The Circular Economist

The Circular Economist


Master the circular economy. A powerful concept, to eliminate waste. And to turn waste into resources. Again and again.

Om oss

The Circular Economist is a one-person business that helps people and companies master the circular economy. Maybe you are just getting started. Maybe you want to scale your impact. Maybe you need some advice but not a whole report. Or maybe you want to make a career move. In either case, my aim is to have you covered. We are not gonna get there with another report. I realized we need more circular economists. And for those who are already in the game – help them to have a bigger impact.

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  • The Circular Economist omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Vojtech Vosecky, grafik
    Vojtech Vosecky Vojtech Vosecky är en influencer

    LinkedIn Top Green Voice | The Circular Economist | Helping Companies Make Less 🗑️ More 💵 | Keynote speaker

    I went from invisible to LinkedIn's # 1 green creator. In 2019, I had 0 social media presence. In 2024, Favikon's algorithm selected me as the # 1 green influencer to follow on LinkedIn. To my surprise, I keep ranking first on the list, 9 months in a row! 🤯 Here are 4 ways how (I think) I did it: 1) I picked a niche I could talk about every day - I am super passionate about the circular economy 2) I share everything. Trends, thoughts, wins & losses - I'm authentic, I write how I talk, I speak my mind 3) I've spent months optimising my profile - from profile to banner, to brand colors and profile picture 4) I try to inspire, agitate, educate and entertain. - ideally all together. Memes, videos & photos are all key But the biggest hack? I talk about climate in an original, and engaging way. Because I know we can fix it. But no matter your niche: Stay consistent. Visibility will follow. Share your story, your insights, and your passion. You never know who’s listening. Remember: We’re all here to make a difference. Your voice can be the one that sparks real change! _____ 👉 Follow my journey at Vojtech Vosecky. ♻️ Subscribe to my free newsletter for more in bio!

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  • The Circular Economist omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Vojtech Vosecky, grafik
    Vojtech Vosecky Vojtech Vosecky är en influencer

    LinkedIn Top Green Voice | The Circular Economist | Helping Companies Make Less 🗑️ More 💵 | Keynote speaker

    2015: dead zone 2022: full of life It took only 7 years to bring this coral reef in Indonesia to life again! Coral Guardian has restored over 72,000 coral reefs with the help of millions of ordinary cititens. Individual actions don’t make a big dent. Collectively, we make a huge difference! Be part of the change here: Thanks Sophia for the inspiration

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  • The Circular Economist omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Vojtech Vosecky, grafik
    Vojtech Vosecky Vojtech Vosecky är en influencer

    LinkedIn Top Green Voice | The Circular Economist | Helping Companies Make Less 🗑️ More 💵 | Keynote speaker

    Your shopping list for today: 1. Use what you have 👇 2. Borrow 👇 3. Swap 👇 4. Thrift 👇 5. Make 👇 6. Buy second hand 👇 7. Buy first hand That's because: less = more best waste = no waste the longer we use stuff = the better Agree? Creds to Sarah Lazarovic ! 📌 If you liked this post, you'll love my free newsletter, The Loop.  Get industry trends, and success stories for less trash and more cash. Master the circular economy here:  —— ♻️ Repost if it hits home 👉 Hit follow for more

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  • The Circular Economist omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Vojtech Vosecky, grafik
    Vojtech Vosecky Vojtech Vosecky är en influencer

    LinkedIn Top Green Voice | The Circular Economist | Helping Companies Make Less 🗑️ More 💵 | Keynote speaker

    7 strategies to unlock the circular economy in 2024: (proven steps for less 🗑 and more 💸) 1. Rethink ↳ Rethink how your products are designed and sold ↳ Innovate to limit resource use and inefficiencies 2. Refuse ↳ Phase out harmful substances ↳ Work with what's already there 3. Reduce ↳ Do more with less ↳ Use less resources, energy and generate less waste. 4. Reuse ↳ Use again and again ↳ Use for longer, extend the use of products 5. Repurpose ↳ Transform waste into new opportunities ↳ Find alternatives for materials at the end of their life 6. Recover ↳ Extract value from waste streams ↳ Recover energy and materials from products 7. Recycle ↳ Close the loop ↳ When 1-6 is not possible, recycle everything again It's like cascading. If you just skip to # 7 straight away, you'll lose cash and resources. If you apply these step by step, your resource consumption will go drastically down. That translates to savings and lower environmental impact. What's your favorite one? PS: Tomorrow I will expand on this, and talk about an inspiring company that ticks these boxes. Don't miss it, hit follow at Vojtech Vosecky. #circulareconomy #wastemanagement #sustainability

