   Citizens' assemblies are inherently complex, particularly within the facilitated space where meaningful dialogue unfolds between participants. A successful process requires careful navigation, as citizens must not only grasp the purpose of their participation but also establish relationships, deepen their understanding of the topic, enhance their democratic competencies, engage in deliberation, and ultimately reach well-informed decisions. This underscores the critical importance of strategic process design and skilled facilitation. In our 2.5-day training, we addressed the following key areas:   🌏  Roles of organizer, facilitator and comissioner 🌏  Macro design 🌏  Process flow and design 🌏  Whole Brain as a model for learning and facilitation preferences 🌏  Program planning 🌏  Micro design - process tools and methods 🌏  The good facilitator 🌏  Group decision making   This won't be the last time We Do Democracy organizes a facilitation course, if you are interested in being contacted next time, please write to   Thanks to James MacDonald-Nelson, Hannah Terry and Ieva Česnulaitytė for three wonderful days! #DrevetAfDeltagelse #MereOgBedreDemokrati #DeliberativeDemocracy #Facilitation

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  • Great to see this handy new resource for funders about citizens' assemblies from our friends at New America and the Democracy Funders Network 🙌 Our CEO and Founder Claudia Chwalisz was interviewed for this guide, and we were happy to share our various resources, like the DemNext Assembling an Assembly Guide ( that's based on the deep research that Claudia and Ieva Česnulaitytė had done previously at the OECD. We need more assemblies in more places, so we hope that this resource will help more funders to get involved in growing the movement. At DemNext, we believe it's important citizens' assemblies are more than one-off events, and get anchored in as new institutions for ongoing citizen deliberation and real shifts in power. Another democratic future is possible ✨ #CitizensAssemblies #Democracy #Deliberation #Sortition #Innovation

    Profiel weergeven voor Kevin O'Neil

    Managing Director, New Frontiers at The Rockefeller Foundation

    Funder's Guide to Citizens' Assemblies out! Citizens'/civic assemblies are one of the best bets for building our democracy. The idea of tasking a randomly selected group of citizens with making important decisions on behalf of everyone sounds radical. But it makes sense to people of all political stripes once the learn about the idea, because they believe that a) we really need to start solving problems together and b) it's possible for us to do that if we work things out person to person instead of retreating into tribal echo chambers or letting the loudest voices prevail. Citizens' assemblies are a powerful, replicable method for doing this. At the same time, citizen assemblies aren't something that we have much experience with--the local leaders who are trying this out and the folks helping them (Healthy Democracy and DemocracyNext are two among many) are blazing a new path. Philanthropy (national, local, institutional, individual, whatever) is a key partner in this, but it can be hard to know how to get started and be most effective. The Democracy Funder's Network and New America have a terrific funders' guide on citizen assemblies that casts a practical, critical eye on the field and gives some practical guidance. Please check it out if you're remotely interested in the intersection of philanthropy and democracy.

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    Profiel weergeven voor Josh Burgess

    Strategic Advisor | Veteran | Democracy Innovator | Social Entrepreneur

    Today’s the day! Alongside Kevin, Deepti, and Kurt, I’ll describe how Central Oregonians are sharing a profound experience in citizen democracy. To follow DemocracyNext and the Central Oregon Civic Action Project in more detail:

    Profiel weergeven voor Kevin O'Neil

    Managing Director, New Frontiers at The Rockefeller Foundation

    Can we innovate our way to a better democracy? We've got a brilliant panel at #SXSW today featuring Deepti Doshi, Kurt Gray and Josh Burgess. The majority of Americans--no matter what party or who they voted for--aren't happy with how democracy is working. These panelists have a host of practical, actionable insights and innovations that can help us solve problems together. New_ Public DemocracyNext The Rockefeller Foundation

  • DemocracyNext heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Ieva Česnulaitytė

    Researcher, policy analyst & activist | Democratic innovation | Citizens’ assemblies | Trauma-informed participation

