
TERahertz ReconfigurAble METAsurfaces for ultra-high rate wireless communications

Sobre nós

The TERRAMETA consortium is comprised of 13 Institutions including universities, research centers, and companies, with more than 50 researchers associated with its activities, all working in the area of wireless communications under the common vision for 6G communications. This next-generation wireless paradigm will provide unprecedented levels of data transfer rates, reliability, connectivity, and coverage. TERRAMETA is at the forefront of the global 6G research & planning endeavor. Specifically, the project focuses on designing, manufacturing, and evaluating “meta-material” surfaces, similar to existing – but more advanced, wireless antennas, under the Terahertz (THz) bands (which, when deployed, will offer 1000’s of orders of magnitude higher bandwidth than the current 4G systems). Those surfaces act as reflectors, sensors, and/or (re-)transmitters of the wireless signals reaching them and can be deployed so as to intelligently control their reflection patterns in real-time (thanks to sophisticated signal processing or AI-based algorithms running in their internal controllers) in order to optimize the wireless system and provide the best possible quality of service to the users with minimal costs on the end of wireless operators. The TERRAMETA project has received funding from the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101097101, including top-up funding by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union, SNS JU or UKRI. The European Union, SNS JU or UKRI cannot be held responsible for them.

Tamanho da empresa
51-200 funcionários
Fundada em
6G, Reconfigurable metasurfaces, Reflect-array, Transmit-array, Terahertz, CMOS, Switch, Memristor, AI-based channel modelling, Signal processing, Beamforming e Cell-free ultra massive MIMO



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