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  • The Circular Economist omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Vojtech Vosecky, grafik
    Vojtech Vosecky Vojtech Vosecky är en influencer

    LinkedIn Top Green Voice | The Circular Economist | Helping Companies Make Less 🗑️ More 💵 | Keynote speaker

    7 days ago, I launched The Circular Economist. What happened next blew my mind: 👉 I got invited and booked to amazing events all the way to 2025 👉 1351 subscribers in The Loop, my free weekly newsletter 👉 100s of supportive messages from all over the world 👉 4x Power Hours delivered = 4x happy customers So excitiiing 😁! Thanks for all the support! And in case you missed it: The Circular Economist is a one-person business that helps you master the circular economy. Maybe you are just getting started. Maybe you want to make a career move. Maybe you need an advice but not a whole report. My goal is to have you covered. One way to start is to book my 1:1 Power Hour. I've advised 100+ organizations, CEOs, mayors, and politicians. Today I've got 6 last slots at a fat discount. Ready to master the circular economy? Grab your seat here before the prices go up: Onwards and upwards 🚀

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  • The Circular Economist omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Vojtech Vosecky, grafik
    Vojtech Vosecky Vojtech Vosecky är en influencer

    LinkedIn Top Green Voice | The Circular Economist | Helping Companies Make Less 🗑️ More 💵 | Keynote speaker

    Say hello to Europe's Green Capital 2024! 5 reasons why Valencia won: 1. Natural parks - 2x natural reserves, important wetlands for biodiversity 2. Renewable energy - Massive PV installations and 300 days of sunshine / year 3. Green mobility - over 200 km of bike lanes, and a great public transportation 4. Local food production - Fresh food all year round. The city is surrounded by 120 km2 of farms 5. Access to green spaces - 90% of citizens have access to green spaces within 250 meters. The combination of these factors makes Valencia a proud winner in 2024. Vilnius will take the mantle in 2025. What do you think, who should win in 2026? Credits to Ben from Going Green Media for the awesome video! PS: In 2050, 7 billion people will live in cities! How we build, power, and feed them will decide everything. #urbanplanning #change #circulareconomy #sustainability

  • The Circular Economist omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Vojtech Vosecky, grafik
    Vojtech Vosecky Vojtech Vosecky är en influencer

    LinkedIn Top Green Voice | The Circular Economist | Helping Companies Make Less 🗑️ More 💵 | Keynote speaker

    Welcome to India's Mount Everest of garbage. We are literally trashing our planet. This is Ghazipur, the biggest landfill in India. It's higher than the Taj Mahal (73 meters). 3000 tons of trash get dumped there daily, by 400 trucks... It was supposed to close in 2002, but you know how it goes... Ghazipur is a source of deadly diseases, pollution, fires, and deaths every year. But waste is a global issue. In 2018 humans produced 2 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste. 51% of the waste was dumped or uncontrollably disposed of. 24.5% was landfilled. 13.5% was recycled. 5.5% was composted. 5.5% was incinerated In other words: only 19% of those 2 billion tons got back into the loop (composting & recycling). To stop this, we have to go circular. Minimise waste, limit consumption & close the loop. Follow the 5R strategy at home and at work: REFUSE -> REDUCE -> REUSE -> REPAIR -> RECYCLE. 👉 Hit follow for more ♻ Repost if this hits home #wastemanagement #circulareconomy #sustainability

  • The Circular Economist omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Vojtech Vosecky, grafik
    Vojtech Vosecky Vojtech Vosecky är en influencer

    LinkedIn Top Green Voice | The Circular Economist | Helping Companies Make Less 🗑️ More 💵 | Keynote speaker

    # 1 missed opportunity in the circular economy? The design. 80% of our products' environmental impact is locked in the design phase. We can't give things a second life if we haven't designed them for it. If we wanna go circular, we need to redesign everything. There are 9 powerful strategies to unleash circular design. Tomorrow, I will be giving a full breakdown, packed with awesome examples in The Loop - my free weekly newsletter. Join 1229 subscribers, get it at: #circulareconomy #design #linkedintopvoices PS: If you liked this video, talk to Alexander - he did a great job with the edits.

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