vloxq CPQ

vloxq CPQ


Stockholm, Stockholm County 1 391 följare

The go-to solution when standard quoting modules in CRM or ERP isn't enough

Om oss

Sales are changing quickly. Every day, what customers want gets more tailored and complicated. This makes things harder for businesses, leading to mistakes and slowing down growth. For those trying to offer something special, the challenge is even bigger. You're under a lot of pressure to get quotes right—making sure they have the correct products, prices, and info. This is a tough job when everything is getting more complex. That's where a good CPQ tool makes a difference. CPQ stands for Configure, Price, Quote. It simplifies creating accurate proposals. By automating the configuration of products, ensuring accurate pricing, and generating quotes quickly, Our Vision says it all: "The go-to solution when standard quoting modules in CRM or ERP isn't enough." We built vloxq CPQ for this exact reason. Standard solutions in CRM or ERP often fall short because they offer one-size-fits-all answers to complex, unique needs. Our customers typically find that these standard modules can't support the nuanced aspects of their business. They've tried these solutions and hit their limits, finding they don't deliver the flexibility or depth required. Enter vloxq CPQ. It's not just any tool—it's custom-made for your business. It fits right into your CRM and ERP systems, making everything smoother. Here's how vloxq stands out: - Time Savings: Imagine cutting quote creation time by up to 90%. That's what vloxq offers, freeing your team to focus on sales, not manual work. - Profit Safeguard: We ensure your quotes are not only fast but also financially sound. With built-in profit guidelines, the risk of underquoting is drastically reduced. - Revenue Protection: By eliminating the 5-15% revenue loss due to manual errors, vloxq directly improves your bottom line. Step up with vloxq. Let's make quoting easy and help your business grow the right way. It's time for a solution that keeps up with the sales world, helping you stay ahead."

2–10 anställda
Stockholm, Stockholm County
Privatägt företag
Channel Management, Revenue Growth, cpq och configure price quote



Anställda på vloxq CPQ


  • Visa organisationssidan för vloxq CPQ , grafik

    1 391 följare

    Managing different pricing models, discounting rules, and approval flows across diverse markets is nearly impossible without the right tools. One pricing model for India, another for the EU, and another for the US? Plus, terms and conditions that vary by region? Expecting your CRM to do it all is a recipe for errors, inefficiencies, and costly mistakes. Wilma Eriksson 🎈💙 shares how vloxq CPQ fills the gap.

    Visa profilen för Wilma Eriksson 🎈💙, grafik

    Stop using Excel for quoting and increase your revenue by 5-15% 💸 & 🎧 Podcast host Fail n' Grow by vloxq CPQ 🦎

    Your CRM alone can't handle the complexity of selling in different markets. 🌎 When your business operates in different regions and markets, and you have customers with unique needs and expectations, relying solely on your CRM is risky. 👉 Managing different pricing models 👉 Discounting rules 👉 and approval flows across diverse markets is nearly impossible without the right tools. One pricing model for India, another for the EU, and another for the US? 🤯 Plus, terms and conditions that vary by region? 🤯 Expecting your CRM to do it all is a recipe for errors, inefficiencies, and costly mistakes ❌. 👉 Your CRM can't do it all. CRMs are fantastic for managing relationships, tracking interactions, and maintaining a database. But you need much more for configuring, pricing, and quoting, especially with complex product-service mixes and multi-market demands. And that's okay. That's why CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) tools exist. They're designed to handle the intricacies that CRMs simply can't. 🎯 Even mature companies with a strong focus on operational excellence understand that the devil is in the details. They don't try to force their CRM to do something it wasn't designed for. 🎯 Instead, they leverage CPQ tools to ensure error-free quotes, consistent pricing strategies, and smooth approval processes. This approach reduces risks and significantly boosts scalability and profitability. Some CRMs, like Salesforce, offer their own CPQ solutions, and there are other specialized CPQs like Velocity. 👉 But the key takeaway is this: when your business complexity grows, so should your tools. Your CRM can't do everything, and you need to integrate suitable systems to handle your specific challenges. In my 15+ years in SaaS, I've seen too many companies struggle because they didn't invest in the right tools. If you're serious about operational excellence and scalability, consider adding a CPQ to your tech stack.

