"Närmaste hamnen är inte alltid den bästa – det handlar om flöden!" För Eskilstuna Logistik är valet självklart. Göteborgs Hamn är nyckeln till starka och effektiva logistikkedjor. Varför? För att det handlar om mer än bara avstånd, det handlar om smarta flöden, pålitliga järnvägstransporter och hållbara lösningar hela vägen. "Allt började med att H&M ville etablera sig här och sa att det behövdes en direktförbindelse till Göteborg. Där och då tog vi ett beslut, det är Göteborg vi ska satsa på. Det är där de största flödena finns och det är Nordens största hamn." – Pär Svensson, Eskilstuna Logistik Med direkttåg från Göteborg, ett växande samarbete och en region redo för expansion är framtiden ljus. Men hur ser nästa steg ut? Och vad kan vi göra för att stärka logistiken ytterligare? Läs hela artikeln i vårt senaste nyhetsbrev.
Göteborgs Hamn AB
Transport, logistik, distributionskedja och lagring
Göteborg, Västra Götaland 15 249 följare
Göteborgs Hamn är Skandinaviens största hamn och porten till världen för stora delar av svensk industri.
Om oss
Göteborgs Hamn AB har det övergripande ansvaret för att utveckla, underhålla och marknadsföra godsnavet Göteborgs Hamn. Vi är idag 160 personer som, i olika roller, arbetar med att stärka godsnavets tillväxt - på ett så hållbart sätt som möjligt. Vi erbjuder en lång rad stimulerande karriärmöjligheter. Här kan du till exempel arbeta med underhåll och nybyggnation, se till att fartygen kommer säkert i hamn, utveckla ny logistikmark eller kanske arbeta med global marknadsföring av Göteborgs Hamn. Som anställd utgör du vår absolut viktigaste resurs med alla möjligheter till stimulerande arbetsuppgifter och personlig utveckling. Läs mer om Göteborgs Hamn på www.goteborgshamn.se Tänk på att om du lämnar en kommentar eller inlägg så blir det en allmän handling som i regel är offentlig, information och personuppgifter överförs även alltid till tredje part (LinkedIn) skicka därför ej känslig information till oss via sociala medier. Du kan läsa mer om hur vi hanterar personuppgifter här: https://www.goteborgshamn.se/goteborgs-hamn-ab/gdpr/
- Webbplats
Extern länk för Göteborgs Hamn AB
- Bransch
- Transport, logistik, distributionskedja och lagring
- Företagsstorlek
- 51–200 anställda
- Huvudkontor
- Göteborg, Västra Götaland
- Typ
- Publikt aktiebolag
- Grundat
- 1620
Emigrantvägen 2 B
Göteborg, Västra Götaland 40338, SE
Anställda på Göteborgs Hamn AB
Last week, a milestone was reached at the Car Terminal in our port, as LNG bunkering was carried out there for the very first time. The car carrier Höegh Sunlight was bunkered with LNG by Sirius LNG bunker vessel Coralius – marking an important step towards more sustainable shipping. The vessel is designed to run on LNG (liquefied natural gas), a fossil fuel that emits significantly less CO₂ and air pollutants compared to conventional marine fuels. Plans are also in place to introduce LBG (liquefied biogas), a fossil-free alternative that further reduces emissions. Expanding the infrastructure for alternative fuels is a key part of the transition to more sustainable shipping, and we look forward to continuing progress in this area. This achievement is the result of a collaboration between Gasum, LOGENT PORTS & TERMINALS AB, the Swedish Transport Agency, Höegh Autoliners, Sirius Agency, Scandinavian Shipping & Logistics, Maflobe AB and the Port of Gothenburg, working together to enable safe and efficient bunkering operations at the terminal. #PortofGothenburg #Bunkering #LNG
Great news! 🎉 We are proud to once again be ranked as not only Sweden’s but now also the Nordic region’s best logistics location. Dagens Logistik has named the Gothenburg region the top logistics hub in the Nordics, recognizing its world-class infrastructure, access to skilled labor, and commitment to sustainability, with the Port of Gothenburg playing an important role in the region’s continued growth. As Sweden’s largest and most connected port, Gothenburg serves as a key gateway for global trade, seamlessly integrating deep-sea shipping, rail, road, and air connections. The region also stands out as a national center for research and development in sustainable logistics, continuously driving innovation to enhance efficiency while reducing environmental impact. Ongoing investments in logistics infrastructure further strengthen Gothenburg’s position. One example is OneMed’s new 45,000 m² central warehouse, currently under construction, which will contribute to the region’s ability to support businesses looking to expand in a dynamic and well-connected logistics ecosystem. Collaboration between industry leaders, regional authorities, and logistics partners has been essential to this success. Long-standing cooperation with Swedavia Landvetter Airport, Business Region Göteborg AB, City of Borås and Business Region Borås continues to enhance connectivity and attract new business opportunities. This year marks the 25th anniversary of Dagens Logistik’s ranking, and for the first time, the list covers the entire Nordic region. With Gothenburg at the top, the future of logistics in the region has never looked more promising. #PortOfGothenburg #NordicLogistics #LogisticsHub
