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理律承辦各類型法律事務及智慧財產權等業務。理律專業服務品質受到全球客戶高度肯定,在許多國際優良法律/智慧財產權事務所甄選活動中,經常獲選為最佳法律服務機構。 我們擁有4間分所,3處大中華策略聯盟機構,約300多名國內外律師、專利師,建構了數十個專業領域分組(Practice Groups)。理律透過跨部門分組之工作小組(Special Task Forces),包括大陸案件小組、日本案件小組與跨PG爭端處理小組,橫向整合專業資源,提昇服務品質。我們的客戶包括《財富》500強企業、金融與政府機構,新創公司等。

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    【研討會報名】理律將於9月20日舉辦「永續報告書的最適內容及其潛在的法律責任」 研討會,敬邀您蒞臨。   在全球的#ESG 風潮之下,上市櫃公司通過「企業永續報告書」(ESG Report)向外界揭露的資訊及內容已成為機構投資人和其他利害關係人評估公司在「永續經營」方面的成績單,以及在進行貸款或投資決策時的重要依據。   實際上,台灣商界對於過去十餘年來由「企業社會責任報告」(CSR Report)演化到ESG Report的過程均已耳熟能詳。但若詳閱不同產業且規模各異的上市櫃公司在過去所發佈的ESG Report,可發現在內容的呈現方式上可謂是五花八門、各具特色;惟從機構投資人的角度而言,卻是不容易從中找到具體的、直接受永續經營策略所影響的、與ESG活動直接相關的財務數據。諸多董事會成員更是憂慮,在兩、三年後,當主管機關要求所有上市櫃公司必須遵循IFRS 所發佈的S1及S2準則來編製財報時,各家公司的ESG Report是否能既發揮揚長避短的功效,又不會淪於漂綠或甚至造成公司及董事會的法律責任?   基於以上的考量,理律法律事務所及台北市獨立董事協會、KPMG 安侯建業聯合會計師事務所特別攜手舉辦本次研討會,由本所郭瑜芳律師、吳志光律師及KPMG黃郁婷執業會計師進行分享,歡迎踴躍報名參加。   👉報名網址:https://lnkd.in/gmjChJiv   📆時間:2024年9月20日(五)14:00-16:20(實體/視訊) 📍地點:理律法律事務所三樓會議室(台北市忠孝東路四段555號)/線上會議   🖥詳細議程和研討會資訊:https://lnkd.in/grDRaxDa  

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    Happy Lawyer's Day! 🙌   Today, September 9th, is a special day for lawyers in Taiwan. On this day, we want to express our gratitude to every lawyer for their dedication in various fields. Whether it is their calm response in court or their meticulous review when handling contract documents, lawyers demonstrate their utmost professionalism in every detail of legal services, providing clients with precise and reliable legal assistance. We wish all hardworking lawyers a happy Lawyer's Day!   💼 To access our professional services, please visit: https://lnkd.in/geEBvnj

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    【研討會報名】理律將於9月30日舉辦「打造永續治理的跨領域合作平台」實體暨線上研討會,敬邀您蒞臨。   越來越多全球先進企業將環境、社會及公司治理(#ESG) 永續發展行動策略和目標納入企業戰略,以永續治理開拓了嶄新的優勢領域,並且打造出別出心裁的價值引擎,身受資本市場的青睞。   理律法律事務所及中華公司治理協會深悉永續治理的未來前景,特別邀請在「永續治理」(#sustainability governance)專涵精深,對企業如何從各方面追求生生不息地創新深耕,為利害關係人創造價值的行家,分享全球永續治理的趨勢及我國的永續治理特色、永續治理的法遵管理平台、推動永續治理發展的有效策略、永續治理跨領域合作的相關案例及我國永續治理的未來展望。竭誠歡迎公司的董事長、總經理、董監事、高階主管暨關心永續治理學者專家與社會各方賢達共襄盛舉。   👉報名網址:https://lnkd.in/gauutCun   📆時間:2024年9月30日(一)下午13:30-17:10 📍地點:理律法律事務所三樓會議室(台北市忠孝東路四段555號)/線上會議   🖥詳細議程和研討會資訊:https://lnkd.in/g9WyzEqi