  • Visa organisationssidan för vloxq CPQ , grafik

    1 391 följare

    Thank you, Pontus Björnsson and PE Accounting, for your trust and kind words! Well done, and keep up the great work vloxq CPQ team!

    Visa profilen för Wilma Eriksson 🎈💙, grafik

    Stop using Excel for quoting and increase your revenue by 5-15% 💸 & 🎧 Podcast host Fail n' Grow by vloxq CPQ 🦎

    vloxq CPQ does precisely what its name suggests: → Configure - Configure an optimal offer for the customer with the right combination of products and services. → Price - Price in a way that ensures margins and profitability. → Quote - A quotation that exudes the same quality as your deliveries and stands independently as a decision-making basis. We manage the entire flow - from quote to delivery and invoice. And we are so proud when we receive this type of testimonial ❤️ Thank you, Pontus Björnsson and PE Accounting, for your trust!

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  • Visa organisationssidan för vloxq CPQ , grafik

    1 391 följare

    Wilma Eriksson 🎈💙, our co-founder, is sharing how to maximize your CRM's potential. vloxq CPQ is the perfect add-on when your CRM's quoting and proposal functionality falls short.

    Visa profilen för Wilma Eriksson 🎈💙, grafik

    Stop using Excel for quoting and increase your revenue by 5-15% 💸 & 🎧 Podcast host Fail n' Grow by vloxq CPQ 🦎

    Using spreadsheets or Excel for quoting and proposals isn't the most effective way to maximize your CRM's potential. That's precisely where vloxq CPQ comes in. Our platform is the perfect add-on when your CRM's quoting and proposal functionality falls short. 👉 It's ideal for companies looking to increase the usage and effectiveness of their CRM systems 🎯. For those wondering, vloxq stands for "quick quote" in Latin, and CPQ stands for Configure, Price, and Quote. With more than 15 years of experience, my co-founders and I have all worked at, led, or even founded systems we now integrate with. While at a CRM company, I saw firsthand how many businesses still rely on spreadsheets for quoting. 🫢 I often told customers "You don't have to do that" because integrating complex logic and guidance into a CRM is incredibly difficult. Most CRMs need help: 👉Managing the unique challenges of customer-specific pricing 👉Selling in different regions 👉 and combining products and services, especially when a reseller model is involved. Yet, sales reps must use the CRM. Our system ensures that your sales team can generate accurate, error-free quotes without the risks associated with spreadsheets. The tool is designed to handle the complexities that most CRMs struggle with, ensuring that your pricing strategy is effectively transferred to your sales reps. One of our top priorities is user-friendliness. As anyone who has implemented a system knows, the problem is usually not the system itself but the data that goes into it. If a system is easy to use, it will be used. That's why we ensure seamless data maintenance and integrations between your CRM, ERP, BI, e-signature, digital sales forms, and other systems. With our deep experience in the pricing ecosystem, we're confident in our ability to make vloxq CPQ the tool that truly empowers your sales team. If your company faces complex quoting and CRM limitations, we'd love to show you how we can help your sales team streamline the quoting processes.

  • Visa organisationssidan för vloxq CPQ , grafik

    1 391 följare

    Relying on spreadsheets for quoting often leads to lost revenue and damaged customer trust. A CPQ system will eliminate manual errors, outdated pricing, and inconsistent formats. Hear from Wilma Eriksson 🎈💙, our CEO, how CPQ software ensures that every quote is accurate, up-to-date, and aligned with your pricing strategy 👇

    Visa profilen för Wilma Eriksson 🎈💙, grafik

    Stop using Excel for quoting and increase your revenue by 5-15% 💸 & 🎧 Podcast host Fail n' Grow by vloxq CPQ 🦎