    At a time when reading the news leaves you not only horrified and hopeless but also fearing the very real possibility of being erased from the map by your imperial neighbour, democratic innovators from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia came together to work on citizens' assemblies with our Nordic friends from Denmark and Iceland and global partners. 🙌 This gives me so much joy 🙌 - it is the first time the Baltic deliberative democracy community came together. As part of the DemocracyNext cities programme, we learnt from experiences of citizens' assemblies in Estonia and Latvia, worked on designing Lithuania's first citizens' assembly in Vilnius (among others), and gained insights from the incredible expertise of Zakia Elvang and her team, who have facilitated 24 assemblies in Denmark. The Baltics are part of the broader deliberative wave in Central and Eastern Europe where over 40 assemblies have been organised since 2016, as I document in my recent study: Citizens' assemblies hold many benefits for our region - implemented well and more systematically, they can help build more resilient democratic systems by strengthening citizens' agency (an essential line of defence against internal or external threats to democracy) and modelling a cooperative political culture (that is harder to co-opt). They also have the potential to protect from techniques that divide and fracture - by defusing rising tensions where polarisation is growing. Research shows that echo chambers that intensify polarisation do not operate in deliberative conditions. Stay tuned for more on the first assembly in Vilnius and the future Baltic-Nordic collaborations from the many seeds planted ⭐ More details on who was involved and what we were up to this week beautifully summed up below ⬇️

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    Reaching out to your friends can help. A lot. After our global Cities Programme was hit by President Trump's funding freeze – putting in danger citizens' assemblies planned for Vilnius in Lithuania and Kerewan in The Gambia – we appealed for help to the DemNext global community. We've been buoyed up by the response. Thank you. We've received donations and a host of new paid newsletter subscriptions that added up to an important sum, one city finding more funds, a philanthropic gift, and timely support that allowed us to go ahead with assembly design and facilitation workshops this week. Please read our newsletter for the details of our supporters' extraordinary generosity. Of course, we still have a way to go. But we now feel a step closer to saving at least one of this year's pioneering permanent assemblies. We are also truly uplifted and motivated by the many messages we received voicing support for our work. 🙏 Once again, a big thank you to you all for your rapid action. To others who would like to join our movement for better decision-making in the public interest, please make a donation too! 𝗔𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗳𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝙞𝙨 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲.

  • DemocracyNext heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Claudia Chwalisz

    Reimagining democracy with citizens' assemblies | Founder & CEO, DemocracyNext

    Laying the foundations for a permanent citizens’ assembly in Vilnius, Lithuania 🇱🇹 I could not be prouder of my amazing DemocracyNext team for leading an assembly design workshop with our partners at Vilnius City Municipality last week 🙌 And I am grateful to our fantastic partners at We Do Democracy - in my eyes one of the most experienced deliberative democracy practitioners committed to high-quality work and keeping the bar high globally - for leading a Facilitating Deliberation Masterclass for the Baltic-Nordic region this week. We brought together over 30 participants from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Iceland to learn how to facilitate deliberative assemblies. From what I’m hearing from those involved, the workshop has also planted some new seeds of collaboration across the region. Excited to see what ends up flourishing as a result! 🌿 Many thanks to the Nordic Council and Vilnius Municipality for making it possible. 🙏🏻 It’s a sliver of light in a moment when many (including myself at times) are feeling doomsday-y right now. Reminds me of Rebecca Solnit’s “Hope in the Dark”: “Inside the word emergency is emerge; from an emergency new things come forth. The old certainties are curving fast, but danger and possibility are sisters.” “In these moments of rupture, people find themselves members of a ‘we’ that did not until then exist, at least not as an entity with agency and identity and potency; new possibilities suddenly emerge, or that old dream of a just society reemerges and - at least for a little while - shines. … The sleeping giant is one name for the public; when it wakes up, when we wake up, we are no longer only the public: we are civil society, the superpower whose nonviolent means are sometimes, for a shining moment, more powerful than violence, more powerful than regimes and armies. We write history with our feet and with our presence and our collective voice and vision.” Another democratic future *is* possible. ✨ #citizensassemblies #deliberation #sortition #democracy #citizens Ieva Česnulaitytė Beatričė Umbrasaitė James MacDonald-Nelson Hannah Terry Zakia Elvang Johan Galster

    Profiel weergeven voor Beatričė Umbrasaitė

    Cultivating participation culture in city planning and architecture ✏️🗣️🏙️ | Art of Hosting practitioner

