HOPE Horizon Europe project

HOPE Horizon Europe project


Delft, South Holland 937 volgers

Hydrogen Optimized multi-fuel Propulsion system for clean and silEnt aircraft

Over ons

HOPE will deliver an integrated aircraft propulsion system comprising two multi-fuel ultra-high bypass ratio (UHBR) turbofan engines, a fuel cell based auxiliary propulsion and power unit (FC-APPU) driving an aft boundary layer ingestion (BLI) propulsor based on tube-wing aircraft configuration. The HOPE system: 1) Minimizes the combustion and noise emissions during landing and takeoff (LTO), hence the impact on air quality and noise annoyance near airports, without the trade-off of cruise emissions; 2) Retrofits the existing aircraft configuration, allowing substantial emission reduction to be achieved within a short time; 3) De-risks the use of hydrogen solely in existing tube-wing aircraft configurations; 4) Smoothens aviation’s energy transition through assessment and exploitation of several greener propulsion technologies at different maturity level. HOPE emission goals consist of LTO NOx -50%, CO -50%, soot -80%, perceived noise -20% (~3 dB per operation) and climate impact -30%, compared to state-of-the-art technology in 2020 (A320neo). To this end, HOPE will: 1) Design an integrated aircraft propulsion system accommodating multi-fuel (kero/SAF + H2) UHBR turbofan engines, FC-APPU, and an aft BLI propulsor; 2) Explore the novel idea of combining a BLI propulsor with FC-APPU for zero-emission taxiing; 3) Model, experiment and demonstrate for the first time a low emission multi-fuel combustion technology burning kero/SAF + H2 for future UHBR turbofan engine; 4) Assess societal impact, environmental burden, and cost benefits of the reduced noise and emissions by HOPE technology; 5) Formulate policy and recommendations to introduce HOPE technology. Consortium: Delft University of Technology (coordinator), Chalmers University of Technology, Bauhaus Luftfahrt, Ergon Research, HIT09 and Manchester Metropolitan University. Advisory Board: Airbus, Safran, Rotterdam The Hague Airport, EUROCONTROL, RIVM, KLM. Co-funded by EU (101096275) and UKRI (10068673).

11 - 50 medewerkers
Delft, South Holland
Aviation, Aerospace, Aircraft, Research, Development, R&D, Combustion, Gas turbines, Fuel cells, Hydrogen, Aerodynamics en Fluiddynamics



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