    Relying on spreadsheets for quoting might seem harmless, but the hidden costs are very high 💸. 🛑 Manual errors, outdated pricing, and inconsistent formats can lead to lost revenue and damaged customer trust 🛑. Manufacturing companies with global reseller models and complex product configurations often need help with these issues. A CPQ system can eliminate these risks for manufacturing companies and ensure that every quote is accurate, up-to-date, and aligned with your pricing strategy. A CPQ will guarantee accuracy in *every* quote, giving you the confidence that your proposals are reliable every single time: 1. Replace outdated spreadsheets and manual tasks with our automated system, ensuring your team uses the latest data. 2. With predefined rules, you're assured of pinpoint accuracy in every proposal, making quoting consistent yet customizable. 3. Craft personalized offers easily with relevant, dynamic content for each client. 4. Keep prices under strict control automatically, ensuring accuracy without constant oversight. 5. Simplify approvals with our streamlined process, saving you time and hassle. 6. Guarantee organizational uniformity with real-time updates to pricing so everyone's on the same page. The manual process of assembling quotes is inconvenient, and manufacturing companies are fully aware of the risk of errors that could impact margins and customer impressions. At vloxq CPQ , we design personalized solutions for every customer, working alongside you and your partners to ensure seamless integration and workflow. 👉 This results in improved efficiency and a significant reduction in manual errors. See the link in the first comment to learn more about the benefits of a CPQ implementation in your manufacturing business.

  • Visa organisationssidan för vloxq CPQ , grafik

    1 391 följare

    Wilma Eriksson 🎈💙, continues to inspire us with her vision and commitment! We’re proud to have a leader who directs and walks the path alongside us 🚀

    Visa profilen för Wilma Eriksson 🎈💙, grafik

    Stop using Excel for quoting and increase your revenue by 5-15% 💸 & 🎧 Podcast host Fail n' Grow by vloxq CPQ 🦎

    From a young age, I've always dreamed of getting married 💍 and founding my own company 😊 I'm living that dream today, but it's been far more challenging and rewarding than ever imagined. When I joined vloxq CPQ , I knew this journey would be daunting. And yes, it has been challenging but also incredibly fulfilling. Part of my entrepreneurial mission is to inspire others to follow their dreams, and living my dream has shown me just how rewarding that can be. But be careful what you wish for because the responsibilities and challenges are beyond what I could have predicted. I've worked closely with the founders of 7 or 8 other startups (I've lost count!). What keeps me going is undoubtedly our incredible team. I'm incredibly grateful whenever I step into the office or join a Teams meeting (thanks to our "work from anywhere" policy). I can't believe these amazing people are part of my company 💙! Our customers are another source of pride. When they tell us that we are the "heart and brain" of their business, I know they mean it. These companies have billions in turnover, and we're helping them succeed.  It's an honor to be part of their journey. One of the things I'm most proud of is how we've attracted leads from all over the world. From Japan 🇯🇵 to the USA 🇺🇸, we have customers worldwide. It's exciting to think about what the future holds. While I might hope for a smoother ride, I've learned that no entrepreneurial journey is without its bumps. Oh, did I mention I also became a mom during this time? ❤️ It's been an incredibly rewarding journey, and I am often filled with hope and excitement for the years to come. Thank you to my incredible co-founders and team members for all your hard work over the past four and a half years! And to our amazing customers, thank you for trusting us! Exciting times ahead! 🚀

  • Visa organisationssidan för vloxq CPQ , grafik

    1 391 följare

    Hur säkerställer du att era säljare faktiskt följer er prisstrategi? Har ni alla regler i ert ERP? Sitter reglerna i säljarnas kunskap? Måste era säljare använda Excel? Kl. 11 imorgon håller Wilma Eriksson 🎈💙 hos oss tillsammans med Mathias HärenstamSalesonomics ett webbinarium där vi går igenom trender som påverkar er prissättning och hur ni faktiskt säkerställer att det händer i praktiken. Varmt välkomna!