    Praėjusias kelias savaites Vilnius City Municipality su Baltijos-Šiaurės šalių regionu stiprinome svarstomosios demokratijos raumenis 💪. O gal reikėtų sakyti dalyvaujamosios demokratijos, arba pokalbių demokratijos. Kad ir kaip pavadinsime, svarbiausia suprasti, kad tai tokia demokratijos forma, kurioje į sprendimų priėmimą įtraukiami piliečiai. O įtraukimo būdas, kurį šiuo metu mokomės – piliečių asamblėjos. 📌 Vilniaus asamblėja, planuojama, vyks mobilumo tema. Vasario 26-28 d. su James MacDonald-Nelson, Ieva Česnulaitytė ir Hannah Terry lankėmės JUDU (SĮ Susisiekimo paslaugos), kur dirbome su konkrečia asamblėjos klausimo formuluote. Klausimas toliau buvo tikslinamas kovo 3-5 d. vykusiuose asamblėjų fasilitatorių mokymuose. Ačiū Zakia Elvang ir Klara SørensenWe Do Democracy už jūsų pasidalintas žinias. „We do Democracy“ jau surengė virš 20 asamblėjų, daugiausia iš jų – Danijoje. Beje pirmoji jų asamblėja taip pat buvo mobilumo tema: „Piliečių asamblėja apie parkavimo ir eismo reguliavimą Kopenhagos centre“. Mokymuose dalyvavo ir pirmųjų Talino bei Rygos asamblėjų organizatoriai, su kuriais ir toliau palaikysime ryšį ruošiantis asamblėjai Vilniuje. Thank you Ariana Apine, Ingrida Strazdina, Teele Pehk, Christo Alliksoo and Bart Cosijn for being there! Būnant šioje svarstomosios demokratijos ir dalyvavimo bendruomenėje jaučiuosi, kaip namie. Man įdomiausia yra mokytis, kaip leisti skirtingų požiūrių ir patirčių žmonėms suprasti vienas kitą ir artėti prie susitarimo. O dar įdomiau yra stebėti tai praktikoje! Ačiū, Laura Kairiene už palaikymą 🚀

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  • DemocracyNext heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Hannah Terry

    Building thriving, resilient, and collaborative democracies

    What a month! Over the past few weeks with the DemocracyNext cities programme, we've been focused on designing and facilitating citizens’ assemblies that will be taking place in Esch, Luxembourg, and Vilnius, Lithuania. ➡️ In Esch and Vilnius, we hosted design workshops to refine the structure and purpose of their upcoming assemblies, laying the groundwork for impactful recommendations and paving the way for institutionalization. ➡️ We also hosted a deliberation facilitation training with We Do Democracy, bringing together 30 practitioners from across Europe. It was incredible to see so many committed individuals learning how to support high-quality deliberation and democratic innovation in their communities. A huge thank you to all our partners and my team for making these past weeks so meaningful! Excited to see how these initiatives and partnerships continue to grow 🌷 James MacDonald-Nelson Claudia Chwalisz Ieva Česnulaitytė Vilnius City Municipality Ville d'Esch-sur-Alzette

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  • DemocracyNext heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Ieva Česnulaitytė

    Researcher, policy analyst & activist | Democratic innovation | Citizens’ assemblies | Trauma-informed participation

    At a time when reading the news leaves you not only horrified and hopeless but also fearing the very real possibility of being erased from the map by your imperial neighbour, democratic innovators from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia came together to work on citizens' assemblies with our Nordic friends from Denmark and Iceland and global partners. 🙌 This gives me so much joy 🙌 - it is the first time the Baltic deliberative democracy community came together. As part of the DemocracyNext cities programme, we learnt from experiences of citizens' assemblies in Estonia and Latvia, worked on designing Lithuania's first citizens' assembly in Vilnius (among others), and gained insights from the incredible expertise of Zakia Elvang and her team, who have facilitated 24 assemblies in Denmark. The Baltics are part of the broader deliberative wave in Central and Eastern Europe where over 40 assemblies have been organised since 2016, as I document in my recent study: Citizens' assemblies hold many benefits for our region - implemented well and more systematically, they can help build more resilient democratic systems by strengthening citizens' agency (an essential line of defence against internal or external threats to democracy) and modelling a cooperative political culture (that is harder to co-opt). They also have the potential to protect from techniques that divide and fracture - by defusing rising tensions where polarisation is growing. Research shows that echo chambers that intensify polarisation do not operate in deliberative conditions. Stay tuned for more on the first assembly in Vilnius and the future Baltic-Nordic collaborations from the many seeds planted ⭐ More details on who was involved and what we were up to this week beautifully summed up below ⬇️

