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Our large scale £18m SHDF Wave 2 scheme on behalf of Citizen is making significant impacts in improving the energy efficiency of so many homes in Coventry, creating warmer, healthier and cheaper to heat homes. We have delivered energy efficiency improvements to over 650 properties, with residents benefitting from the installation of multiple measures such as external wall insulation, loft Insulation, replacement windows and doors and ventilation upgrades. The project utilised an innovative Permarock Products Ltd brick effect render solution and supported nearly 100 full time and part time roles, providing significant investment into the local community. Read more about the project here: Get in touch with our decarbonisation team to understand how we can help in managing and delivering your SHF Wave 3 and Local Grant schemes: #WarmHomesSHF #WarmHomesLocalGrant #WHSHF #WHLG #RetrofitDecarbonisation #EnergyEfficiency #Citizen