Railport Scandinavia är resultatet av ett nära samarbete mellan terminaloperatörer, tågoperatörer, regioner och Göteborgs Hamn. En av operatörerna är M4 som hanterar enorma godsmängder i Eskilstuna och är redo att växa ännu mer. Läs om hur deras effektiva arbetsmetoder och nära samarbete med Göteborgs Hamn skapar snabbare och mer hållbara transporter. 🚆📦
Join us in welcoming youssef mouhanna to the Port of Gothenburg! 🎉 Youssef has joined us as a Port Officer in the Energy Port, bringing fresh expertise from his studies as a Ship Captain at Chalmers. After working as a substitute for a longer period, he officially became a full-time team member in November 2024. In his role, Youssef will ensure safe and efficient vessel operations, planning and coordinating cargo handling, overseeing safety equipment, and acting as the first response leader in case of incidents. His work plays a key role in keeping both port operations and vessel handling running smoothly and securely. We’re excited to have Youssef on board and look forward to his contributions to the port. A warm welcome to the Port of Gothenburg! 💙
Valentine’s Day is all about connections - between people, places, and those little surprises that make someone’s day. With 57% of Sweden’s container trade passing through Scandinavia’s largest port, chances are that the perfect gift, bouquet, or sweet treat has made part of its journey through here. So whether it’s flowers for a loved one, chocolates for a friend, or simply a warm message across the miles - here’s to keeping love moving in all the right directions. Wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day - wherever love finds you today! 💙
Visste du att över 35 000 containrar transporteras med järnväg varje år av Dania Connect? Det motsvarar en enorm mängd gods som annars hade färdats på vägarna med högre utsläpp och större trafikbelastning som följd. I vår senaste artikel kan du läsa om hur Dania Connect skapar pålitliga och hållbara transportflöden genom sitt nätverk av järnvägspendlar, hur deras intermodala lösningar minskar CO₂-utsläppen med upp till 95 %, och varför deras direkttåg till och från Göteborgs Hamn är en nyckel för effektiva leveranskedjor. 📖 Läs hela artikeln här. Prenumerera för att se hur vi kopplar ihop hela Sverige med hela världen.
Join us in welcoming Josefine Lindskog to the Port of Gothenburg! 🎉 Josefine has joined us as a Port Security Protection Administrator, ready to dive into her new role with energy and enthusiasm. She will play an important part in supporting and strengthening the safety and security of our operations, working closely with the team to ensure everything runs smoothly. We’re excited to have Josefine on board and look forward to her contributions to the port’s safety initiatives. A warm welcome to the Port of Gothenburg, Josefine! 💙
2024 was a year of mixed cargo volumes at Scandinavia’s largest port. While some segments saw declines, one clear trend emerged – a significant increase in imports. The number of handled containers decreased slightly, but the volume of fully loaded import containers rose by nearly 15%. This shift is not just a statistic; it reflects a more balanced trade flow, reducing the need for empty container movements and making logistics more cost-efficient and sustainable. With imports rising and exports taking a slight downturn, the Port of Gothenburg is now close to a 50/50 balance between inbound and outbound cargo. This is quite unique compared to many other ports, both in Sweden and internationally. A well-balanced port operation leads to increased efficiency, lower supply chain costs, and reduced environmental impact, as empty container repositioning is minimized. At the same time, rail transportation to and from the port continues to grow. In 2024, over 500,000 TEU were transported by rail, making it only the second year ever to reach this milestone. This shift is largely driven by import-heavy rail destinations such as Falköping and Nässjö, as well as new rail connections to northern Sweden. Today, over 60% of all hinterland container transport at the Port of Gothenburg is handled by rail, a figure few other major ports can match. Beyond containerized cargo, other segments showed varying developments. The handling of energy products increased by 18%, while the number of new vehicles passing through the port declined in line with a general drop in Swedish car registrations. The breakbulk segment, including goods such as paper pulp, granulate, and stone, continued its steady growth with a 6% increase in 2024. Read the full report with all the key figures and insights here: https://lnkd.in/dJj4iPKh #PortofGothenburg #TradeFlows #Logistics #Sustainability #MaritimeIndustry #RailTransport
Join us in welcoming Axel Mehlberg to the Port of Gothenburg! 🎉 Axel has joined us as a Project Manager for the Infrastructure department. While new on paper, he is already familiar with the port, having worked as a consultant here over the past year. In his new role, Axel will focus on property projects and gradually take on construction projects as well. He will play a key role in driving development initiatives, contributing to the continued growth and improvement of the port’s infrastructure. A warm welcome to the Port of Gothenburg, Axel! 💙