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    Reaching out to your friends can help. A lot. After our global Cities Programme was hit by President Trump's funding freeze – putting in danger citizens' assemblies planned for Vilnius in Lithuania and Kerewan in The Gambia – we appealed for help to the DemNext global community. We've been buoyed up by the response. Thank you. We've received donations and a host of new paid newsletter subscriptions that added up to an important sum, one city finding more funds, a philanthropic gift, and timely support that allowed us to go ahead with assembly design and facilitation workshops this week. Please read our newsletter for the details of our supporters' extraordinary generosity. Of course, we still have a way to go. But we now feel a step closer to saving at least one of this year's pioneering permanent assemblies. We are also truly uplifted and motivated by the many messages we received voicing support for our work. 🙏 Once again, a big thank you to you all for your rapid action. To others who would like to join our movement for better decision-making in the public interest, please make a donation too! 𝗔𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗳𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝙞𝙨 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲.

  • DemocracyNext heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor James MacDonald-Nelson

    Project Lead - Urban Design and Planning at DemocracyNext

    What an incredible 2 weeks in Vilnius working with our partners at Vilnius City Municipality! Beatričė Umbrasaitė has been doing an incredible job to bring everyone together to make Lithuania's first citizens' assembly a success. Last week we made some vital next steps to realising the assembly. We worked with Vilnius' mobility department JUDU (SĮ Susisiekimo paslaugos) on setting the assembly question, met with the city's Chief Architect Laura Kairiene who has been a huge advocate and supporter for the assembly since the very beginning, and discussed with academics Rasa Bortkevičiūtė and Ieva Petronyte about evaluating the overall process. We also had the opportunity to get feedback on selecting assembly members and how to engage the wider public while deciding on inclusion measures with the social services department and met with members of the city council to share more about the upcoming assembly. Thanks to the support of Helén Nilsson from the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania, our friends at We Do Democracy, Zakia Elvang and Klara Sørensen, were able to deliver an incredible and inspiring facilitator training workshop this week. Assembly organisers and facilitators Gabrielė Janilionytė, Ruta Lukosiunaite, Ugne Balciunaite and Emilija Blaškevičiūtė and Sergejus Muravjovas from Transparency International Lithuania came together with a wider group of folks from Lithuania - Ieva Kimontaitė and Elzbieta Jasinskaite from the national government - and many from across the Nordic-Baltic region including Ariana Apine and Ingrīda Strazdina from Green Liberty | Zaļā brīvība in Latvia, Christo Alliksoo and Teele Pehk from DD Foundation and Bart Cosijn from the Estonian Dialogue Academy in Estonia, as well as Guðný Bára Jónsdóttir and Sigurlaug Anna Jóhannsdóttir from The City of Reykjavik. We were also joined by facilitator, Marina Rakhilin, MSW from the MIT Center for Constructive Communication and our colleagues Anna Elliot and Selva Gurdogan from Civic. Lastly, a huge thank you to my incredible colleagues Ieva Česnulaitytė and Hannah Terry for helping to pull all of this together. And of course Claudia Chwalisz and Lucy Reid for supporting us from afar - you were missed this week!

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    Reaching out to your friends can help. A lot. After our global Cities Programme was hit by President Trump's funding freeze – putting in danger citizens' assemblies planned for Vilnius in Lithuania and Kerewan in The Gambia – we appealed for help to the DemNext global community. We've been buoyed up by the response. Thank you. We've received donations and a host of new paid newsletter subscriptions that added up to an important sum, one city finding more funds, a philanthropic gift, and timely support that allowed us to go ahead with assembly design and facilitation workshops this week. Please read our newsletter for the details of our supporters' extraordinary generosity. Of course, we still have a way to go. But we now feel a step closer to saving at least one of this year's pioneering permanent assemblies. We are also truly uplifted and motivated by the many messages we received voicing support for our work. 🙏 Once again, a big thank you to you all for your rapid action. To others who would like to join our movement for better decision-making in the public interest, please make a donation too! 𝗔𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗳𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝙞𝙨 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲.

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