Het Actiefonds

Het Actiefonds

Civiele en sociale organisaties

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland 736 volgers

Het Actiefonds supports social movements and action groups all over the world.

Over ons

Het Actiefonds is an organisation that supports the struggle for a sustainable and socially just world in which people and the environment are more important than economic interests. We do so by financially supporting grassroots activists and social movements all over the world.

Civiele en sociale organisaties
2-10 medewerkers
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
human rights, civil rights, activism en social movements


Medewerkers van Het Actiefonds


  • Het Actiefonds heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Thomas van Gool, afbeelding

    Project Lead Israel-Palestine at PAX

    Kom naar de Dam in Amsterdam aanstaande zondag. Stop het geweld. Manifestatie van 14.00-15.00. Nederland moet meer doen. Nederland heeft de bevordering van het internationaal recht in de grondwet staan en is gastland van het Internationaal Strafhof en –Gerechtshof. Het heeft de plicht om samen met haar bondgenoten veel meer te doen om het geweld te stoppen en burgers te beschermen. Wij roepen de Nederlandse regering daarom op: -Eis een onmiddellijk en permanent staakt-het-vuren in Gaza en onvoorwaardelijke toegang tot hulp;  -Neem maatregelen, waaronder het stoppen van wapenleveranties en militaire samenwerking met Israël;  -Dring aan op onmiddellijke vrijlating van onterecht gedetineerde Palestijnse gevangenen en alle gegijzelde burgers. Steun jij de oproep ook? Kom dan op 13 oktober naar de Dam. Hoe meer mensen, hoe harder onze boodschap zal klinken: #StophetGeweld! Georganiseerd door PAX, Oxfam Novib, Save the Children Nederland, SOMO, The Rights Forum, Terre des Hommes Netherlands, Amnesty International The Netherlands en Stichting Kifaia en ondersteund door onder meer Greenpeace Nederland, Milieudefensie, Represent Jezelf, Kairos-Sabeel Nederland, Het Grote Midden Oosten Platform, Het Actiefonds, Gate48, Plant een Olijfboom, War Child Nederland, Artsen voor Gaza, DeGoedeZaak, IZI Solutions, Fossielvrij NL, Stop Wapenhandel, Ambtenaren en de Grondwet, Transnational Institute, Impunity Watch, ActionAid, The Black Archives en Free Press Unlimited.

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    736 volgers

    LIFTING THE LID ON HARMFUL INDUSTRIAL TUNA FISHERIES The EU industrial tuna fishing fleet that uses drifting FADs (Fish Aggregating Devices) is a major driver of overfishing in the Indian Ocean, starving small fishing communities outside the EU in favor of the European market. dFADs float around in the ocean attracting large numbers of tuna fish as well as shark, turtle and whale populations that get thrown back dead or dying as 'bycatch'. To end this violence, Ocean Rebellion performed a theatrical stunt action with support of Het Actiefonds. Merfolk accidentally caught in a giant tuna can were spotted at the opening of the Blue Food Innovation Summit, a major seafood industry conference attended by the responsible UK government Minister (Defra) and senior executives from the relevant damaging companies and organisations. The group also managed to gain entrance to the conference and flyer inside. Thanks to this direct action, there has been a downgrading of the primary processing company as it has ran into issues with insurers. The group will continue their actions until there is an end to industrial overfishing. Become a donor of Het Actiefonds and make actions like this possible!

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Het Actiefonds, afbeelding

    736 volgers

    LOOKING FOR 430 MORE ALLIES • Today the far-right Schoof I cabinet took office. Including ministers denying the climate crisis and who believe in the racist conspiracy theory of 'repopulation' ('omvolking'). And a deputy prime minister who sees anti-Semitism as part of Islam and does not say a word about the centuries of hatred against Jews in white European culture. In addition, supervision of the Dutch intelligence services AIVD and MIVD was temporarily scaled down yesterday. This worrying trend isn't just a Dutch affair. Worldwide we see a rise in extreme right-wing and racist ideas, temperatures rising at a record pace, and a growth in military aggression for profit-making. These times make us sad and angry, but also make us ready for joyful resistance. Many brave activists all over the world are taking a stand against injustice and for a better world. Het Actiefonds supports them in their struggle. This year we are receiving a record number of applications. To provide for this, we are looking for 500 new allies. We are grateful for the first 70 new donors who have joined since last week. Will you become one of them today? https://lnkd.in/eX2xdDRE

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  • Het Actiefonds heeft dit gerepost

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Het Actiefonds, afbeelding

    736 volgers

    HET ACTIEFONDS IS LOOKING FOR 500 NEW ALLIES • Activists from all over the world can request (financial) aid from Het Actiefonds to do their work. In 2024 we will receive more applications than ever before. To answer to this global call for change, we are now looking for at least 500 allies to join Het Actiefonds. Most of our allies donate between 5 and 15 euros per month. Rise up and join us!