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    【Bulletin】Our August 2024 Bulletin has been published. The focus article is:Amendments to the Regulations Governing Public Tender Offers for Securities of Public Companies and the Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Public Tender Offer Prospectuses Promulgated by the Financial Supervisory Commission   To align with the amendment to Article 43 of the Securities and Exchange Act, which lowers the threshold for reporting and announcing the acquisition of shares to 5%, the Financial Supervisory Commission (the "FSC") has revised Article 27 of the Regulations Governing Public Tender Offers for Securities of Public Companies (the "Tender Offer Rules"). The amendment, which took effect on May 10, 2024, reduces the reporting threshold from 10% to 5%.   In addition, the FSC also revised the Tender Offer Rules and the Guidelines for the Contents of the Public Tender Offer Prospectus, which became effective on December 4, 2023. These changes aim to better protect tenderers' interests and strengthen public tender offerors' ability to meet their settlement obligations.   🔎For a detailed explanation of the key amendments, please refer to: https://lnkd.in/g_6i3hEu   📰 Lee and Li's #Corporate and #Investment Practice Group: https://lnkd.in/gRvh8yQ #Taiwan #Legal #News #Finance

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    【Publication】"Taiwan's AI governance framework unveiled" authored by Lee and Li's attorney Ken-Ying Tseng is available online!   #Taiwan plays a crucial role in the advancement of artificial intelligence, making the government's regulation of #AI #technology a matter of global interest for high-tech companies. The National Science and Technology Council recently released the draft "AI Basic Act" on 15 July, with a 60-day public consultation period that will end on 13 Sept.   Our partner 曾更瑩, specializing in personal data protection regulation and internet law, was invited by IAPP - International Association of Privacy Professionals to contribute to the article "Taiwan's AI governance framework unveiled." The article provides an overview of the draft and offers valuable insights for professionals in data protection and intellectual property.   👉The full text is available: https://lnkd.in/g9eY9Ea7   💼Introduction to Lee and Li's #Digital, TMT and #Data Privacy Practice Group: https://lnkd.in/g5fEX-x   #Legal #News #artificialintelligence

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    【Publication】ICLG-Shipping Law 2024 authored by Lee and Li's attorney Daniel T. H. Tsai (蔡東賢) is available online!   Over the years, #Taiwan has continued to improve the development of the marine industry and actively participated in international cooperation on marine affairs. Although not a member of the International #Maritime Organization (IMO), Taiwan has consistently upheld practices and principles aligned with those of all IMO Member States, with a focus on maritime safety, environmental protection, crew training, and digital development.   Our partner Daniel T. H. Tsai was invited by International Comparative Legal Guides (ICLG) of Global Legal Group to contribute the Taiwan chapter of "Shipping Law 2024". The article delves into key issues in Taiwan's #shipping laws and regulations, including marine casualty, cargo and passenger claims, #legal proceedings, and emerging topics such as offshore wind and renewable #energy. It offers valuable insights for industry professionals.   👉The full text is available: https://lnkd.in/g4Pnxykp   💼Introduction to Lee and Li's International Trade Group: https://lnkd.in/gwwBE6Z

