Standards dedicated to the firmness and breathability of juvenile products aim to reduce risk for infants. #babies #babysafety #SIDS #consumerproducts #standards
ASTM América Latina
Organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro
West Conshohocken, PA 88.772 seguidores
Cooperando para que nuestro mundo funcione mejor
Sobre nosotros
ASTM es uno de los mayores desarrolladores de Estándares Internacionales, y mantiene un sólido liderazgo en la definición de los materiales y métodos de prueba en casi todas las industrias, con un casi monopolio en las industrias petrolera y petroquímica.
- Sitio web
Enlace externo para ASTM América Latina
- Sector
- Organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro
- Tamaño de la empresa
- De 501 a 1.000 empleados
- Sede
- West Conshohocken, PA
- Tipo
- Organización sin ánimo de lucro
- Fundación
- 1898
- Especialidades
- standards, technical publications, product certification, symposia, proficiency testing, technical training, lab directory, standards training, standardization, manufacturing, engineering, interlaboratory studies, certification, lab directory y codes
Empleados en ASTM América Latina
The Workshop on Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS), Percentages of Hexavalent Chrome in (Trivalent Chrome), and Cadmium Plating Properties will be held May 7th, 2025. Organized by the metallic and inorganic coatings committee, it will be held in Toronto, Ontario. #chrome #metals #plating #metals #coatings #PFAS
Summarizing over 100 existing mapping and screening tools, a new standard guide is helping stakeholders quantify and measure impacts of climate at the local level. The subcommittee on climate and community (E50.07), part of the committee on environmental assessment, risk management and corrective action (E50), has proposed the guide. “We're increasingly seeing the effects of climate change on communities,” says Dr. Stephanie Fiorenza, an environmental remediation expert in Houston, TX and E50’s first vice chair. “This particular standard guide was developed because there are a lot of online mapping tools that people can use, especially those aimed at communities, to try and look at what kinds of climate risks might be in front of them. But while they seem easy to use, they rely on different sources of information and are queried differently, so you have to be a more sophisticated user to get value from them. We developed this guide to try to help people become educated users of these types of tools.” Learn more at #climate #climatechange #environment #riskmanagement
A connected consumer products standard has been revised to include guidance on the use of artificial intelligence. “Before placing a consumer product that uses AI on the market, a safety assessment should be conducted,” says ASTM member Travis Norton, head of content strategy and compliance innovation, Compliance & Risks. “This revised guide provides insights for product safety requirements, design considerations, and stakeholder responsibilities.” See #ConsumerProducts #ConnectedProducts #artificialintelligence #AI
Russell DePriest (seen here at right with ASTM's president Andy Kireta) was honored at January Committee Week for his service on the Committee on Publications — including his time as committee chair from 2022-2025. Congratulations, Russell!
Nueva Norma Ayudará a la Industria en Medidas de Control de Aguas Pluviales El comité de medidas de control de aguas pluviales de ASTM (E64) desarrolló la nueva norma, que se publicará próximamente como E3400, y que permitirá evaluar la capacidad de eliminación de contaminantes de las medidas de control de aguas pluviales. La nueva norma proporciona una forma de recopilar datos para evaluar la capacidad de eliminación de contaminantes de las medidas de control de aguas pluviales para garantizar que los productos que se instalan sean eficaces para eliminar los contaminantes en cuestión. Para leer el artículo completo, puedes darle click al siguiente link: . . . #astm #astminternational #estandar #norma #medioambiente #agua #pluvial #contaminantes #medidasdecontrol #escorrentias #calidaddelagua
Search and rescue. Monitoring wildfires. Package delivery. Learn about the growing list of ways drones impact our daily lives and the standards that support them on the first episode of season three of Standards Impact. Join host David Walsh as he speaks with Mark Blanks, chair of ASTM's Committee F38 on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and head of Global Flight Operations at Wing, along with Phil Kenul, Rear Admiral (retired) and vice chair of F38. Wherever you get your podcasts, or visit #drone #drones #UAS #aviation #aerospace #airspace #searchandrescue #wildfires #packages #standards #podcast #podcasts
ASTM's exoskeletons and exosuits committee (F48) has proposed a standard on best practices for exoskeleton user fit and accommodation that incorporates user-centered design to promote exoskeleton comfort.
During ASTM President Andy Kireta's visit to Southeast Asia, a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) was signed by Kireta and AAIS' Cheif Executive Sia Kheng Yok. The MoC will promote communication between the two organizations, share knowledge of ASTM standards relevant to Singapore’s aviation, aerospace and UAS industries, and meet global market needs by encouraging active Singaporean expert participation into the development of ASTM aviation, aerospace and UAS standards. Photos kindly provided by Aerophotoworks for AAIS. #Singapore #aerospace #aviation #UAS