    Visa organisationssidan för Salesonomics, grafik

    1 974 följare

    Prissättning i säljprojekt kan vara tidskrävande och komplext för industribolag, men med rätt verktyg behöver det inte vara det. Dagens industriofferter inkluderar ofta produkter från flera olika leverantörer, varierande materialkostnader, mängdrabatter och kundspecifika konfigureringar. Något som gör offertarbetet till en stor utmaning och en ständig huvudvärk för dina kundägare. Samtidigt försöker ledningen säkerställa att deras noggrant kalkylerade prissättningsstrategier följs och att affärerna blir lönsamma. I det här webbinariet kommer Mathias tillsammans med Wilma från vloxq gå igenom: 1️⃣ De senaste trenderna inom industrin 2️⃣ Kraven på en modern prissättningsstrategi och vilka effekter det möjliggör 3️⃣ Två konkreta exempel från företag som framgångsrikt använder vloxq CPQ-lösning Jobbar du inom industrin är det här ett webbinarium du inte får missa!

    Så lyckas du som industribolag med prissättningen

    Så lyckas du som industribolag med prissättningen


  • Visa organisationssidan för vloxq CPQ , grafik

    1 391 följare

    Our team is expanding 🤩💙🦎, please welcome our new team member Jimmy Larsson! Jimmy will be a great contribution to our product team. He will work closely with our solution engineers and together with them configure our customized solutions. Say 👋 to Jimmy! #dreamteam #newhire #development

    Visa profilen för Jimmy Larsson, grafik

    Java / Full Stack Developer

    Nu börjar det närma sig. Om endast tre veckor börjar jag min nya karriär som utvecklare hos vloxq CPQ ! Superkul att allt jobb under utbildningen hos EC Utbildning nu lönar sig. Att få det här jobbet är både att gå i mål och såklart att starta något nytt. Jag tror att det säkert kommer bli utmanande och tufft , men också lärorikt och givande. Tack alla som har hjälpt mig fram till denna punkt. Tack till Shibuya som har varit en mycket bra arbetsgivare under perioden från min examen till min nya anställning. Och ett stort tack till vloxq CPQ som tror på mig tillräckligt för att vilja anställa mig! Nu är jag redo att skriva kod. Nu kör vi.

  • Visa organisationssidan för vloxq CPQ , grafik

    1 391 följare

    In this episode of Fail n' Grow we'll cover the four cornerstones to find the perfect pricing level for your SaaS-tool. 🎯 Segmentation: Understand customer needs and willingness-to-pay 💸 Offering design: Design an offering based on feature value and adoption 💙 Price model selection: Choose a price model that benefits both your company and your customers 📈 Price level setting: Leverage proven methods for determining price levels The expert Felix Mörée, is a partner at Axholmen, specialized in pricing for SaaS and tech. Felix has published four books on commercial excellence and has advised >50 companies on marketing, pricing, and sales. #podcast #pricingpodcast #failngrow #saas

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  • Visa organisationssidan för vloxq CPQ , grafik

    1 391 följare

    Calling all SaaS-neards 🤓, who wants to unleash the power of your pricing and packaging strategy. We have a #webinar special just for you! Felix Mörée, is a partner at Axholmen, specialized in pricing of SaaS and tech. Felix has published four books 📕 on commercial excellence 💸 and has advised >50 companies on marketing, pricing, and sales. The 14th of June we'll cover: Segmentation: Understand customer needs and willingness-to-pay   Offering design: Design an offering based on feature value and adoption   Price model selection: Choose a price model that benefits both your company and your customers   Price level setting: Leverage proven methods for determining price levels #saas #pricing #pricingasastrategy #cpq

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  • Visa organisationssidan för vloxq CPQ , grafik

    1 391 följare

    How can CPQ increase profitability? Tune in during our conversation at Tuesday 6pm CET where our co-founder Wilma Eriksson 🎈💙 together with a true revenue expert Natalie Furness - Revenue Operations will share their expertise. This is for you who: - Want to understand what CPQ is - Want to understand how vloxq CPQ works with HubSpot - Want to increase profitability The webinar will be recorded so sign up to join the conversation or to receive the recording 🎥. Sign up: https://lnkd.in/dwKJkN7V #cpq #profitability #growth #hubspot #webinar

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