    Shipping Laws and Regulations Report 2024 Taiwan

    Shipping Laws and Regulations Report 2024 Taiwan


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    Join our upcoming #seminar ‘Recent Trends in Patent Invalidation Actions in China and Updates on U.S. Patent Practice’! The #patent practices in the United States and Mainland China have always been a focus for enterprises. Our firm has experts in both areas who will be presenting on the latest developments in patent practices in their respective countries.   For Mainland China's patent practices, michael sun, a patent attorney and senior consultant with qualifications as a Mainland China lawyer and patent agent, will be presenting the abstract of the 2023 typical decisions on patent reexamination and invalidation cases in Mainland #China. Michael's presentation will be in Chinese.   For U.S. patent practices, we have specially invited Scott Adams, a partner at the U.S. law firm Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, and senior U.S. patent attorney Jack Chang to introduce the latest developments in U.S. patent practices. Topics will include "How to protect your innovations when you use #AI to invent" and "How to protect your company from patent trolls' harassment or attacks." Scott and Jack's presentations will be in English.   👉 Register now at : https://lnkd.in/gSFKy58k   📆 Date: Monday, 23 Sep 2024 🕓 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm (Taipei Time) 📍 Venue: #Online / Lee and Li (8F, No.555, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Taipei.) *If your office is not in the same time zone as Taipei (GMT+8), please check the time difference to ensure you do not miss the presentations.   🖥Read more here: https://lnkd.in/gku4ECmZ

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    【Recognition】Lee and Li Recognized as Tier 1 Firm in Multiple Categories in the 2024 #IP STARS (Taiwan) Rankings🎉   We are delighted to announce that Lee and Li has once again achieved high recognition in multiple categories in the 2024 IP STARS annual rankings, highlighting our expertise and capabilities in the field of intellectual property rights.   This year's rankings have honored Lee and Li with the following accolades: 🏆Copyright and Related Rights: Highly Recommended 🏆Patent Disputes: Tier 1 Law Firm 🏆Patent Prosecution: Tier 1 Law Firm 🏆Trade Mark: Tier 1 Law Firm   Furthermore, several of Lee and Li's partners, including 🏅T. C. Chiang, 🏅Ruey-Sen Tsai, 🏅Dennis Huang, 🏅Roger (張哲倫), and 🏅Gloria Lu, have been individually recognized as 2024 MIP IP Stars, further validating our exceptional performance in the industry.   📜To view full rankings, please visit the official IP STARS website: https://lnkd.in/ftpSKjp   🔗Our Latest Awards: https://lnkd.in/gt7hjD8 Managing IP #Copyright #Patent #TradeMark #IntellectualProperty

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    We were delighted to co-host the "Latest Trends and Legal Considerations for Investment in Taiwan" seminar with Atsumi & Sakai, A&S Fukuoka LPC, and the Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI). The seminar concluded successfully at the end of July. We extend our gratitude to the local organizers and all attendees for their support and assistance.   Taiwan's investment environment is rapidly evolving. For Japanese enterprises to succeed in Taiwan, it is crucial to stay informed about the latest regulatory updates and practical trends. During the seminar, our attorneys Patrick Marros Chu, Li-Tzu Lin, and Yin-Fan Chen provided Japanese companies with detailed explanations of Taiwan's regulatory landscape and investment environment, as well as key considerations for business operations. Following the seminar, they engaged with local business representatives to share the latest practical information.   📰Introduction to Lee and Li's #Japan Practice Department: https://lnkd.in/gaU3t2XZ   📸Read more about the seminar and view the event gallery at https://lnkd.in/gjw6nH7q

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    【活動報導】「租稅協定最新發展與實務常見問題、家族傳承關鍵稅務問題與CFC最新函釋」研討會圓滿成功! 本所及律盟聯合會計師事務所合辦之稅談研討會於8月15日順利落幕!研討會首先由林恆鋒律師開幕致辭,說明本次研討會議題對於企業及個人的重要性;接著余景仁會計師帶來台韓、台美租稅協定的最新動態,並分析了實務中的常見問題;陳敬宏律師(Alvin Chen)深入探討家族傳承的稅務挑戰;劉維智會計師則詳細分析CFC最新函釋對海外信託的影響。感謝各位來賓的熱情參與,為本次活動增添豐富的討論與交流,提供許多寶貴實務見解。 📰本所稅務專業工作小組: https://lnkd.in/gne7tYQN 📅理律最新研討會及活動: https://lnkd.in/eRV5Gce

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