    The resistance starts now. | Het Actiefonds

    The resistance starts now. | Het Actiefonds


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Het Actiefonds, afbeelding

    736 volgers

    HET ACTIEFONDS IS LOOKING FOR 500 NEW ALLIES • Activists from all over the world can request (financial) aid from Het Actiefonds to do their work. In 2024 we will receive more applications than ever before. To answer to this global call for change, we are now looking for at least 500 allies to join Het Actiefonds. Most of our allies donate between 5 and 15 euros per month. Rise up and join us!

    The resistance starts now. | Het Actiefonds

    The resistance starts now. | Het Actiefonds


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Het Actiefonds, afbeelding

    736 volgers

    WE NEED YOUR HELP | 🗞️ An increasing number of people resist injustice and fight for a better world. In 2024 Het Actiefonds receives more applications for funding than ever before! We need your help! Join us. You can start by subscribing to our newsletter ⬇️ Het Actiefonds supports the struggle for a sustainable and socially just world in which people and the environment are more important than economic interests for over 55 years. We do so by financially supporting grassroots activists and social movements all over the world.

    Het verzet begint nu. | Het Actiefonds; door activisten, voor activisten

    Het verzet begint nu. | Het Actiefonds; door activisten, voor activisten


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Het Actiefonds, afbeelding

    736 volgers

    ACTION · Activists shut down Thales Netherlands arms manufacturer The Thales Group is a major player in the global military industry, producing drones, missile systems and other military communication, attack and surveillance technology. Collaborations with Israeli weapon manufacturers include the production of the Watchkeeper drone with Elbit Systems, the production of the Sea Serpent missile with Israeli Aerospace Industries and the production of the Hawkei military vehicle with Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. Thales also serves the European Border and Coast Guard Agency Frontex in its deadly war on migrants, and is fully integrated in Dutch everyday life through its design and supply of “OVPay/OV-chipkaart” (public transportation gate technology). In the Netherlands, Thales provides cooling parts for F-35 fighter jets and partakes in their maintainance and testing at the military logistics center in Woensdrecht, from which F-35 components are exported to Israel. On the 24th of February, the Dutch Court of Appeal ordered the Netherlands to cease all export and transit of F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel, citing a “clear risk” of “serious violations” of international humanitarian law. The state responded by lodging another appeal, dismissing the warnings of prominent human rights groups. A coalition of different action groups mobilized around 150 people to block operations at 4 different Thales sites in Breda, Hengelo, Delft and Huizen for most of Wednesday, April 3, 2024. On Friday, the UN rights council adopted a resolution demanding a halt to all arms sales to Israel in light of genocide warnings. Six months and 75 years into an ethnic cleansing campaign, we have yet to see if states will comply or rather prioritize their own economic and geopolitical interests through the ongoing massacre of Falestinians. That’s why ordinary people will have to refuse complicity and do what they can to make the genocide impossible.

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Het Actiefonds, afbeelding

    736 volgers

    We are glad to support DOHS Cares Foundation in their struggle towards a Nigeria without gender-based violence!

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor DOHS Cares Foundation, afbeelding

    24 volgers

    Femicide cases in Nigeria are commonly ruled as ritual killing, murder, among other words which undermine the administration of justice for this gender-based crime and allows perpetrators get away easily. With support from Het Actiefonds, we are launching a campaign hashtagged #CallItFemicideNG to change this by getting the term "Femicide" into the glossary of the law and the public. Follow the hashtag #CallItFemicideNG for updates. #InspireInclusion #WomensMonth #DOHSCares

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Het Actiefonds, afbeelding

    736 volgers

    CLEAN AIR IS MY RIGHT Air pollution remains a prominent public health threat in Georgia. Deaths from respiratory diseases, directly associated with air pollution, increased with 589% in 2020 and health issues notably affect children. Het Actiefonds supported the Green Pole citizens' movement in Tbilisi, projecting the unfiltered images of pollution on municipality buildings and monitoring the closing of responsible factories. Profit-driven industries are making this world inhabitable, both through slow violence and flare-ups of extreme terror. As we are seeing the horrific consequences of this unfolding in Palestine, the DRC, West Papua and other televised and non-televised struggles, we call on every person that reads this to engage in direct action, boycotts and divestment or support those who do by subscribing to Het Actiefonds in order to move our money away from death and irreparable damage.

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